Saturday, 7 April 2012

[] cRvPn\n lcnZmkns� F�{Sn


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cRvPn\n lcnZmkns F{Sn

cRvPn\n lcnZmkv kn\nabntev. Nm\ t{]m{Kman AhXmcIbmsbn XtXmb Hcp ssien krjvSnsSpv t{]IcpsS {]nbcnbmbn amdnb cRvPn\n lcnZmkv aebmfkn\nabn iamb IYm]m{Xs AhXcnnpsImWvSv Actw Ipdnpp. AXpey s{]mUIvjkns _m\dn cmtPjv Aa\Ic XncYsbgpXn kwhn[m\wsNp F{Sn F Nn{XnemWv cRvPn\n lcnZmkns ]pXnb apJw.

_m_pcmPv, `KXv, BImiv AtimIv, \nlm, APp chn, AtimI, kptcjv IrjvW, Pnkv `mkvI, Sn.Fkv. cmPp, cmPvtaml Dnm, knPm tdmkv, AZnXn Nu[cn, t\l, tdmkn, Ipfpn eoe XpSnbhcmWv ap {][m\ IYm]m{Xsf AhXcnnpXv.

\Kcn ]Tnpw tamjWhpw Htct]mse sImWvSpt]mIp \mev hnZymYnI. Cu \mh kwLn\v Iqmbn Hcp hnZymYn\nbpw. ss_v tamjWamWv {][m\ tPmen. ]Ikabs ]T\n\ptijw B�`mSambn Pohnm\pw kpJnm\pambn ]WkmZ\n\mbn ss_v tamjWw tlm_nbmbn ImWph.

APp, kmK, s_n, Intjm. Cu \mev kplrpġv klmbnbmbn Fpw \ngt]mse skdo\bpWvSv. ChcpsS ieyw h[ntXmsS km tamjvSmsf IWvSp]nSnm Hcp t]meokv DtZymKs\ \nbanpp.

As\ \Kcn ]pXnb tIkt\zjWn\mbn Aknv IojW Hm^v t]meokv EjntIiv NmsPSppp. kXyk\pw [oc\pamb EjntIiv hfsc X{]cambn Imcy \on. hnPbw kp\nnXw Fp IcpXnb thfbnemWv Nne sRnp bmYmYy XncndnXv. CtXmsSmw asmcp eyhpambn t{ibm F bphXnbpw ISphcpp. XtSnbmb Fns\bpw [ocambn t\cnSp t{ib EjntIins At\zjWs kzm[o\npp. XpSpWvSmIp kw`h_lpeamb aplqfmWv F{SnbnIqsS kkvs]kv \ne\nn cmtPjv Aa\Ic ZriyhXvIcnpXv. EjntIimbn _m_pcmPv {]XysSptm t{ibbmhpXv cRvPn\n lcnZmkmWv. APp\mbn `KXpw kmKdmbn BImiv AtimIpw s_nbmbn \nlmepw Intjmdmbn {]ikvX kwhn[mbI taP chnbpsS aI APp chnbpw A`n\bnpp. AZnYn Nu[cnbmWv skdo\bmbn {]XysSpXv.

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Benefits of reciting vishnu sahasranama


Benefits of Reciting Sri Vishnu Sahasranama  Phala Sruti

  • That man who hears the names every day or who recites them every day, never meets with any evil either here or hereafter.
  • If a Brahmana does this he succeeds in mastering the Vedanta.
  • If a Kshatriya does it, he becomes always successful in battle.
  • A Vaisya, by doing it, becomes possessed of affluence.
  • A Sudra earns great happiness.
  • If one becomes desirous of earning the merit of righteousness, one succeeds in earning it (by hearing or reciting these names).
  • If it is wealth that one desires, one succeeds in earning wealth (by acting in this way).
  • So also the man who wishes for enjoyments of the senses succeeds in enjoying all kinds of pleasures, and the man desirous of offspring acquires offspring (by pursuing this course of conduct).
  • That man who with devotion and perseverance and heart wholly turned towards him, recites these thousand names of Vasudeva every day, after having purified himself, succeeds in acquiring great fame, a position of eminence among his kinsmen, enduring prosperity, and lastly, that which is of the highest benefit to him (viz., emancipation itself).
  • Such a man never meets with fear at any time, and acquires great prowess and energy. Disease never afflicts him; splendor of complexion, strength, beauty, and accomplishments become his.
  • The sick become hale, the afflicted become freed from their afflictions; the affrighted become freed from fear, and he that is plunged in calamity becomes freed from calamity.
  • The man who hymns the praises of that foremost of Beings by reciting His thousand names with devotion succeeds in quickly crossing all difficulties.
  • That mortal who takes refuge in Vasudeva and who becomes devoted to Him, becomes freed of all sins and attains to eternal Brahma.
  • They who are devoted to Vasudeva have never to encounter any evil. They become freed from the fear of birth, death, decrepitude, and disease.
  • That man who with devotion and faith recites this hymn (consisting of the thousand names of Vasudeva) succeeds in acquiring felicity of soul, forgiveness of disposition, prosperity, intelligence, memory, and fame. Neither wrath, nor jealousy, nor cupidity, nor evil understanding ever appears in those men of righteousness who are devoted to that foremost of beings.
  • This hymn in praise of the illustrious Vishnu composed by Vyasa, should be recited by that person who wishes to acquire happiness and that which is the highest benefit (viz., emancipation).
  • Those persons that worship and adore the Lord of the universe, that deity who is inborn and possessed of blazing effulgence, who is the origin or cause of the universe, who knows on deterioration, and who is endued with eyes that are as large and beautiful as the petals of the lotus, have never to meet with any discomfort.

[] Happy Easter!!

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[] ~RecipeGarden~*~ Crispy Potato (Cake)---with Butter

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[] (TNT) Bean Salad---with Vinaigrette
