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Nine Foods That Prevent and Combat Diabetes

Can controlling your blood sugar levels and preventing Diabetes complications can be as simple as eating the right foods? The answer is yes. Certain foods are overflowing with nutritional substances that stabilize the blood sugar levels, protect out heart, and even save our vision from the harmful effects of Diabetes. 

The following 9 foods can give us all a great advantage in our war against Diabetes:

1. Apples

At a long-term research in Finland, researchers found that men who ate the largest amount of apples had 20% less diabetes or heart associated death. Their research indicated that the active ingredient responsible for this was quarastin.

If you can't find apples or don't like them (rare but happens), other lesser but still good sources of quercetin are onions, tomatos, green vegtables and forest berries. So yes kids, your mother is right, eat more greens!
2. Cinnamon

A research in Mariland, at the Human Nutrition institute, found that if you add just half a spoon of Cinnamon a day to your diet, your cells will gradually become more sensitive to insuling. This means that they will metabolise sugar into energy in a more efficient process, and so will control the blood sugar levels better.

Diabetes patients who received an extract of cinnamon every day for 40 days straight experienced a noticeable reduction of sugar levels in the blood after eating, as well as marked improvements to the health of their hearts. 

Don't forget - You can add cinnamon to almost anything. So keep it handy when cooking and add just a bit every day, it may prolong your life!

3. Citrus Fruits

As you may already know, people who suffer from diabetes often have a shortage in vitamin C. So citrus fruits, chalk full of vitamin C as well as loads of antioxidants - are a great choice. 

More importantly - Yummy.

4. Cold Water Fish

As if getting Diabetes isn't hell enough, those that suffer this disease have doubled their chance to suffer from heart disease. That is why a diet rich in the Omega-3 amino acid, also known as 'the good fat' in cold water fish, can help reduce the levels of 'bad' cholesterol while raising the levels of 'good' cholesterol. 

5. Foods rich in fiber

Not only does it help reduce those frequent trips to the bathroom, but a research at the unviersity of Texas found that people who have raised their daily fiber intake from 24 grams to 50, have experienced dramatic improvements to their blood sugar levels. In fact, the fiber rich diet is no less effective than certain diabetes medicines.

6. Legumes

Legumes are a great addition to soups, salads and a variety of other foods. This low fat, low calorie ingreidient is also rich in fiber and proteins, and helps to reduce the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. The fibers slow the release of glucose to the blood, which prevents the rise in blood sugar leve

8. Dark Chocolate

Researchers at Tufts university found that dark chocolate can improve the cells sensitivity to insulin (much like cinammon as we've mentioned) and may reduce the risk of diabetes.

Dark chocolates, especially those that haven't gone through much processing, tend to contain more of substances called flavonoids, as well as less saturated fat than does milk chocolate. However, Cocoa powder and baking chocolate may offer a higher concenrtration of flavonoids than dark chocolate does. To those who like White chocolate, we have bad news - they typcially contain none.

 7. Green Tea 

Research shows that chronic inflammation caused by fat-rich foods, little to no excersize and a diet lacking in the proper amounts of fruits, vegetables and 'good' fat - can increase your chances of getting hit with a cardiovascular disease and sabotage the body's attempts to absorb the sugar in your blood. 

Simple solution: Drink green tea and orange juice. They are filled to the brim with substances that prevent and fight inflammation. 

The green tea is also a wonderful source of antioxidants.

9. Vinegar

Two spoons of vinegar taken before a meal can help reduce our blood sugar levels, according to a research held at the university of Arizona, testing three groups of people: Healthy, Showing early diabetes signs, and full on diabetes.

The results: An hour after taking the vinegar, the diabetes patients had a 25% reduction in their blood sugar levels. To the healthy and those with early signs of diabetes the news was even better - A 50% reduction in their blood sugar levels. 




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How to Get Rid of a Fruit Fly Infestation

Fruit flies are such an annoyance. One day you see a few, the next it's a whole infestation in your kitchen, ruining your food as well as your day. Getting rid of these pint-size insects is a hassle, and that is why I've brought you a handy guide for getting rid of these intruders. 

Start with the first steps, which will ensure that your house stops being an attractive target for breeding, and then move to the latter steps for tips on attacking those remaining flies and getting rid of them. 
1. Get rid of all and any rotting fruit and vegetables

The very first thing you should do when you see even a few fruit flies at home is to cleanse your produce. Anything that has gone past ripe, has been cut or broken, or is oozing liquid - should be thrown out. However, don't just throw it in the garbage or compost bin (unless they are located at a distance from your home). Put it in a closed bag and throw it away, then clean up whatever residue is left behind.

