Thursday, 18 April 2019

[] Are You Diabetic?


Are you diabetic?
Do you feel numbness and tingling in your hands and legs often? If these symptoms are followed by tiredness, muscular cramps and indigestion, it is time to seek medical help. These signs indicate diabetic neuropathy.
Diabetic people have the tendency to develop neuropathy. It is a condition in which the peripheral nerves get damaged in the body due to diabetes. It makes you experience tingling or pain in your feet or hands generally. Although it commonly affects feet and hands, it can potentially afflict any part of your body.
Almost half the people with diabetes are susceptible to developing diabetic neuropathy with time. It can occur either due to type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Most of the people with nerve damage are unaware of this condition, till it is diagnosed by the doctor during routine checkup.
Symptoms of Diabetic Neuropathy
The symptoms of diabetic neuropathy vary from person to person. The damage to the nerves may happen in any part of the body. These symptoms generally come up in cases of diabetes that are more than 25 years old. Here are some of common signs of nerve damage due to diabetes:
Pain, numbness, tingling in hands, feet, arms, thighs and legs
Degeneration of muscles in feet or hands
Constipation or diarrhea
Nausea, vomiting or indigestion
Erectile dysfunction in men
Vaginal dryness in women
Urinary problems
Dizziness due to drop in blood pressure after suddenly standing up
Sharp pain or cramps in the body
These symptoms of diabetic neuropathy are not comprehensive. There are different types of diabetic neuropathy with varying symptoms.
What causes Diabetic Neuropathy?
Diabetic neuropathy is basically caused by prolonged high blood glucose levels in the body. However, the nerve damage happens due to the combinations of other factors too. They are:
Unhealthy lifestyle:
a) An unhealthy lifestyle consisting of a diet lacking in nutritional value and no physical workouts may lead to diabetic neuropathy.
b) Binging on fast food, processed food and high calorie and oily foods may make you obese and cause nerve damage. Low metabolism due to lack of exercise is another triggering factor.
c) Smoking and consuming alcohol in any form are also immensely responsible for causing diabetic nerve damage.
Metabolic factors:
a) Having a medical history of uncontrolled high blood sugar levels is another major trigger of diabetic neuropathy.
b) Abnormal blood fat levels and low level of insulin in your body are potential reasons for causing nerve damage in diabetics.
c) Hypertension is another risk factor for this condition.
Neurovascular factors:
a) With high levels of blood sugar in your body, the blood vessels that carry healthy nutrients and oxygen to the nerves get damaged. This causes symptoms of diabetic neuropathy.
b) Inflammation of nerves may also make you develop symptoms of diabetic neuropathy.
Genetic disposition:
If you have a genetic history of diabetic neuropathy running in your family, then you are also prone to developing it.
If you are diabetic and over 40 years of age, symptoms of diabetic neuropathy have a higher chance of showing up.
Now that we know the major causes of diabetic neuropathy, it will be useful to know about the different types of diabetic neuropathies and how you can diagnose and treat them.
How to identify different types of diabetic neuropathy?
Diabetic neuropathy is of different types. Their common signs and symptoms are as follows:
A. Peripheral Neuropathy:
As the name implies, it affects the peripheral areas of your body. It includes toes, feet, legs, thighs, hands and arms. Peripheral neuropathy can cause ulcers which if ignored can cause amputation.
Its common symptoms are:
Tingling sensation
Loss of sensitivity
A burning feeling
Painful cramps
Losing body balance
B. Autonomic Neuropathy:
It affects the functions of your bowel and bladder, digestion, perspiration and sexual response. If left untreated, autonomic neuropathy can lead to a condition of unawareness of hypoglycemia. This is a very dangerous condition where diabetics do not experience symptoms of low blood sugar levels anymore.
This neuropathy also adversely affects the nerves that are related to your heart and its blood vessels, lungs and eyes.
C. Proximal Neuropathy:
This type of neuropathy affects your hips, thighs, buttocks and weakens your legs. It causes muscular weakness and pain. It generally happens in type 2 diabetics and afflicts the elderly.
