Been posting this daily column for over three years now. These days the news media is politics heavy giving undue weightage to empty, vacuous statements from our 'leaders'. So, my attempt is to highlight what is actually newsworthy and readable.
Indian peafowl are a species in a group of birds called pheasants. The males are called peacocks, while the females are called peahens. Together, they are peafowl.
(Me: Peacock, which has a strong resemblance to pheasants, is India's national bird)
From the world of science…
Soon, your phone will be 'beamed' onto your palm!
Washington: Researchers are developing a revolutionary new technology that puts the mobile phone on the palm of your hand – literally. Using a special camera that combines high-speed vision and two rotational mirrors, Masatoshi Ishikawa and colleagues at the University of Tokyo have a found a way to project a device's display or keyboard onto the palm or any other surface, so that one can operate it remotely at home or office.
What is the cause of vitamin B12 deficiency?
One of the primary causes of vitamin B12 deficiency is the vegetarian diet. B12 is only found in animal protein sources, so vegetarians should supplement vitamin B12. Other causes: low stomach acid, common in older adults, acid-blocking medications, anemia and alcoholic beverages.
(Me: Vegetarians to note. Objections from various quarters to meat are irrational and without any scientific basis. From a purely mundane, practical angle, if every human being in the world opts for or start eating vegetarian food, price of cereals would be far beyond the purchasing power of most people in our part of the globe)
Lemonade helps control high blood pressure, dizziness and nausea.
Spinach is an excellent source of beta-carotene, a powerful disease-fighting antioxidant that reduces the risk of developing cataracts.
Heavy drinkers who smoke have more problems with their memory, ability to think quickly and efficiently, and problem-solving skills.
Coffee cuts risk of liver disease.
Regular coffee consumption is associated with a reduced risk of developing a type of liver disease. Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is an inflammatory disease of the bile ducts. A group of PSC patients revealed that coffee consumption was tied to reduced PSC risk.
Think it over
"There is a sufficiency in the world for man's need for not for man's greed" – M.K. Gandhi.
Rafa's Roman Empire.
Nadal crushes Federer for his seventh Rome Masters.
(Me: me especially feel sorry for Roger, until not very long ago, one didn't watch any of his matches because one was certain of his easy wins. Although he hit exquisite shots and clean winners from anywhere and everywhere, he got too many free points with his most potent weapon, serving aces after aces and he was able to thus save most of the break points against him).
Weird world…
Burglar takes bath, cooks meal in victim's home
London: A burglar who took a bath during a raid on a home and helped himself to a microwave diner has been jailed for nearly four years. Andrew C. was caught after taking a soak in the tub and having dinner at a Kent house he broke into last October. After sneaking in through a window and helping himself to various electronic items, he ran a bath and cooked dinner before trying to sneak out.
US lottery winner scoops $590.5-million jackpot.
One ticket-holder has beaten the odds of one in 175 million to win a Powerball lottery jackpot of over $590.5 million. The US media reported that the winning ticket sold at a supermarket in Florida, though the winner is yet to be identified.
(Me: Wow – a mind-boggling Rs.3,000 crores!!)
Doctor to patient: "Some of the medical advice I give you today may prove to be wrong in 20 years, so try to ignore that part."
Bob: Would you punish someone for something they didn't do?
Teacher: No.
Bob: Good, because I didn't do my homework.
Line Maro
See my friend over there? He wants to know if you think I'm cute.
(Me: The girl: wait, let me ask my macho bf if he agrees)
Tongue in cheek
Most people work just hard enough not to get fired and paid just enough not to quit.
Teacher: If you had a 100-rupee note and you asked your father for another, how many rupees would you have?
Student: Rs.100.
Teacher: You don't know your arithmetic.
Student: You don't know my father!