Friday, 12 July 2013

Re: [] Criminals barred from Parliament and Assemblies


Dear Adv. Lily Thomas
Hats off to your iniative and the judgement.
As a citizen, you are requested to do the needful for retirement age in politics (Say 65 or 70).

From: Abraham P.c. <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2013 7:57 PM
Subject: Re: [] Criminals barred from Parliament and Assemblies
She deserve a national-public award for her effort at the age of 83. I wish she should live another 25 years to make further changes in India by law."Right To Information" 100% politicians now joined together to be out of this. They cannot reveal all the assets they have in unknown places. Once it is out, public will come to know how much they made in their tenure. Abraham   

From: Raghunandanan <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Friday, 12 July 2013 10:43 AM
Subject: Re: [] Criminals barred from Parliament and Assemblies
Dear Friends,
This is a good step forward. I wish that people owning business houses also should be barred from entering into politics, as there are chances of misusing the power of the chair for their business interests than for the interests of the country and the common people.

RaghunandananFrom: Gangadharan Nair N <>Sent: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 18:06:22 To: Keralites <>Subject: Re: [] Criminals barred from Parliament and Assemblies 
Yes we SALUTE her, Adv. Lily Thomas for her great contribution to this NATION. 
It is definitely a NOBLE act and should be recognised by the people of this Nation.

HATs OFF to you Madam. We expect more such noble deeds from you.

Gangadharan Nair.

On 10 July 2013 18:14, Thomas Mathew <> wrote:

\yqUÂln: {Inan\ tIkpIfn in£n¡s¸«hÀ \nbak`bnte¡pw temIvk`bnte¡pw Øm\mÀYnIfmIp¶Xn\v kp{]ow tImSXn hne¡v. C¯cw tIkpIfn cWvSp hÀj¯ne[nIw in£n¡s¸Sp¶hsc hne¡ns¡mWvSmWv tImSXnbpsS D¯chv. in£n¡s¸Sp¶hÀ¡v aÕcn¡p¶Xn\v A\paXn \eInbncp¶ P\{]mXn\n[y \nba¯nse 8(4) N«w kp{]ow tImSXn d±m¡n.

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Pkvänkv F.sI ]Sv\mbnIv A[y£\mb s_©mWv hn[n ]pds¸Sphn¨Xv. C¶p apXemWv Cu \nbaw {]m_ey¯n hcpI. ap³]v in£n¡s¸«ncp¶hÀ¡v hn[n _m[IamInÃ. tZiob ]mÀ«nIÄ DÄs¸sS C´ybnse {]apJ ]mÀ«nIÄ¡v Xncn¨SnbmIp¶Xmbncn¡pw hn[n. kamPvhmZn ]mÀ«n, BÀsPUn, _nFkv]n XpS§nb ]mÀ«nIÄ N«w d±m¡p¶Xns\ iàambn FXnÀ¯ncp¶hcmWv. ChÀ ISp¯ FXnÀ¸pambn cwK¯phcpsa¶mWv {]Xo£n¡p¶X
"Dharmam Saranam Gachhami"

Gangadharan Nair N
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[] Good Morning SMS Collection


Re: FW: [] Harthal !!!


Nobody ever said killing of Kar Sevak was right. But at least it did not have govt. support. .Modi now has openly said he is not sorry for Gujarat Riots, in future he will incite more hatred and have a national riot.Surprised, how can educated people like you support a Hindu Religious fanatic in a secular country?
Modi supports only corporate billionaires, common man has no voice in Gujarat.Just take a survey of Sahayak in all schools.They are on a fixed pay of just 5000/- for years, in spite of having a B.Ed degree they are paid only this meager salary.Most of the employees are under paid.

Look at his office and have a look at municipal schools.Yes Gujarat is peaceful because people have realized the futility of raising 

 their voice ,when no one pays heed.How many debates have taken place in Gujarat Assembly?He does not even attend The sessions.Autocratic run by him.


On Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 6:36 PM, Pramod Agrawal <> wrote:
Marypraxy Verghese

Zahira was lured by Mrs.Tista to give false evidence against Modi, but lie could not stand in court, therefor she is in jail.
One question from you, what you say about 56 Ram car sawak those were burnt alive by the Godra's Ghoshi Musalman brutely??????
From: Marypraxy Verghese <>
To: Keralites <>
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2013 10:18 AM

Subject: Re: FW: [] Harthal !!!
We may not have Hartals in Gujarat, but we are number one in fake encounters .Zahira once spoke the truth about what happened to her family in Baroda during Gujarat riots , then she was lured by Modi men to become a hostile witness and she fell for it..Today she is cooling her heels in Jail.Where is her saviour ,Modi?Any one who speaks against Modi or govt just vanishes!

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 3:21 PM, Gangadharan Nair N <c> wrote:
Of course, we the Keralites are very lucky and fortunate to have these Saritha, Shalu, Biju, Joppan, Ganesh, Oommen Chandy & Chandy Ommen. Look at that Gujarat State, there are no Sarithas or Shalus or Chandys & Oommens and poor state there is NO Hartal or Terror attack for the last 10years. Those people in Gujarat must be really suffocating.
Gangadharan Nair. 
On 10 July 2013 07:38, Thomas Mathew <> wrote:
The people of Aleppey Dist, are double  blessed, they have two days of hartal.  There should be a a day for hartal in every week and assigned to different parties 


To: From: shanujohn1987@gmail.comDate: Tue, 9 Jul 2013 19:32:31 +0530
Subject: [] Harthal !!! 
"Dharmam Saranam Gachhami"

Gangadharan Nair N
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