2. Time to empty and then clean your recycling can/bin.

Fruit flies love places that have sugar, have fermented and have a little moisture to them. Common examples are beer cans, wine bottles and empty soda cans. After you've gotten rid of the produce, go into your recycling bin and take all the bottles and cans out, you can store them somewhere safe, sealed and dry until pickup comes along. Then give the bin itself a good cleaning.

3. Have compost? Take it outside.

First off, if you turn your kitchen scraps into compost, I salute you. That's a great thing to do. However, if you have fruit flies buzzing around, it's time to thoroughly clean the compost bin and make sure nothing is left indoors until your infestation is no more. Any containers involved should also be thoroughly cleaned and scrubbed.

4. Time to replace those old mops, sponges and dishrags.

After a while, the moisture in these old fabrics becomes a great breeding ground for microbes and insect eggs. If it's been a while since you've changed your sponges, or if they have not been left dry but have been soaked or moist all this time - you need to replace them.

5. It's the dishes' turn
Don't wait too long to wash those dishes, especially if there is still food residue on them, and especially if that residue is sugary or fermented. If you have a dishwasher, rinse the dishes well and load it as soon as possible.

6. Now check the other hiding place for flies: Potato and onion storage
Most people keep their onion, potatoes and other root vegetables somewhere dark and cool. These places get easily get a little rot in them and become a haven for fruit flies. It only takes one moldy spud to keep that fly population alive in your kitchen. After you've dealt with the flies' 'main attractions', go to wherever you are keeping these, get rid of any produce that is mushy or soft and give the place a good scrubbing too.

7. Go on the offensive: Place vinegar traps in problematic places.
At times, the quickest way to dispatch a population of invading insects is to kill the reproducing males. Fortunately, it's easy to trick fruit flies into thinking almost anything is fermenting fruit. Place a number of cider vinegar traps around the house, especially at all the dark moist areas that seem like a good habitat for the flies. 

Here's what you'll need:
Apple cider vinegar | A glass or cup | a plastic baggie big enough for the glass to fit in | A rubber band | Scissors

How to create the vinegar trap:
1. First, Pour about an inch (2-3 cm) of apple cider vinegar into the glass. 

2. Then, Snip the corner off the plastic baggie with your scissors, It should be a that is just big enough for fruit flies to fly through, but not so large it'll be easy for them to escape.

3. Next, place the baggie over the glass with the vinegar and position it so that the hole you made is over the center. 

4. Push the corner you cut into the glass so the baggie forms a kind of funnel, but doesn't actually touch the vinegar inside. It may take a few tries, so be patient.

5. Once this is done, use the rubber band to secure the baggie to the glass and your trap is done!  Place these traps in the places most rife with infestation, even after you've cleaned them.
8. Continue the attack with a sticky fly swatter.

For those flies that are still buzzing around, even though you've left them very little place by now to land, there is always the option of brute strength. However, because they are so tiny and quick, it's almost impossible to swat them, unless you make this sticky swatter.

Get a Styrofoam plate and coat it with cooking spray. Now, as you swat at these pesky insects, they will stick to the plate, and you can later wash them down the drain.
9. Not enough? Use a blow dryer

It's time to get tough with these little bastards. Get your blow dryer and aim it AWAY from the flies buzzing around. The other side will suck them in as they approach it, and they will burn by the heat inside. You can always clean it later, first win the war.

10. Burn incense

Fruit flies have a very small, and very delicate, respiratory system. This mean they need a constant supply of clean, fresh air, which they won't get if you burn incense around them. They will hate it and back away or risk dying slowly from lack of oxygen. 


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Online Relaxation Exercises

On this page you will find a variety of relaxation exercises as QuickTime files that you can play on your computer. These relaxation exercises were developed by Prentiss Price-Evans, Ph.D. Please contact me with questions.

About Relaxation

The ability to relax is important in effectively managing stress and anxiety. When we feel stressed, our bodies react with what is called the "fight or flight" response. Our muscles become tense, our heart and respiration rates increase, and other physiological systems become taxed. Without the ability to relax, chronic stress or anxiety can lead to burnout, anger, irritability, depression, medical problems, and more.
Allowing yourself to deeply relax is the exact opposite of the "fight or flight" response. Herbert Benson (1975) described what he referred to as the "relaxation response." This is the body's ability to experience a decrease in heart rate, respiration rate, blood pressure, muscle tension, and oxygen consumption.

How Relaxation Exercises Can Help

There are many benefits to being able to induce the "relaxation response" in your own body. Some benefits include a reduction of generalized anxiety, prevention of cumulative stress, increased energy, improved concentration, reduction of some physical problems, and increased self-confidence (Bourne, 2000).
Relaxation exercises can be a powerful weapon against stress. The following are some important facts about stress:
  • 43% of adults experienced adverse health effects from stress
  • 75-90% of visits to a physician's office are for stress-related conditions and complaints
  • Stress has been linked to the 6 leading causes of death: heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver, and suicide
  • The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has declared stress a hazard of the workplace
  • In the workplace, stress may be related to lost hours due to absenteeism, reduced productivity, and worker's compensation benefits. This costs the American industry more than $300 billion annually.
Source: Miller, Smith & Rothstein (1994)

It's a Skill!

