Thursday, 18 July 2013

[] Everyone is unique - The Real Life Analogy



Once a teacher took his class to a park and asked them to observe the park for a short span of time but all of them should not move from their location. After 5 minutes teacher asked each student to share what he/she has noticed. One student mentioned that he felt cool breeze which made him fresh and energetic. All students were cheered up by listening to this comment as they also started feeling the same. Another student said that green leaves and colorful flowers are an indication of life, hope and prosperity. All students felt optimist about this comment. Another student said that the silence in the surroundings and the yellow color of some of the leaves made him sad, lonely and pessimist about life. To this comment, all other students started yelling at him about being negative. The teacher asked the student stop criticizing their fellow being and stay silent. Article written by Junaid.Tahir

The teacher then said to his students that each one of them was given the same kind of situation/circumstances however each student had different observation and feelings like being happy, sad, fresh, cheerful, pessimist, optimist etc however by logic no one was completely wrong. The Teacher further elaborated that each one of us is a unique personality. The observations and feelings of each individual can be unique however we must not disgrace anyone about what he has observed or felt. Our fellow beings can be slightly wrong, fully wrong or cent percent right at different moments in life. The uniqueness of each individual is as a result of his/her thought process, comprehension levels, mood swings, brought up, judgment style, vision knowledge of the world,analytical skills and so on. However, the wisdom is to respect the feeling and actions of each individual as much as possible. And in case we want to correct someone, we must adapt a polite and decent approach and advice to the person should not be given in public rather in private. This is to ensure that respect and dignity of the person is not compromised.

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Junaid Tahir

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[] Information: What is the role of a Copy Writer


A copywriter is skilled in the craft (and art) of writing persuasive words. These are the words you see in brochures, catalogs and advertisements even on traffic signs.

What does a copywriter actually do?

A copywriter hammers out the words that sell, promote, educate and inform.

This means a great copywriter is gifted in the craft of writing hard-hitting words. These are the words that sell all types of products and services. These words also inform and educate.

A copywriter is an expert at successfully informing and/or persuading a precise audience.

1. The decal on your car's right side mirror: "Objects in mirror are closer than they appear" was written by a copywriter.

2. The instructions on your dental floss: Okay, so there are no instructions on dental floss. But if there were, a copywriter would write: "Remove a length of floss, grab both ends, slide between teeth, saw back and forth until sink fills with blood. Repeat."

3. Unfortunately copywriting is also the words in those horrible instructions that came with your kid's swing set last Christmas.

Humor aside, copywriters are also called upon to write audio visual scripts, magazine articles, speeches, newsletters and infomercials. Literally everything from annual reports to warning signs.

The list is truly endless. And being added to daily.

What a copywriter can't do...

A copywriter cannot copyright something for you. This is the process whereby you legally protect everything from a book to a slogan. A lot of the time this happens automatically when you create something. But I suggest consulting a copyright attorney.

Since WordSleuth is no lawyer, he'll stop right here. Any knucklehead knows dispensing legal advice without attending the school that steals your soul might leave one vulnerable to litigation.

But, because the WordSleuth is a swell guy and doesn't want you stumbling around out there in cyberspace, here's where you can find the
U.S. Government's copyright site.

Why you need a professional copywriter...

You can always tell when someone is masquerading as a copywriter. Sometimes it's the owner of a business. Sometimes it's a friend or relative who got talked into it. The business owner writes about 45 years in the same location. Or about their family, or about their donations to the local scout troop. If it's the friend or relative, they write the same thing, poor saps, they're forced to do it.

Some say who better to write about a business than the owner? That's like letting a death row prisoner decide their execution date. Neither person has an impartial opinion. As a result, what ends up on the page is nothing the customer wants to hear.

Q: What does a customer want to hear?
A: What's in the bargain for them.

That's all any customer cares about. Like it or not most people are pretty greedy. So when they pry open their pocketbooks, their selfishness makes Stephen King's most evil antagonist look like the Pope. WordSleuth isn't here to philosophize about the human condition. I'm simply informing you that a professional copywriter is the person best qualified to communicate with your customers. To get through to them and increase your business, no matter what you're selling.

Copywriter Emeritus Herschel Gordon Lewis says we live in The Age of Skepticism. I'm inclined to agree. If this is the case most customers are not only greedy, but they're skeptical of anything you tell them. I can't think of a harder sell.

"Why should I buy your widget?" "Down the street they sell something just like it for 20 percent less." "Gimme a lifetime guarantee, and you got a deal." "Gimme the kitchen sink." "Gimme your first born."

The only way to handle demands like these is to educate. The customer needs to be schooled in your product's features, advantages and benefits. The features equal the advantages you have over your competition. The advantages equal the benefits your customers get from dealing only with you or your product.