D. Focal Neuropathy:
It makes any nerve or a bunch of nerves weak in the body that causes pain and weakness in muscles. Focal neuropathy may cause conditions like retinopathy, double vision, focus problem, pain behind the eye, paralysis, lower back pain and other painful conditions.
What is the best way to prevent Diabetic Neuropathy?
Diabetic neuropathy can be prevented by proper diabetes management. By keeping your blood glucose levels under control, the risk for developing neuropathies due to diabetes goes down. It helps protect your nerves from getting damaged.
DIY Remedies to counter diabetic neuropathy!
Make your nerves strong:
Mix 300 ml carrot juice and 200 ml spinach juice. Drink this mixture 2-3 times a week. It will help alleviate the pain and strengthen the nervous system.
Use essential oils:
Applying aromatherapy helps relax your muscles and relieves pain. Essential oil extracts of lavender and geranium are beneficial. You may rub a few drops of essential oil on your feet and hands or add a few drops to your bathing water.
Add supplements:
Taking Vitamin B supplements immensely helps boost your nervous system. Consult your health care expert for the recommended dosage suited to your condition.
Be active:
Exercise daily. It will help improve blood circulation and oxygen flow to your legs and feet. Walking will ease the cramps and pain, if done on a regular basis. It will also help lower high blood sugar levels. So, take a walk daily for a minimum of 20 minutes.
Lose excess weight:
Shed the excess weight to keep your cholesterol and blood glucose levels under control. You can combine a healthy diet and workout regimen to attain and maintain your ideal body weight.
Take warm water baths:
A warm bath relaxes tired muscles and helps you relax. Blood flow improves to your legs and other body parts thereby alleviating pain. Remember to check the water temperature with your hands instead of your foot before stepping into a bath tub.
Take good care of your feet:
-Keep your feet and nails clean to avoid infection.
-If there is any wound or cut in the feet seek medical care immediately.
-Wear socks and comfortable shoes to protect your feet from infection and injury.
-Avoid doing activities that may injure your feet in any way.
Start eating healthy:
Include a lot of roughage and nutrients to your diet. Fresh fruits, leafy greens, salads, soups, juices, nuts, seeds, low fat dairy products, whole grains and cereals go a long way in ensuring a healthy body. They are full of antioxidants that prevent nerve damage and control your blood sugar levels.
Quit smoking and alcohol:
Smokers are more likely to experience poor circulation in their feet than diabetics who do not smoke. Same goes for alcoholics. So, quit smoking and drinking habits immediately to cut down the risk for diabetic neuropathy.
Try capsaicin:
You may apply capsaicin cream to your feet and hands to relieve pain due to diabetic neuropathy. Some people may experience skin irritation as a side effect.
Beneficial Herbs for treating Diabetic Neuropathy
Flaxseed oil: Add flaxseed oil in your diet. Flaxseed is full of omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 essential fatty acids reduce inflammation of nerves that helps in preventing nerve damage and even helps in healing damaged nerves.
Ginger tea: Ginger helps in lowering nerve inflammation and helps in healing nerve damage. You may sip ginger tea regularly. It is very easy to make. Boil a cup of water and add chopped ginger slices to it. Let it steep for 5-10 minutes and your tea is ready.
Fennel seeds: Chew fennel seeds to improve your digestion that gets adversely affected due to diabetic neuropathy.
Castor oil: Castor oil helps treat foot neuropathy. Apply a cotton flannel soaked in castor oil on the affected body area. You may also take it in gel form after consulting your doctor.
Sugar lowering herbs: Herbs that help lower your blood sugar levels are beneficial in preventing nerve damage due to diabetic neuropathy. Holy basil, jamun and fenugreek are immensely favorable in keeping your blood glucose levels under check. Take 100 gm fenugreek seeds, 100 gm bay leaves, 150 gm jamun seeds and 250 gm belpatra. Dry them in the sun and powder them separately. Now mix all the powders together. Take 1 tsp of this mixture before every meal for next 2 months to lower your blood sugar levels. It will help prevent nerve damage due to diabetes and improve your diabetes management.
Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha herb helps relieve hypertension, nervous disorders, poor eyesight and weakness due to diabetes. It improves your wellness and relieves body ache in diabetic neuropathy.
Chandraprabha Vati: It is an ayurvedic formulation beneficial in alleviating pain in legs, neck and back, heals diabetic nerve damage, counters diabetic weakness, lowers obesity and improves metabolism of glucose in your body. For dosage, consult an ayurvedic doctor.
Shilajit: Shilajit helps relieve weakness due to diabetes, normalizes blood sugar levels, improves fertility and benefits in neuropathy and nerve weakness.
Indian gooseberry and turmeric: Mix 75 gms dried gooseberry (deseeded) powder and 25 gms turmeric powder. Take 1 tsp of this mixture with warm water one hour after dinner at bed time or early morning on an empty stomach. After 1 hour you can eat breakfast. You can use this remedy for 2-3 months. It will help strengthen your nerves and also lower and maintain reduced blood sugar levels.
Diabetic neuropathy is irreversible. The best way to counter it is to lower the risk of developing it by keeping a tab on your blood sugar levels and managing it by proper diet and exercise. Even if you develop diabetic neuropathy with age or unhealthy lifestyle, then take adequate measures to control it. Ayurveda is beneficial in managing symptoms of diabetic neuropathy without side effects. If you find any signs of this condition coming up, do not waste time and seek medical help.
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[] Perimenopause, symptoms , Ayurvedic Treatments


 Perimenopause Symptoms, Ayurvedic Treatment, Lifestyle Tips
Menopause means the cessation of menstrual periods. It is a natural phenomenon in all women. Perimenopause period is in around menopause. It usually starts at 40 and may last for 4 – 10 years. Perimenopausal period may vary depending on hereditary factors, nature, body constitution, mental status, stress levels, working condition, country of residence etc. But due to present lifestyle, medicinal therapies undergone etc., in few of the races and communities, menopause can occur at 35-36, which is becoming more common these days. Menopause at an age of 50-52 years is also reported in some countries. Irrespective of the age, if menstrual cycle ceases without any signs and symptoms and physiological or bodily dysfunctions, it need not be considered as a health problem. Whereas if the individual suffers from any health complaints for prolonged period (4 months to few years), then medical supervision is required. 
In Ayurveda perimenopause period is termed as Rajonivritti kala. Raja means Menstruation, nivritti means retirement or cessation and kala means time period.
perimenopause symptoms
Common features of menopausal syndrome:
The overies gradually reduce estrogen hormone production, which is the main reason behind following symptoms.
Irregular menstruation
Prolonged bleeding or scanty menstruation
Back ache – non specific kind
Headache – partial head ache or head ache of interfering agent
Body ache
Neuritis or numbness in body parts
Fatigue, excessive tiredness
Anorexia (tastelessness)
Excess sweating
Inferiority or constant grief
Mood elevation
Intestinal problems
Acid peptic disorders
Excess or decreased appetite
Abdominal discomfort
Stress and strain
Loss of sleep, disturbed sleep
Hot flashes
Breast tenderness
Worse premenstrual syndrome
Lower sex drive
Vaginal dryness; discomfort during sex due to friction
Urine leakage when coughing or sneezing
Urinary urgency (an urgent need to urinate more frequently)
A woman suffers from one or many of the above symptoms during menopause. The severity of symptoms may vary from person to person. Seldom, all the above symptoms are found in an individual.
When treatment is required for perimenopause and when not?
First of all, knowledge about presence of such a stage and awareness of symptoms is very essential.
If the symptoms are mild and managed with lifestyle changes – such as regular oil massage for stress and bodyache, treatment is not required.
But in severe symptoms such as heavy bleeding with clots, severe stress, depression, excessive sweating, etc, treatment will be required.
