Monday, 24 December 2018

[] Foods to fight Depression



1. Fish Helps Depression. Certain fish are rich in essential 
oils called omega-3 fatty acids. The links between omega-3 
fatty acids and depression have been proven in several 
different studies. The most famous was conducted at
Harvard in 1999. That study found that omega-3 helped 
significant improve moods. Omega-3 can also lessen irritably. 
The best sources of omega-3 are found in fish such as 
salmon (wild, non-farmed), anchovies, mackerel, herring and 
sardines. In addition to alleviating depression, fish oils have 
been linked to alleviation of several other disorders, 
including schizophrenia.

2. Nuts and Seeds Elevate Your Mood. Don't eat fish? Try 
nuts and seeds as an alternative. Omega-3 fatty acids can be 
found in Hazel nuts, pecans, walnuts, hempseeds and 
flaxseed. Not only do they contain omega-3 they also contain 
B vitamins. A joint study between the University of Navarra 
and the University of Las Palmas, Spain in 2009 found that B
vitamins are associated with positive moods and reduce the 
chances of mild depression. Vitamin B1 can be found in 
sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, Brazil nuts, cashew nuts, 
almonds and walnuts.


Some nuts and seeds contain a specific form of omega-3 
fatty acid known as alpha-linolenic acid. Alpa-linolenic acid 
has been linked strongly to lower risk of depression. A 10 -
year study of 54,632 women by researchers from the
Harvard School of Public Health and Harvard Medical School 
found that those women whose diets contain the highest 
amounts of this acid were 18% less likely to suffer from 

What foods are high in alpha linolenic acid? Flaxseeds and 
walnuts are particularly high in alpa-linolenic acid. Flaxseeds
contain about 2.2 grams per tablespoon and walnuts contain
about .7 g in a tablespoon. Other sources include canola oil, 
soybeans and soy oil, perilla and pumpkin seeds.]

3. Greens Help You Stay Positive. The Spanish study also 
recommended vegetables as an ally against depression.. 
Pantothenic acid, also known as vitamin B5, can be found in 
avocados. The other main B vitamins can be found in 
mushrooms, pumpkins and green peppers. 

A 1997 Harvard study found links between lack of folate, 
also known as folic acid, and depressive symptoms. 
Vegetables that are good sources of folic acid include 
broccoli, Brussel sprouts and asparagus. It's important not 
to overcook vegetables as they can lose their vitamin content.

4. Fruit Also Help Depression. Vegetables' natural 
companion in healthy eating is always fruit. Flavonoids are 
the key here. Flavonoids are frequently referred to as 
antioxidants. A study completed in 2005 in Beijing, China 
found that flavonoids can inhibit the symptoms of mild 
depression. They are mostly found in citrus fruits like
oranges and grapefruits.

5. Olive Oil Raises Your Mood. The University of California-
San Francisco released a major research study on olive oil in
2009. They found that olive oil can also help in fighting 
depression. Olive oil is a source of omega-3 but also contains 
good fats that keep the heart healthy and can even help you 
to live longer

6. Certain Cereals Can Help Depression. Sugary cereals are 
best avoided but whole cereals such as oatmeal contain 
vitamins B-1 and B-6 which as mentioned have been linked 
to improving mood. It is important to pick the right cereal; 
even cereals claiming to be healthy are not always. You 
should look for cereals that have whole grains or barley and 
always check the sugar content. (University of Bristol, 1998)

7. Chickpeas and other pulses/legumes. Chickpeas are a 
healthy, fast and versatile food and they fight depression 
too. One of the easiest and most enjoyable ways to get the 
benefits from chickpeas is hummus. They contain B vitamins 
and folic acid. Other pulses and legumes that beneficial 
include; soy beans, lentils, butter beans, haricot beans, split 
peas, blackeye beans and kidney beans. (UofLP&UofN, Spain,

8. Eat Brown Rice to Fight Depression. As mentioned the 
study done by University College London in 2009 showed 
that highly refined foods can lead to depression. Therefore 
eating foods like brown rice which slowly release glucose 
into the blood stream prevents the highs and lows 
experienced with processed foods. In addition brown rice 
contains B vitamins and folic acid. This is also for whole 
pastas. Also Potatoes that are baked or boiled are filling and 
contain B vitamins.