The words that do this most effectively are written by a professional copywriter.

Don't believe the WordSleuth? Head over to theCopywriting Crimes page. You'll find an example of what happens when the wrong person writes copy.

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[] Stablised Power Supply for Prototyping


Stablised Power Supply for Prototyping
This stabalised power supply circuit may be directly connected to 230V AC mains to derive output voltages of 3V to 12V DC for connection to the prototyping board.

230V AC mains input is down-converted to 15V AC by step-down transformer X1, whose secondary winding can support a current of 2 amperes. A bridge rectifier converts the AC to pulsating DC with a peak voltage level of 21V (15x1.4142). LED1 lights up to indicate the availability of output from the rectifier. Resistor R1 (2.2-kilo-ohm) limits the current through LED1 to a safe value below 10 mA. The output from the bridge rectifier is smoothed by 470µF capacitor C1. Capacitor C2 bypasses high-frequency ripple.

An adjustable, LM317T series 3-terminal, positive-voltage regulator is used at the output of the rectifier section for regulation. It is capable of supplying in excess of 1.5A over 1.2V to 37V output voltage range. However, here it has been used to supply discrete voltages in steps of 3V, 5V, 6V, 9V and 12V with the help of 5-way rotary switch S2, which brings in different resistor values between Adj pin of the regulator and ground, while R2 (between Adj pin and output pin) is a fixed resistor of 220 ohms. The output voltage (Vo) is given by the relation:

where 'Rx' is the resistance connected between Adj pin of the regulator and ground.

In 12V position ('off' position of the switch), the value of Rx is R3+R4=1900 ohms, while in various other positions it is the series equivalent of 1900 ohms in shunt with another resistance selected by the rotary switch. The table shows the equivalent series resistance in various positions of the rotary switch.

Fig. 1: Adjustable power supply
Note: X1 rating in the circuit diagram is wrongly printed. That is, 15V-0-15V should be read as 0-15V.

Discrete resistor (with 1% tolerance) switching is preferred to employment of a variable resistor because the wiper contact becomes erratic after some use and the tolerance (variation with temperature) of a variable resistor is also much higher.

The LM317T regulator is to be fitted with a heat-sink between the regulator and PCB to provide the best heat transfer. Note that the higher the load current or the lower the voltage across the load, the higher will be the heat dissipation at the regulator. Assuming that you adjust the output to 3V and the load draws a current of 1.5A, there is a voltage drop of approximately 10 volts across IC1. The power dissipation at IC1 is 10×1.5=15 watts. To dissipate this heat, you must use a heat-sink of 4×10cm size or so. A 3mm aluminium plate of the mentioned size screwed to the regulator will work efficiently. A minimum voltage differential of 3 to 4V between the input and output voltages is essential for proper regulation.

Fig. 2: Pin configuration of LM317
Switch S1, transformer X1, LED1, fuse F1 and rotary switch S2 are preferably mounted suitably in a metallic box. The heat-sink (aluminium sheet) is to be inserted flat between regulator and the PCB and secured using a nut and bolt after applying some heat-sink paste on the metal portion of LM317T. Use a rotary switch mounted on the box and extend the connections from the PCB to the rotary switch position with common connection going to the pole of the rotary switch. As LM317T has built-in short-circuit protection, no fuse at its output is necessary. The circuit should be wired using a

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Re: [] Cant we Keralites survive without politically controlled government.


Very much right. Take Tamilnadu - what all reforms DMK brings the opposition AIDMK cancels when they come to power. Congress reverses what the NDA has brought in. These gimmicks (it is a gimmick) are played by the politicians. IMHO a Presidential form of Govt might be some what better though it too suffers from some defects.
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2013 8:23 PM
Subject: Re: [] Cant we Keralites survive without politically controlled government.

Democracy is the BEST form of Governance and it has been proved. But the tragedy of Indian Democracy is different. "Veli thanne Vilavu thinnuka" or "FENCE EATING AWAY THE CROP" is the situation in Indian Democracy. A nation which elects 2,920,000 Panchayath Members, 4,500 MLAs & 545 MPs + a battallion of Governors, Rajya Sabha Members & a host of Heads of Corporations will not do any good to the nation. This 5 Tier Democratic system wherein each tier you 2 warring groups, Ruling & Opposition, each tier fightin each other cannot do anything good except creating liability to the nation. What we want a small group ruling the nation with commtment have a STRONG vigilance will do wonders in the nation.

On 18 July 2013 16:41, Krishnamurthy V <> wrote:

Good, instead of corrupt democracy, you demand a dictatorship government and name it as neo democracy.

