personal enimity is the reason, if suraj is a problem, what about Rathi nirvedam (old & new version), avalude ravukal, etc.....? Suraj is a good comedian, with in short period he become important part of malayalam comedy. vulgarity is a part of todays culture. no problem on this coz all are enjoying this . Regards, Mohan. --- On Mon, 1/9/12, dhaneesh cheruparackal <> wrote:
Monday, 9 January 2012
Fw: Re: [] സുരാജ് .......please നിര്ത്തു ഈ അശ്ലീലം
RE: [] Mullaperiyar issue a political motive issue
the language used by prakash rao shows that he is a rogue and not in his senses.
he agrees that the agreement was entered into by maharaja of travancore (a princely state) with british govt. when both ceased to exist, the agreement is null and void.
kerala govt failed to annul the agreement when india got independence. again there is no madras presidency now and the agreement again is null and void. tn gave
devikulam and peerumedu to kerala (where there are more tamilians than malayalis) in return for getting kanyakumari (where there are more malayalis than tamils) and not
as a goodwill gesture. u must understand that trivandrum has more tamils (nadars) than the whole of TN. there are and always were nadars in the kerala ministry, to name a few
sakthan nadar, neelalohithadasan nadar and many others. even now sakthan is deputy speaker. there no malayali ministers not even MLAs in TN.
Rao agrees that the ownership of MP dam is with TN. he must also remember that if any damage occurs to third party by one's property, the owner of that property is
bound to compensate that damage. IF such an eventuality as breaking of dam occurs TN's liability will run into lakhs of crores which it can illafford.
another pertinent point is when kerala renewed the agreement in 1970, they should have rectified the tenure of the agreement to 99 years. no one can enter into an agreement
more than one generation's lifespan (considered to be 100 years). that is why all international agreements are for 99 years.
rao should remember one thing. even if there is no danger to the dam now, it will surely break within a few years. if such a thing happens, people of kerala will never allow
rao should remember one thing. even if there is no danger to the dam now, it will surely break within a few years. if such a thing happens, people of kerala will never allow
constructing another dam. in such a case TN will not have any water and 2.5 lakh acres of lands in 5 districts will be barren as pre 1895. if a new dam is built and the old dam decommissioned properly, tn will get water continuously. suppose a dam is to be built (unlikely) it will take minimum 10 years by which time tn's 5 districts will become barren!!
rao should have known that the dam was built not by 'COOK' or butler but it was Colonel J. Pennycuick. rao also seems to be illiterate and uninformed, can write only in
butler english.
another fact: sun TV is doing false propaganda to say that tamil pilgrims to Sabarimala are attacked etc to show that TN's law and order situation has deteriorated (an accusation
against Jaya). In TN prople have forgotten abt busfare hike and milk price hike when they got two controversies such as MP and Koodankulam. this is a clever tactic by the govt of TN.
there are some political parties (i don't want to name them) who will agitate for anything to show their existence.
in kerala the agitation by Kerala Congress is actually against Oommen chandy to achieve their self serving goals with an eye on Piravam bye election.
both states should wait until SC delivers its judgment shortly.
Date: Wed, 28 Dec 2011 22:48:34 +0530
Subject: RE: [] Mullaperiyar issue a political motive issue
Date: Wed, 28 Dec 2011 22:48:34 +0530
Subject: RE: [] Mullaperiyar issue a political motive issue
Dear Prakash,
By this time everybody is well aware with the issued of Mullaperiar. Both the Tamil & Kerala Govt were done lot of mistakes. The contract signed itself is a blunder mistake (I mean the estimated age of the MP dam is for 50 years and agreement if for 999 years, it is contradictory and because this itself is not valid), so forget about the agreement signed by the then government. But what ever be the mistakes, at a point we have rectify the mistakes to avoid calamities. All are well aware that the MP is now in a risky position, and have to take care to avoid danger. So think about any thing we can do for avoiding the danger, and not quarrel each other. Or otherwise a day will come then nobody can even thing of it !!!!!
This is not the time to quarrel each other in the name of keralite or tamilans….. do what we can do…. Try to make another dam and serve thamil nadu and tamilians with as much water……!!!!!
With regards
By this time everybody is well aware with the issued of Mullaperiar. Both the Tamil & Kerala Govt were done lot of mistakes. The contract signed itself is a blunder mistake (I mean the estimated age of the MP dam is for 50 years and agreement if for 999 years, it is contradictory and because this itself is not valid), so forget about the agreement signed by the then government. But what ever be the mistakes, at a point we have rectify the mistakes to avoid calamities. All are well aware that the MP is now in a risky position, and have to take care to avoid danger. So think about any thing we can do for avoiding the danger, and not quarrel each other. Or otherwise a day will come then nobody can even thing of it !!!!!
