Friday, 26 April 2019

[] Castor Oil For Joint Pain


 Castor Oil To Treat Joint Pain
There have been lots of case studies about castor oil for over 50 years, including such uses as relieving arthritis pain, speeding the recovery of sprained ankles, bone spurs, backaches and chronically sore knees. Best organic remedies like castor and clove oils have also been used in the treatment of acne, swollen lymph nodes, and even as baldness cure. So, suffice to say castor plant oil is something that everyone should have on hand for whatever may happen.
Pure Castor oil
When using this supplement externally, for such maladies as sprained ankles, sore knees, and backaches, then typically that oil is used in what is called a castor essential oil pack. When it is applied to a joint, the natural and holistic essential oil begins to immediately dissolve things such as bone spurs and calcium deposits, while ignoring tendons, muscles, and cartilage in the surrounding tissue.
It is best to use a cold-pressed oil that can be found at your local health food store, as well as some supermarkets. This pack is commonly made of flannel material, they can also be made from wool or cotton. The material is then folded several times, to make a thick, absorbent pack, that you can then soak in this oil. You then take your castor soaked pack and place it on your sore knee, or whatever, and then on top of that you cover with a garbage bag, and then your heating pad. The warmth of the heating pad is to aid in the absorption of the castor essential oil. This needs to stay in place for at least 45 to 60 minutes, during which time you should take the opportunity to read a book and relax.
After you're done soaking your knee or sore back with your castor pack, you'll want to clean the area using water and baking soda mixed. You need not throw away this pack, you can keep it in the refrigerator in a Ziploc bag or a Mason jar. Then each time you need to use it, you can just add a few more tablespoons of natural oil, bring it up to room temperature, and get another treatment for your sore back, knee, ankle etc.
If the initial treatments of 45 to 60 minutes don't seem to be working as well as you think they should, you can extend the time to one and a half hours to two hours with no ill effects. The best time to take treatments would be later in the evening, just before bed, because it helps if you are in a relaxed mood when taking your castor natural oil. It is also good to take your treatments for four days in a row and then take a day off, then restart your treatment and continue for an additional four days. Even after your joint is feeling better, it's best to continue the treatment for an additional four days to ensure that your joint is fully healed, and your pain and suffering will be less likely to return. For additional information about castor oil, please check article.
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[] Jackfruit For Diabetes


Jack Fruit Diabetes
Chakka is the answer, preventive medicine, Medicinal: Raw jackfruit
Here's a remedy for diabetes in raw jackfruit..
Last year on a placid Easter evening, Fr. Brahmanavelil, a parish priest from our village, came home and dropped a bombshell. A month ago, he had collapsed in his bedroom right after taking his normal insulin dose. He managed to survive by reaching for the sugar on his bedside table. An hour earlier, he had eaten the traditional raw jackfruit meal (prepared with the meaty flesh around the seed just before it turns ripe). Like raw mango, raw jackfruit is neither sweet nor does it have the aroma of the ripe version. This hypoglycaemic incident was repeated in two weeks, again when he had jackfruit meal for dinner. This got me worried, as I am running a campaign to replace potato and meat with raw jackfruit. For the last year I have been flying around the country with a red bag full of dried raw jackfruit, meeting scientists, diabetologists, cardiologists, nutritionists, Ayurveda doctors, testing labs and even Dr. Abdul Kalam.
According to Ayurveda doctors, raw jackfruit meal is a 3000-year-old tradition in Kerala, known aschakka puzhukku. It was the main carbohydrate replacement during summer months till the Portuguese brought the cassava plant from Brazil. Over the last few hundred years most Malayalis have ditched this native sticky, spiky but tasty and fibrous hippopotamus growing 30 ft above ground for the tapioca meal. They use the exact jackfruit meal recipe with the starchy root of cassava plant growing three inches below the ground. And in these few hundred years Kerala has become the diabetic capital of India and spends Rs.600 crores fighting the disease, and another Rs.600 crores of these little hippos drop down from its trees every year. The Portuguese, in return, popularised the name of our humble chakka to jaca, and it is now known as jackfruit around the world.
Meanwhile, my search continued and the first breakthrough came from Dr. Vivek Garg, who sent a report published by U.P.K. Hettiaratchi, S. Ekanayake and J. Welihinda in Ceylon Medical Journal. Sri Lanka is the only other place on earth where raw jackfruit meal is also used as a carbohydrate replacement. The study clearly showed a sharp decline in sugar level 30 minutes after meal consumption. The reasons cited are low sugar level in raw jackfruit combined with high dietary fibre. I got the nutritional values of raw jackfruit tested and verified; it only has 1/5th the sugar of the ripe version and 60 per cent of its dietary fibre is insoluble. Armed with this data, I went back to the experts and the language of their responses changed from impossible to plausible to provocative!
An Ayurveda doctor and a leading diabetologist tried raw jackfruit meal for dinner on their patients and got overnight reduction in sugar levels and, in some cases, significant reduction in insulin as well. Fr. Brahmanavelil is the happiest of all. Instead of one cup of rice meal for dinner and insulin, he now takes three cups of raw jackfruit meal and skips his insulin.
As cardiovascular and thoracic surgeon Dr. Sriram Nene told me, "Diabetes is on the order of an epidemic in India and the cure may lie in the humble jackfruit, which grows abundantly. While theCeylon Medical Journal study has small numbers, its results are fairly provocative and should definitely stimulate added investigation in the use of raw jackfruit as part of diabetic diet."
I hope the diabetic research community conducts a full-blown study to validate these anecdotal incidents and, by next World Health Day, the children from this diabetic capital of the world start singing "When humble jackfruit went up the chart on diabetic research, insulin and sugar came tumbling down on our diet chart!"
James Joseph is founder of JackFruit365™, an initiative to create an organised market for jackfruits in India.
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M.d. Hegde