9. Chocolate Can Raise Your Mood.. Researchers have 
confirmed what many a broken heart has already discovered.
Chocolate can lift your spirits.

Well, this one comes with a warning. We all wish chocolate 
was the answer to life's troubles but too much of a good 
thing is bad for us and chocolate is good for us. The higher 
the percentage of cocoa in the chocolate the better. A 1995 
University of Dundee study found that chocolate contains 
certain chemicals that affect the brain by releasing 
endorphins and serotonin. These are the chemicals that 
signal your brain to feel happy.

One small piece of chocolate per day can help boost your 
mood. But be careful. Eat too much and you risk feelings of 
guilt and weight gain. (Read more about the Top 10 health 
benefits of chocolate.)

10. Tea to the Rescue. Tea contains valuable flavonoids. 
After citrus fruits it is the best source of these. Experts have 
also found that tea, especially brewed green tea, affects the 
body by stimulating sections of the brain that produce a 
feeling of relaxation. This can be beneficial to those who are 
feeling anxious or having problems sleeping. Some herbal 
teas like chamomile can also help with relaxation. (University 
of Nagoya, Japan, 2007)
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[] Facepack using Multani Mitti


 10 Simple Face Packs Using Multani Mitti
Too budget conscious to get a face clean up or a facial at the parlours? Then, try Multani mitti, a natural solution to all your skin woes.

Fuller's Earth, or Multani mitti, or most commonly known as gopi chandan in India is known to be an excellent skin-cleansing agent that helps clean the skin of all the oil, dirt and dead cells caused due to the polluted environment.

This traditional skincare ingredient, which is rich in minerals such as aluminium silicate, offers high absorbing properties that leave the skin fresh and radiant.

Beneficial to oily and acne prone skin, multani mitti's lime content kills harmful bacteria, removes excess oil and dirt, thus leaving the skin clean and soft. It further offers cooling effect on the skin and relives of inflammation caused due to severe acne.

Fuller's earth also helps tighten the skin, which further reduces wrinkles and fine lines.

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Multani Mitti Face Packs:

1. Reduce Oiliness:

Multani mitti and rose water mask balances the skin's pH level, naturally cools it, and reduces oiliness.

2. For Soft Skin:

Add a teaspoon of crushed almonds in a bit of milk and multani mitti and apply this on your face. This will offer softness and suppleness to the dry skin.
[ Read: Beauty Secrets ]

3. For Glowing Skin:

Paste of two spoons of multani mitti, tomato juice and some sandalwood powder will help reduce the facial spots. For extra glow, just add a dash of turmeric powder to it and apply on face for 10 minutes before rinsing it with warm water. Use this multani mitti face pack for glowing skin regularly.

4. For Radiant Skin:

Mix multani mitti powder, tomato juice, one teaspoon honey, lemon juice and little milk. Apply on face and leave it on for 10 minutes. Use regularly to achieve desired results.

5. To get Rid of dark patches:

Mix a pack of one tablespoon each of multani mitti, mint leaves powder and yoghurt. Apply on affected areas for 20 minutes and rinse off using warm water.

6. To achieve Toned and Oil free skin

Mix sandalwood powder with multani mitti and few drops of milk. Apply over face for 20 minutes and wash it with water.

7. For Flawless Skin:

Face pack including one tablespoon of multani mitti, honey and papaya fruit pulp is helpful to achieve flawless skin.

8. For Even Skin:

Face pack for toning uneven skin tone includes ¼th tablespoon of multani mitti, one tablespoon of yoghurt and one beaten egg white. Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse it off with warm water.

9. Treat Pigmented Skin:

Make a face mask by mixing multani mitti with some carrot pulp and teaspoon of olive oil to treat pigmented skin.

10. To treat Tanned skin

Mix multani mitti with coconut water and a little sugar. Apply on affected areas and wash with warm water.

[ Read: Benefits Of Multani Mitti ]

Therefore, there are many uses of multani mitti face packs. It helps to treat almost all kind of skin conditions. So, are you going to include this best remedy in your daily skin care routine. Share your thoughts with us.