This is not the time to quarrel each other in the name of keralite or tamilans….. do what we can do…. Try to make another dam and serve thamil nadu and tamilians with as much water……!!!!!
With regards
From: [] On Behalf Of Arul Kumaran
Sent: Monday, December 26, 2011 5:05 PM
Subject: Re: [] Mullaperiyar issue a political motive issue
From: prakash surya rao <>
To: Keralites <>
Sent: Saturday, December 24, 2011 2:46 PM
Subject: Re: [] Mullaperiyar issue a political motive issue
Sent: Monday, December 26, 2011 5:05 PM
Subject: Re: [] Mullaperiyar issue a political motive issue
Dear Ashok,
Thanks for your reply, If a dam is constructed at a lower level. then how the water will be supplied to a higher partsof thekadi and TN. In Japan Railway track is running under the sea, without any problem. We are all in 21st century. there are lot of technology improvement. Instead of fighting each other, we can go for a latest technology and safeguard the existing dam. If there is no alternate solution, the only thing is to destroy the dam, then we can go for that. We are having several solutions, but the kerala politician are playing game in this issue, so there is a problem.
To: Keralites <>
Sent: Saturday, December 24, 2011 2:46 PM
Subject: Re: [] Mullaperiyar issue a political motive issue
Dear Mr. Ashok Pillai,
What a bloody statement you revealed. Remember one thing. The MP Dam is not constructed by your bloody Congress & Communist Politicians. Infact the kerala Government has no right to claim the sole proprietory of MP Dam.
Actually the agreement was entered with travancore maharaja, which area was later added in the United Kerala. Due to the foolishness of then Tamilnadu Congress Government, the area of Pirmed & Devikulam and area of MP dam site added to present Idikki District. May be they might not think that the present Achudhanandan & Oman Chandy & Malayala Manorama magazine twist the MP Dam issue to thier selfishness political reasons. Even though the expert committee have made clear that the dam have no threat even they earthquake occurs, because the dam site is in safe zone 3. The kerala bloody politicians never like the people of
of kerala & tamilnadu live happily exchanging brotherhood. The politicians live happily only on the diversity confusion in normal life of people of neighbouring states. One thing you all Keralites have to remember in mind if economic sanctions adopted by the people of Tamilnadu [what is going on now in all the 13 entrypoint of kerala] permanently, then only you will realise the real situation and throw out your bloody politicians and make sit the real politicians, who really care about the welfare of the people of kerala with neighbouring states. That day is not far. One fine morning it will happen. The Tamilians always prefer to maintain peace and smooth relationship with you. But you keralites are only self minded . The MP Dam was originally built by the vetaran English patriot Colonel Benny Cook, with his own funds, for the welfare of the people of the region related to MP Dam. the Dam was not constructed from the pockets of Achdhanandan & Oman Chandy. Because of the wrong action by the then Congress Government of Madras State, the Dam area came under Kerala State.
Even now, the Dam area is maintained by Govt. of Tamilnadu and paying royalty to the Govt. of kerala for the water used from MP Dam, and paying remuneration to the Kerala Police posted for the bandhobust of MP Dam. Educate your Government, to realise the actual fact, and practice the friendlyness with Tamilnadu [ where more keralites are living than Tamilians in Kerala] on mutual understanding. Your Government is playing drama to cheat you Keralites & Tamilians and practicing adamancy in the general life of common people of both the states, for which 'Malayala Manorama' initiated a story on MP Dam, by fabricating falls information, which made keralites & Keral Politicians selfish. Understand the fact and think for a while, whether what your politicians & Malayala manorama did is right or wrong, purviewing longstanding relationship of people of both Kerala & Tamilnadu.
Even now, the Dam area is maintained by Govt. of Tamilnadu and paying royalty to the Govt. of kerala for the water used from MP Dam, and paying remuneration to the Kerala Police posted for the bandhobust of MP Dam. Educate your Government, to realise the actual fact, and practice the friendlyness with Tamilnadu [ where more keralites are living than Tamilians in Kerala] on mutual understanding. Your Government is playing drama to cheat you Keralites & Tamilians and practicing adamancy in the general life of common people of both the states, for which 'Malayala Manorama' initiated a story on MP Dam, by fabricating falls information, which made keralites & Keral Politicians selfish. Understand the fact and think for a while, whether what your politicians & Malayala manorama did is right or wrong, purviewing longstanding relationship of people of both Kerala & Tamilnadu.