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[] Few Minor Tips


A few minor tips may be of help to you !!! 

1. Rub your ears to boost energy:
Instead of reaching for another cup of coffee, give your ears a gentle self-massage. According to Chinese medicine, stimulating the pressure points in the ears increases blood circulation to all parts of the body, giving you an instant energy boost

2. Cure hiccups with peanut butter: 
Chewing and swallowing the sticky spread will interrupt your breathing pattern and force your diaphragm to relax.

3. Use honey to soothe a sore throat:
A natural antibacterial and antifungal agent, honey can help coat and soothe sore throats and alleviate minor coughs.

4. Blow-dry waterlogged ears
Put a hair dryer on the gentlest setting and hold it a few inches away from your ear. 
The increased airflow will help to evaporate the water in your ear.

5. Make warts disappear with garlic:
Garlic — which has been shown to have antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties — is thought to be an effective home remedy for warts. 
Apply a freshly cut garlic clove to the wart, place a bandage over it, and leave the bandage on overnight. 
Repeat every night until the wart disappears.

6. Blow on your thumb to calm jangled nerves:
The thumb has its own pulse, and blowing on the thumb will cool down the thumb and thus calm the heart rate, as cold air can slow down your pulse. 
This trick might also help simply because the act of blowing forces you to deepen your breathing, which calms the heart.

7. Sniff peppermint to quell a craving: 
Chew mint gum, sip peppermint tea or take a whiff of peppermint oil. 
Studies suggest that the scent of peppermint stimulates the brain to release appetite-suppressing hormones and promotes a feeling of fullness.

8. Curl your toes to fall asleep faster: 
The next time you find yourself tossing and turning, try a progressive muscle relaxation technique. 
Begin by slowly curling and uncurling your toes. 
Then, work your way up the entire body, from your toes to your neck, tightening a certain muscle group before releasing it.

9. Smile to make yourself happier: 
Scientists have found that the simple act of smiling can lower blood pressure and release stress, giving you an instant mood boost (yes, even forced smiles count!).

10. Press your tongue against the roof of your mouth to beat brain freeze: 
Also referred to as "ice cream headaches," brain freezes are caused by a rapid increase in blood flow to the brain. After you down a frozen treat, trythrusting your tongue against 
the roof of your mouth — this will warm up the palate and ease the flow of blood to the brain.

11. Rub Vicks Vaporub on feet for congestion: 
To temporarily relieve a cough, try applying the mentholated topical cream on the soles of your feet and immediately covering with a pair of socks. 
There is no scientific explanation for why this old wives' trick works, but many stuffy nose-sufferers (and even nurses and doctors) swear by it.

12. Use ginger to prevent motion sickness: 
Twenty minutes before travel, take two capsules of powdered ginger to ease an upset stomach caused by motion sickness.

13. Shake your head to wake up sleepy feet: 
It happens to all of us — you're sitting in an awkward position when all of a sudden your foot, hand or other body part falls asleep. 
To quickly eliminate that uncomfortable tingling sensation, move your head side to side. 
The movement helps relieve nerve tension.

14. Alleviate nausea by massaging wrist:
Relieve nausea by lightly massaging the pressure point on the inside of your wrist, about three finger widths below the base of your palm.

15. Squeeze lemon to erase pimples: 
Banish breakouts by dabbing a little lemon juice on problem areas — its antibacterial properties will help kill excess bacteria and reduce acne.

16. Dab on clove oil to alleviate toothache pain: 
Apply a very small amount of clove oil to a cotton swab and gently dab onto the affected tooth area. The essential oil has been shown in studies to have analgesic and antibacterial properties, making it a useful tool in treating bacteria-caused toothaches.

17. Inhale onion vapors for sinus relief:
Chop up an onion, put it in a bowl and inhale the onion fumes. 
The vapors help open sinus passageways, providing relief from sinus pressure.

18. Stop mouth bleeds with tea bags: 
To stop mouth bleeds after oral surgery or injuries, apply a moistened tea bag to the affected area; 
the tannins in tea help the blood coagulate faster.

19. Steam to relieve nasal congestion: 
Steam helps to loosen mucus and clear out the sinus cavities, providing relief from nasal congestion.
A hot bath works, too.

20. Sleep on your left side to prevent acid reflux: 
Researchers have determined that left side sleeping helps with digestion and eases heart burn pain.
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