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Home / Remedies
15 DIY Home Remedies for Depression and Anxiety

Depression is a medical illness which causes a feeling of sadness and it leads to a variety of emotional and physical problems. It is caused mainly by an imbalance of brain chemicals and other factors like anxiety, mental stress, deficiency of vitamin B complex, etc.

Deep sense of loss, disturbed sleep, overwhelming sadness, feel of dejection, not interested in anything, loss of appetite, mental unrest etc are some of the symptoms of depression. Don't worry about it as it is not a disease but a feeling which can be prevented with these remedies and tips.

Home Remedies for Depression:

Depression is a common emotional disorder which makes you feel hopeless and your life is filled with empty. To get rid of this depression, follow these home remedies which are natural without any side effects. Try all these remedies and follow the best one which suits you.

1 Cardamom Powder

Cardamom has an antidepressant quality which helps to reduce the depression. Take 3 – 4 cardamom seeds and crush them to make fine powder. Take 1/2 teaspoon of this crushed cardamom powder and add this to a glass of water and mix it well. Drinking this glass every day will helps to prevent the depression.

2 Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts contain selenium which helps to ease depression. So, have these nuts in your diet to reduce the depression and feel better. Other food which contains selenium are tuna, swordfish, oysters and sunflower seeds.

3 Garlic

Research done in Germany has found that garlic does not show affect on cholesterol but also helps to up lift your mood. So, try this garlic therapy whenever you feel down to prevent the depression.

4 St. John's Wort

St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) has been used in treating the depression problem from many years around the world. Research suggests that St. John's wort will work better than a placebo and acts as effective antidepressants for mild and moderate depressions but not that much effective in treating the major depression problem.. You get the full effective results when you take this for 4 – 6 weeks. It also have some side effects so try to take necessary precautions by consulting the specialist. It is available in the form of capsules, tablets, liquid extract or tea form at health food stores, drug stores and in online also. Bring it and try this to get rid of the depression.

5 Indian Gooseberry

Indian gooseberry or Alma acts as antidepressant and helps to give relief from the depression. Take 4 – 5 Indian gooseberries and take out the seeds from it. Crush it to make paste. Then take 2 teaspoons of this juice and add 1/2 teaspoon of nutmeg powder. Mix it well and drink this twice a day to get rid of the depression.

6 Milk and Cashew Nuts

Cashews contain tryptophan which acts as antidepressants & Milk also helps to prevent the depression. Take few cashews and crush them to make fine powder. Then take a teaspoon of this cashew nut powder and add this to a cup of warm milk. Mix it well and drink this every day to fend the depression.

7 Light Therapy

Light therapy is used to get rid of the seasonal affective disorder, a type of depression caused in some people during short and dark days of winter season. Light therapy means you have to sit near a bright light which mimics outdoor light. It initially starts with 15 minutes and can be increased up to 2 hours a day. Light therapy is used in order to replicate exposure to sunlight. This therapy doesn't cure the depression but it helps to ease the symptoms.

8 Coffee

If you have the habit of drinking coffee in every morning than have it, as this makes you less irritable and helps you to feel better. Experts suggests that having a cup or two cups of coffee per day will indeed helps to ease mild depression. But make sure that not to overdo it as it leads to cause more anxiety and more depression.

9 Brahmi / Ashwagandha

These two are commonly available ayurvedic herbs used to treat depression. Take 2 tablespoons of either brahmi or ashwangandha powder and mix it well in a glass of water. Drink this twice a day to get rid of the depression.

10 5-HTP

5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is produces naturally in our body and used to make neurotransmitter serotonin. So, take the supplement of 5 – HTP may boost body's serotonin levels. But make sure that it should not be combined with antidepressants.

11 Exercise

Exercise will works as antidepressants which helps to uplift your mood and makes you to get relief from the depression. Exercise particularly aerobic exercise, helps to release mood elevating chemicals in the brain and decrease stress hormones. Try to choose the exercise which you are interested in doing it like going to gym, playing any outdoor games, walking, gardening, dancing, etc. which helps you to boost up your mood and makes you feel better. So exercise regularly for at least 30 minutes to get rid this depression.

12 Acupuncture

Acupuncture helps to give relief from the depression. As the research suggests that the acupuncture relieves depression and makes you feel better. So, have an acupuncture therapy whenever you faced this depression in more. But make sure to select the correct practitioner while doing this acupuncture therapy.
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