With regards - Prakash Lakshmivenkataramana
From: Ashok Pillai <>
Sent: Sat, 24 Dec 2011 13:59:59
Subject: Re: [] Mullaperiyar issue a political motive issue
Sent: Sat, 24 Dec 2011 13:59:59
Subject: Re: [] Mullaperiyar issue a political motive issue
Shri Arul,
Refer to your below statement which forced me to write few words below. See, we Keralites (including me), are wise enough to fight for right. We all in a single word ask for reconstructing the MP dam, the reason why is, this dam is built 116 years back with an assured life span of 50 years. When this was constructed, there was no latest technology available to give a life of any number of years. One side we are lucky that till this time, this MP dam did not give much trouble and could tolerate the earth quakes happened till now.
If another earth quake takes place with high magnitude, present MP dam could not be able to withstand and expect a collapse. Keeping this in mind, we all Keralites worldwide join hands together to build a new dam with latest technology. By this, we achieve our aim / target / mission to save the valuable life of more than 4 Million and the neighbor state would enjoy the water as been now.
Tamil Nadu people don't understand this and harassing malayali people there for no fault of theirs. Tamils damage the property, looting business establishments, harassing people, damaging our public transport etc etc. Can any Tamil person notice that Keralites do any such nonsenses to Tamils ? Many business establishments own by Tamils run smoothly in most parts of Kerala without any fear. Tamil people are taking undue advantage of Keralite's patience and cooperation. But how long ?
One thing Tamil Nadu people to note, this MP dam is well within the Kerala soil and we are kind enough to give water to Tamil Nadu with an invalid contract signed some time ago, by force. Tamil Nadu have no ownership on this MP dam at all. We give water to you at our mercy and on humanitarian ground.
If you people can, try to convince the public through awareness programs, road shows etc to be patient and cooperative. Extend a helping arm instead of harassing.
Thanks Shri Arul.
Refer to your below statement which forced me to write few words below. See, we Keralites (including me), are wise enough to fight for right. We all in a single word ask for reconstructing the MP dam, the reason why is, this dam is built 116 years back with an assured life span of 50 years. When this was constructed, there was no latest technology available to give a life of any number of years. One side we are lucky that till this time, this MP dam did not give much trouble and could tolerate the earth quakes happened till now.
If another earth quake takes place with high magnitude, present MP dam could not be able to withstand and expect a collapse. Keeping this in mind, we all Keralites worldwide join hands together to build a new dam with latest technology. By this, we achieve our aim / target / mission to save the valuable life of more than 4 Million and the neighbor state would enjoy the water as been now.
Tamil Nadu people don't understand this and harassing malayali people there for no fault of theirs. Tamils damage the property, looting business establishments, harassing people, damaging our public transport etc etc. Can any Tamil person notice that Keralites do any such nonsenses to Tamils ? Many business establishments own by Tamils run smoothly in most parts of Kerala without any fear. Tamil people are taking undue advantage of Keralite's patience and cooperation. But how long ?
One thing Tamil Nadu people to note, this MP dam is well within the Kerala soil and we are kind enough to give water to Tamil Nadu with an invalid contract signed some time ago, by force. Tamil Nadu have no ownership on this MP dam at all. We give water to you at our mercy and on humanitarian ground.
If you people can, try to convince the public through awareness programs, road shows etc to be patient and cooperative. Extend a helping arm instead of harassing.
Thanks Shri Arul.
2011/12/23 Arul Kumaran <>
From: venu gopal <>
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2011 2:02 PM
Dear All,
As per your statement if any massive earthquake occur, the Mullai Periyar dam will colapes. In such a case, 50kms away from the MP dam there is Iddiki dam which is 7 times bigger then MP. The earthquake will not effect the Iddiki dam and there will not be any problem to Iddiki dam and kerala. Then what you will do in that case. You all are following like a sheep without thinking. If earth quake occur it is danger not only for MP but for all the dams. The engineers constructing the dams are not fools, they know what are the precaution to be taken to avoid this type of risks. Instead of fighting each other. think positively.
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2011 2:02 PM
Dear Mr.Rao, We Keralites are very much patriotists.No doubt about it.Sir,C.P.Rmaswami Iyer Dewan of Travancore wrote once regarding the agreement, at the time of signing the agreement (in fact forced by British) Travancore Maharaja told that he is signing by using all Malayalis blood instead of ink.He had asuch a pain in signing it.If you give your property for rent and if anything going to happen will you wait for tenant's permissiom or strait away to correct it.But now keralites slogan is WATER FOR TAMIL NADU AND SAFETY FOR KERALA.Nothing else.You just try to visit MP Dam then You can find out the truth.They are worried about Kudangulam Plant because of few thousands people life but at the same time no worry about 40 laks peppole life. Regards, Venugopal --- On Sun, 18/12/11, prakash surya rao <> wrote: From: prakash surya rao <> | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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