Family support: 
Much care should be taken towards the woman. Especially, family members like husband, children and in laws should take special care towards her health and mind set up. The family members should know that, the hormonal imbalance causes changes in the body and mind of the woman, during that particular age. During conversations and discussions, enough care should be taken not to hurt her..
Active lifestyle, exercise, hobbies:
The woman should wisely engage herself in one or the other activity to keep herself busy. By this, her body and mind will be engaged, which is very important for physical and mental health.
Reading books, social service, interaction with family and friends, listening to music, mind games with family members or members of ladies club etc. are few of the ways to keep the mind occupied.
Visit to religious centers (according to ones liking), early morning walk for 15 – 20 minutes, outdoor games, charitable works, good habits like knitting, doll making, weaving, designing etc. gives enough exercise to the body too.
Pranayama – It helps to keep mental balance. Women will be better equipped to handle mood swings and stress.
Learn about a simple Pranayama technique
Oil massage:
Osteo arthritis, depleted calcium and bone strength are common symptoms after menopause. Hence, regular oil massage with Maha Narayana taila or Ksheerabala taila is really useful in
headache, bodyache
sleeping problems
joint pains.
Oil massage everyday is the best option. If not, at least once or twice a week. It can be done by yourself or at a center.
If you do not get any time to do massage, here is aquick massage technique which you can finish within 3 – 5 minutes.
Recommended Diet:
A diet rich in calcium – green leafy vegetables, cabbage, soya food, lady finger, beans, almonds, sesame seeds, flax seed. garlic, basil
A diet rich in iron- cooked beans, cereals, pumpkin seed, carrot, dates, sesame seed, chickpeas, peanuts, pecans, walnuts, pistachios, roasted almonds, roasted cashews, or sunflower seeds, raisins, peaches, or prunes, spinach, bread,
A variety of fruits and vegetables.
Include a teaspoon of ghee in diet. It promotes memory and concentration.
Foods to avoid:
Avoid high amounts of fried foods, oils.
Avoid excess salt intake.
Avoid sugar, if you can.
If you are suffering from hot flashes, avoid excess spicy foods and coffee.
Ayurvedic treatment for menopausal symptoms: 
Symptomatic treatment followed with measures to pacify Dosha imbalance should be adopted. Between 40-50 years, both pitta and vata are aggravated. So measures should be taken to pacify both Vata and Pitta dosha.
Few of the important Ayurvedic medicines for perimenopause:
Medicines suggested are general guidelines to medical practitioners. Do not use these medicines for self-medication / self treatment. Consult your doctor for the right advice
Medicines to stop heavy periods:
Pushyanuga choorna – used in the Ayurvedic treatment of Menorrhagia, Metrorrhagia, Leucorrhoea, Menstrual disorder, Excessive menstrual bleeding of various aetiology.
Ashokarishta – used in Ayurveda treatments for many diseases like Pain menstruation, heavy periods, fever, bleeding disorders etc.
Patrangasava – used in heavy periods, leucorrhea, fever etc
Medicines used in treating stress, anxiety, mood swings and sleep disturbances:
Ashwagandharishta – used in the treatment of fatigue, stress, mood disorders etc
Medicines to improve strength and immunity: 
Jeerakarishta – useful in digestive disorders, IBS, low strength
Balarishta – used mainly in neurological conditions, Vata disorders, muscular and joint pain and weakness. 
Medicines to treat vaginal dryness, frequent urination and urinary tract infections:
Chandraprabha vati – used in Ayurvedic treatment of urinary tract infection, difficulty in urination, urinary calculi. It helps to relieve constipation, bloating, abdominal colic pain, low back pain.
Gokshuradi guggulu – Widely used in the Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes, difficulty in passing urine (dysurea).
It is also used in female health care. Female gynaecological problems like menorrhagia.
Trin Panchmool Kwath –used in the treatment of urinary tract disorders associated with burning sensation.
