Friday, 12 October 2018

[] Why are apples so Healthy?


 Why Are Apples So Healthy?
We all know that old saying: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away."
But have you ever wondered why that is? How one apple a day can bring about significant health benefits? If you have, then you'll be glad to read this article. From strengthening the immune system, through preventing cancerous growths and to losing weight, say hello to your one apple a day!

How do apples help us?
An important research published in 2008 by the German cancer research center, showed that apples offer a significant health advantage. When comparing between a group that had less than one apple per day and a group that had one or more apples a day, the latter was found to have less risk of mouth cancer, larynx cancer, breast cancer, intestinal cancer, kidney cancer and ovarian cancer.
These findings support a new research performed at Cornell university, showing that the peel of the apple has strong anti-oxidant properties, a powerful block against the influences of breast cancer cells. Researchers found that the higher the concentration of apples, the lower the concentration of cancerous cells.
Cancerous growths are uncontrollable growths of cells independently spreading through the body. The growths are based on three principal levels: The first stage causes mutations in cell DNA. The second, when the growth becomes malignant and grows faster, and finally when it metastases and spreads throughout the body.
In the case of a cancerous growth, apples aren't only used as anti-oxidants, but also improve the function of the immune system, which helps clean out the growths at the early stages.
In addition to boosting the immune system and fighting cancerous growths, apples also help control the levels of cholesterol and sugars in the blood, prevent heart disease and improve mouth hygiene. The fact that they contain more than 80% water and a long line of essential vitamins, makes them one of the healthiest foods available.
The secret? The nutritional fibers
Apples are considered a vital source of nutritional fibers. Eating one apple a day (with peel) can award us about 4.4 grams of nutritional fibers, which is 1/5 of our entire day's recommended amount.
Nutritional fibers are materials found in foods that come from plants, and have a very important role in stimulating the digestive system and encouraging its function. Since they are not digested and taken apart in the body, they sate our hunger for a longer period of time. Extensive research has shown that those that do not get their daily recommended amount (at least 25 grams a day), deny themselves a host of health benefits. In addition, the researchers found that consuming these fibers is quite the effective method of losing weight.
The secret is in the chewing. Drinking apple juice will not bring about the same health benefits. We'd be happy to receive the essential sugars and vitamins, but we would not get the fibers.
A research conducted in China found that chewing can help the body regulate the amount of calories it absorbs from food.
What does this have to do with apples?
Everything. Apples are a terrific source of nutritional fibers, especially a group of fibers called Pectin. This is a group of complex carbohydrates that regulate our bowels, improve good cholesterol rates and is a powerful anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial.
Researchers from UCLA have shown that consuming pectin instead of regular fibers, doubles the time it takes the stomach to empty from one hour to two. Meaning that we don't feel hungry for a longer time. In fact, a recent research paper entitled: "Weight Loss Associated with a Daily Intake of Three Apples or Three Pears among Overweight Women", shows that women who were overweight and were instructed to eat an apple or pear before each meal, lost significant weight, just for doing so. The women in the experiment were asked to eat regularly and just add the apple before the meal. What happened was that the apples and fibers crowded the stomach, increased the feeling of being full, and made the body absorb less calories.

Other sources of nutritional fibers are: Pears, Peaches, peas, carrots, seeds, nuts, peel of fruits and vegetables, legumes, whole grains, oats and whole wheat. But apples offer many more advantages.
So if you want to:
Lose weight, eat one apple a day.
Strengthen your immune system, eat one apple a day.
Control the level of cholesterol, eat one apple a day.
Prevent the spread of cancerous cells, eat one apple a day.
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[] Celebrations


Navratri is traditionally celebrated in honour of Devi, the Divine Mother. The Divine Mother is symbolic of energy, a manifestation of the Divine itself. Each day of Navratri we honour specific qualities of divinity with different homas and with different intentions. It is this energy, which helps God to proceed with the work of creation, preservation and destruction. Shakti means strength, power and energy, the womb for all creation, expressed as the mother aspect of the Divine. Shakti is the seed for all dynamism, radiance, beauty, equanimity, peace and nourishment.
Shakti is the life-force.. There are five aspects of creation: Asti, is-ness; bhati, knowledge and expression; Preeti, love; nama, name and rupa, form. Matter has two aspects, name and form. Consciousness has three aspects, asti, bhati and preeti. Maya is ignorance or delusion, not being aware of the three aspects of consciousness and getting caught up in name and form. Different functional aspects of the divine energy, Shakti, have different names and forms. The "i" (ee) in Shakti is energy.
Without the "i", "Shiva" becomes "shava" which in Sanskrit means lifeless. There are seven centres of energy or Shakti in the body called chakras in Sanskrit. In the Saktha system of worship, there is focus on all the energy centers. The Sri Chakra is thought to represent the whole body with the Devi in different forms, residing in different chakras. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, has spoken in detail about the chakras. He says, "Different emotions are linked with each of these energy centres.
" The first chakra, muladhara, is located in the base of the spine. Here, the energy manifests as inertia or enthusiasm. The Devi residing in this chakra is five-faced representing the five sense organs. Musical instruments are also associated with these energy centres. Sound vibrations produced by bass drums are connected to this chakra. The second chakra, swadhistana is the sex centre just four inches above the base of the spine. Here energy manifests as pro-creativity or creativity. Here, the Divine mother has four faces representing the four Vedas.
The third chakra, manipura, is the navel centre where energy manifests as four emotions: Generosity, joy, greed and jealousy (two positive and two negative emotions). Here, Devi has three faces representing srishti (creation), stith (maintenance) and laya (dissolution). Wind instruments like trumpets and clarinets are connected to this energy centre. The fourth Chakra, anahata, is located in the chest region where energy manifests as three emotions- love, fear and hatred.. Devi is represented with two faces, signifying inward and outward focus.
This energy centre is influenced by the sound vibrations of string instruments like the violin and harp. The fifth Chakra, vishuddhi, is located in the throat region where energy manifests as two emotions – gratitude and grief. In the vishuddhi chakra, Devi's form has a single face. She is beyond all duality. The melody of the flute connects with this chakra. The sixth Chakra, ajna, is located between the eyebrows where energy manifests as anger and alertness. Here, Devi is six-faced, representing the five senses (sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste) and the mind.
Cymbals, chimes and bells connect with this energy centre. The seventh chakra, sahasrara, is located on the top of the head where energy manifests as bliss. It is also called brahmarandhra. Devi is represented as a fully blossomed lotus of a thousand petals. All the qualities in creation belong to her and are blossomed to their complete potential. The conch is the musical instrument connected with this energy centre. .
By Bhanumathi Narasimhan, Art of Living Foundation.
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[] Navaratri colours