Utilizing a relaxation exercise to help reduce stress or anxiety is like learning to ride a bicycle for the first time. It is a skill that takes time and practice to do it effectively! We cannot expect to develop a relaxation skill after trying it one or two times, just as we cannot ride a bike well when we first try. Relaxation exercises can seem deceptively simple at first, but using them well when stress is high requires practice.

Getting the Most Out of the Online Relaxation Exercises

For each of the relaxation exercises below, it is recommended that you find a nice, quiet place where you know you will not be disturbed for the duration of the exercise. correct postureFind a comfortable chair that will allow you to sit up straight using good posture (see photo). How you sit in your chair is important for maximum benefit. Push the small of your back to the rear of the chair and sit upright. This will allow you to take long smooth breaths, and your lungs to fully expand with oxygen. Do not cross your arms or legs, but sit with your legs at a ninety degree angle. Rest your arms comfortably in your lap without using armrests. If you use armrests, this might lead to muscle tension in your shoulders, neck and back.
Many people prefer to close their eyes during these relaxation exercises. If you do not wish to close your eyes, you might find a fixed point in the room and let your gaze fall upon it. Discontinue the exercise if you experience physical or emotional discomfort.
You might try each of the relaxation exercises offered on this page. Many people find that they prefer one or two more than the others. When you find which one/s you like, it is recommended that you practice them every day so you can build the skill and make the exercise more effective for you. We suggest that you start with the "Diaphragmatic Breathing" as this is an important introduction for the other exercises.

Playing the Audio Clips on Your Computer

The relaxation exercises below may be played using QuickTime. If you do not have QuickTime, please download the latest version by clicking on the icon below.

Diaphragmatic Breathing

It is recommended that you begin with this relaxation exercise. In this introduction, you'll learn how to make relaxation exercises work effectively for you. Skills for proper breathing tecnhiques are demonstrated. Presented by Dr. Allan Vives (length: 9:13). Go to the Diaphragmatic Breathing audio file.

Deep Breathing: I

Enjoy being guided step-by-step through deep breathing exercises that will give your lungs a pleasant, soothing workout. Learn to pace your breathing for maximum effect. Presented by Dr. Jodi Caldwell (length: 6:43). Go to the Deep Breathing I audio file.

Deep Breathing: II

In this meditative exercise you will learn to focus on your breathing and allow intrustive thoughts to melt away. This skill is good for taking a break during a busy day. Presented by Dr. Prentiss Price (length: 7:28). Go to the Deep Breathing II audio file.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Learn to recognize when and where you hold tension in your body and how to effectively release it, allowing yourself to fully relax. Presented by Dr. Tobin Lovell (length: 8:39). Go to the Progressive Muscle Relaxation audio file.

Guided Imagery: The Beach

Take a mini-vacation as you are guided through the sights, sounds, smells, and sensations of a pleasant walk along the beach. The "best" version of this audio file has sounds of the ocean in the background. Presented by Dr. Prentiss Price (length: 6:06). Go to the Guided Imagery: The Beach audio file.

Guided Imagery: The Forest

Let yourself be guided on a peaceful walk through a beautiful, lush forest near a trickling stream. The "best" version of this audio file has sounds of the forest in the background. Presented by Dr. Chuck Zanone (length: 7:07). Go to the Guided Imagery: The Forest audio file.

Relaxing Phrases

Sometimes it is helpful to repeat certain phrases to yourself in order to deepen your state of relaxation. A series of phrases are presented by Dr. Wendy Wolfe (length: 6:14). Go to the Relaxing Phrases audio file.

Mindfulness Meditations

Introduction: Much of the emotional distress people experience is the result of thinking about upsetting things that have already happened or anticipating negative events that have yet to occur. Distressing emotions such as anger, anxiety, guilt, and sadness are much easier to bear if you only focus on the present - on each moment one at a time. These are exercises to increase your mindfulness of the present moment so that you can clear away thoughts about past and future events. These meditations are presented by Dr. Wendy Wolfe.
I. Just This Breath. (6:39)

II. Increasing Awareness. (7:52)

V. Sorting Into Boxes. (7:17)

Adapted from: Linehan, M. M. (1993). Skills training manual for treating borderline personality disorder. NY: The Guilford Press.


Benson, H. (1975). The relaxation response. New York, NY: Morrow.
Bourne, E. (2000). The anxiety and phobia workbook. (3rd. ed). Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, Inc.
Miller, L., & Smith, A. D., Rothstein, L. (1994). The stress solution: An action plan to manage the stress in your life. New York, NY: Pocket Books.



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