For hot flashes:
Pitta dosha balancing diet
Medicines such as
Kamdudha Ras, Praval Pishti – are very useful in balancing Pitta and also act as a source for calcium.
In cases of low hemoglobin, Ayurvedic treatment for anemia will be required.
Rejuvination – anti aging therapy:
Women can adopt any one specific, safe,effective and rejuvenating Ayurvedic formulation, on due consultation of the physician. It helps to overcome the fatigue, anxiety, anaemia, trace elemental deficiency etc. Few of the important rejuvenating formulations are given below.
Shatavari Rasayana – widely used in the treatment of gynaecological conditions, diseases of urinary tract and liver complications.
Sukumara ghrita – used in lower abdominal pain in women, abscess, hemorrhoids, menstrual pain, inflammation, constipation.
Amalaki Rasayana
Dhatri loha
Saptamruta loha
Thengupookkuladi Rasayana etc.
Simple and effective home remedies for perimenopause symptoms:
Equal quantity of cumin seeds and fenugreek powder – 50 grams each – are fried in 50 grams of ghee. It is powdered well. To it 50 grams of organic jaggery is added, powdered well. This is made into laddu (round bolus) of 10gram each. Daily 1-2 laddus should be taken along with lukewarm milk. This helps to prevent the trace elemental deficiency caused during menopause.
5 grams of ground nut, cashew nut, sesame seeds, jaggery or honey and ginger powder each are taken and pounded well. This semisolid mass is taken along with warm water, early in the morning. This restores the vitality and energy and prevents fatigue and other symptoms commonly found during menopause.
So, menopause is a natural biological cycle that every woman has to go through. It marks the permanent end to monthly period and it is confirmed when a woman has no periods for 12 months in a row. Have prior knowledge about the symptoms of menopause and be mentally prepared.
Learn how to get over physical symptoms and how to manage physical and mental stresses caused due to the transition. Make conscious efforts to eat healthy and nutritious food during menopause, learn new skills or pick up your old hobbies, practice yoga and meditation and other relaxation methods. Let your efforts bring new hope to your life just like rain brings the rainbow on a sunny day. Remember, menopause is not just the end of one stage of your life, but also marks the beginning of a new stage with new opportunities in your life!
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Hands that serve are Holier than Lips that Pray


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[] 35 Ways to respect Your Parents


(May God give us sense of ability to follow these guidelines. ..)
1. Put away your phone in their presence
2. Pay attention to what they are saying
3. Accept their opinions
4. Engage in their conversations
5. Look at them with respect
6. Always praise them
7. Share good new with them
8. Avoid sharing bad news with them
9. Speak well of their friends and loved ones to them.
10. Keep in remembrance the good things they did.
11. If they repeat a story, listen like it's the first time they tell it.
12. Don't bring up painful memories from the past
13. Avoid side conversations in their presence.
14. Sit respectfully around them
15. Don't belittle/criticize their opinions and thoughts
16. Avoid cutting them off when they speak
17. Respect their age
18. Avoid hitting/disciplining their grandchildren around them
19. Accept their advice and direction
20. Give them the power of leadership when they are present
21. Avoid raising your voice at them
22. Avoid walking in front or ahead of them
23. Avoid eating before them
24. Avoid glaring at them
25. Fill them with pride even when they don't think they deserve it.
26. Avoid putting your feet up in front of them or sitting with your back to them
27. Don't speak ill of them to the point where others speak ill of them too
28. Keep them in your prayers whenever possible
29. Avoid seeming bored or tired of them in their presence
30. Avoid laughing at their faults/mistakes
31. Do a task before they ask you to
32. Continuously visit them
33. Choose your words carefully when speaking with them
34. Call them by names they like
35. Make them your priority above anything
Parents are treasure in this world .
You are lucky if you have your parents still living, but you will
realize this only after they demise.
Please do not forget that you too
will become old and expect how
you want to be treated by your
children then.
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Hands that serve are Holier than Lips that Pray


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