Navratri Colours: 
Know the 9 different dress colours to wear on each day during this Navratri!
Durga Puja and Navratri festival is celebrated by worshiping Goddess Durga and her different avatars. The nine day festival Navratri ended. On this auspicious festival devotees worship nine Devi's and also fast for all the nine days. Navratri Puja starts with Shailputri Maa and Goddess of Navadurga. The festival ends on a good note with Siddhidatri Mata's puja.(Read: Navratri Significance of the 9-day Indian festival)
Dussehra falls on the 10th day and is celebrated with lot of zeal and enthusiasm. Diwali, the festival of lights, is celebrated 20 days after Dussehra. Navrati is not just about playing Dandiya and Garba Raas but it's also about the excitement of wearing those nine bright colors which are to be worn to worship Goddess Durga.
Here we have noted down the list of nine different colours which people are supposed to wear during the nine days of festivity. We provide you with 9 different shades of happiness and their importance. Happy Navratri to everyone out there, hope the Goddess showers her blessings and fulfills your wishes.
First Day – Ghatasthapana / Pratipada (– Red
Devotees worship Shailaputri Maa, the first form of Goddess Durga on the first day of Navadurga. The idol of Goddess is dressed in a bright red saree while the Ghatasthapana setup of earthen pot is being done. The colour to wear around the initial day for devotees is bright Red.
Second Day – Dwitiya - Royal Blue
Bharmacharini is the second form of Goddess which is worshipped on the second day. There is a mythological story which says that this goddess enlightens elegant forms with power, divine and spiritual grace. The colour of the day for devotees to wear on this auspicious day is Royal Blue.
Third Day – Tritiya – Yellow
The third appearance of the goddess is Chandraghanta, which symbolises peace, serenity, beauty and bravery in one's life. The Goddess is dressed in White attire. Yellow is the colour of the day and Sindhoor Tritiya Sowbhagya Teej is also observed on this day.
Fourth Day – Chaturthi – Green
Kushmanda is the fourth form of goddess worshipped on the fourth day of Navratri. She is considered as the creator of the entire universe. The goddess is draped in Red saree and on this day Bhouma Chaturthi is followed. The colour for the fourth day to be worn is Green.
Fifth Day – Panchami – Grey
Skandamata the fourth avatar of Maa Durga who is has been known for demolishing the demons. Upang Lalitha Gauri Vrata is observed on this day. On the fifth day of Navratri that is known as Panchami, devotees are supposed to wearGrey as the goddess is dressed in a Blue saree.
Sixth Day - Shashti - Orange
Katyayani another avatar of Goddess Durga worshipped on the sixth day of Navratri. She is dressed in Yellow saree on the sixth day of Navratri and Maha Shashti is celebrated. People are supposed to wear Orange attire on this day.
Seventh Day – Saptami – ( – White
Kaalratri the seventh figure of Goddess Durga who is known to protect all her devotees from trouble and negative powers. People say that she grants her devotees with freedom and happiness. The goddess on this day is supposed to be adorned with a Green coloured saree. It is the beginning of Maha Saptami wherein Utsava Puja is performed.. The colour of the day is White.
Eighth Day – Ashtami ( – Pink
Maha Gauri eighth avatar of Goddess Durga who is worshipped on this day. She is regarded for forgiving the sins of her devotees and also helping them to get purified. The goddess is dressed in Peacock Green colour on Durga Ashtami. On this day, Saraswati Mata Puja is conducted whole-heartedly and Pink is regarded as the colour of the day for all the devotees.
Ninth Day/ Tenth Day – Navami / Dashmi / Dussehra (– Sky Blue
Siddhidatri is the last form of Maa Durga who is known to have great supernatural powers. The goddess is dressed in Purple attire and Maha Navami puja is done. Kanya puja is also done on this auspicious day.Sky Blue is the colour for the last day.
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