Who will suspend all political parties ? President of India, you, army general, chief justice ?  It is a wind talk
Idea is good, but you have not read the system.  Panchayat raj, municipalities, corporations are having elected
representatives .  Question is ,`what they are doing`.  Same thing as MLA OR MP does in a miniature level.
Whom, you are directing to dismiss ministers.  Who is going to suspend the constitution to do this ?  Hands
are having psoriasis or skin disease--can you cut the hand?
Governance done by majority voice of elected representatives--what is new--same thing happening even today!!
I donot go deep into bureaucrats to be hunted military shall be allowed to run parallel government-because
First part, that dismissal of govt officials not happening, military is already coming under listed corrupts and
once they become alternative police, You will not be able to put your anti-establishment ideas even in net
because you will have no internet in jail

On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 7:17 AM, GROUPS <> wrote:
Some additional suggestions:
1.    Suspend all political parties and their activities.
2.    Elect candidates from village/town/cities based on their merits
3.   These should decide issues based on majority at Parliament and advise the CEO (be it a Prime Minister/President/CEO) for execution
4.    Dismiss  all ministers and their private staff.
5.    Suspend all Trade and Labor unions based on Political parties. Union leaders are to be elected on merits and they should be employees ( not outsiders) from the respective Organisations
4.    Governance to be done by the majority voice of elected representatives.
6.   Strong judiciary to overlook all bureaucratic work as per constitution.
5.    A board of Senior officers should be given powers to terminate services of  inefficient, corrupt and indiscipline staff of all Govt organizations/Firms/police/Vigilance etc.  This will get rid of perhaps more than 50% of the current staff. This will make the system more efficient and save substantial financial resources; And will provide sufficient Funds for development.
6.    Army/Military to augment and supervise Law and Order enforcement .
and many more................................. but this will do to start with !
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 4:44 PM
Subject: Re: Fwd: [] Cant we Keralites survive without politically controlled government.
Certainly it is high time , a Govrnmt controlled by politicians is done away with. Politicians have been polluting the lives of common man by the unethical, and corrupt ways for their own selfish motives.Particularly in Kerala it is reaching  a point of no return.
So what are the options ?????
Some suggestions below:-

1.    Suspend all political parties and their activities.
2.    Dismiss  all ministers and their private staff.
3.     Suspend all Trade and Labor unions based on Political parties. Union leaders are to be elected on merits and they should be employees ( not outsiders) from the respective Organisations
4.    Governanence to be done by the beurocratic machinery, supervised by Judiciary.
5.    A board of Senior officers should be given powers to terminate services of  inefficient, corrupt and indisciplined staff of all Govmt organisations/Firms/police/Vigilence etc.  This will get rid of perhaps more than 50% of the current staff. This will make the system more efficient and save subtansial financial resources; And will provide sufficient Funds for devolopment.
6.    Army/Military to augment and supervise Law and Order enfocement

Any more suggestions?? Can we do the above?? Your comments please.
Warm regards,

From: ICS MENON <>
To: kr rajan <>
Sent: Monday, 15 July 2013 5:08 PM
Subject: Re: Fwd: [] Cant we Keralites survive without politically controlled government.
politicians do all sorts of crimes and to survive the cases against them, the capture power and scrap the cases.  this is what is going on.  democracy to do non-senses by goons and rowdies.  they can kill anybody and come to power to avoid cases of crimes against them.  this will continue if the democracy of this type continues.

From: kr rajan <>
Sent: Monday, 15 July 2013 9:01 PM
Subject: Fwd: [] Cant we Keralites survive without politically controlled government.
we are in a democratic nation ,what u mean this ."why not we think about entrusting the govermental activities with the Executives and Judiciary voting out all political parties."manipulate all news from  media  for the sack of their own partiality (like paid news also).vote out all politicians and elect independent candidates-they are all of them go to their own way of existences like past non confidence motion in Loksabha. we do not help true politics and political parties.your arguments  also help only UPA for exploiting nation.Yes u actually  help political business in India.please u realise right policy and political parties if u can.  I hope Mr.
ICS MENON change your mind in clear way.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kr rajan <>
Date: Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 9:00 PM
Subject: Re: [] Cant we Keralites survive without politically controlled government.

we are in a democratic nation ,what u mean this ."why not we think about entrusting the govermental activities with the Executives and Judiciary voting out all political parties."manipulate all news from  media  for the sack of their own partiality (like paid news also).vote out all politicians and elect independent candidates-they are all of them go to their own way of existences like past non confidence motion in Loksabha. we do not help true politics and political parties.your arguments  also help only UPA for exploiting nation.Yes u actually  help political business in India.please u realise right policy and political parties if u can.  I hope Mr.
ICS MENON change your mind in clear way.

On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 1:48 PM, ICS MENON <> wrote:


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