"Sometimes it takes a natural disaster to reveal a social disaster" –Jim Wallis.
(Me: Very, very, very, very apt for apna desh…)
This ulta-pulta land of ours…
'Uprooted, goddess unleashed floor fury'
New Delhi: Was he Uttarakhand tragedy really the fury of a goddess who was forced to relocate? The locals seem to think so. Dhari Devi near Srinagar, Uttarakhand, is considered to be the protector of the char dhams. The temple of this Hindu deity, believed to be yet another manifestation of Kali, is located on the banks of river Alaknanda, 19 km, from Srinagar. But on June 16, hours before the flash flood hit the upper reaches of Uttarakhand, the temple of Dhari Devi was shifted further uphill to prevent it from being submerged by the waters.
The locals believe this shifting has infuriated the Goddess who in turn unleashed Her fury on the tens of thousands of hapless pilgrims and devotees!
(News courtesy: HT 27/6/13)
(Me: A God or Goddess is supposed to protect His/Her devotees. But our people would believe ANYTHING, even the most incredulous, absurd theories!)
"Dhoni does the unhoni again. All is forgiven." – Bachi Karkaria.
(Me: Now that he has won the Champion's Trophy, all the serious charges of 'Conflict of interest' against him in the recently IPL matches will be forgiven and forgotten. In contrast, in the US any man or woman found guilty, however mighty be, will be sentenced e.g. the hotshot NRI biz wizard who was sentenced to a jail term for insider trading that is, helping Rajratnam, a Sri Lankan fraudster make millions.. Yani ki, if you are successful Indian in any field, all your omissions and commissions will be condoned).
Science news of the day…
Love at first sight not a myth…
A new study suggests that love at first sight has a biological basis. Researchers who study human attraction say, people do tend to form opinions quickly when t comes to romance.
Are there any natural remedies for the flu?
Covalent silver is a state-of-the-art silver-based germ-fighter, the result of nanotechnology, because the silver particles are nano-size, they are easily absorbed. Their tiny size enables them to destroy powerful super-bugs from the inside out. This includes the most virulent germs like sars and bird flu.
A recent study shows that people who sleep 6.5 to 7.5 hours daily, live the longest.
Pun fun
Q: Do you know why is it that teddy bears are never hungry?
A: Because they stay stuffed at all times.
Tongue very much in cheek…
Man to wife: The pioneers used salt to preserve their meat. Wouldn't that be cheaper than wearing a lot of face cream?"
"Privacy is not something that I'm very entitled to, it's an absolute prerogative" . Marlon Brando
(Me: No, absolutely not. One needs to emphasize, simply because some Hollywood biggie, sports star, political leader or petty-fogging media wise guy says something doesn't mean it's it should be right. Privacy, personal liberty, freedom of expression is not absolute, as they cannot be at the cost of the interests of the society at large)
Ambition never comes to an end.
Love: a definition you didn't know….!
Its love when a little girl puts her energy to give dad a head massage.
Its love when a wife makes tea for her husband and takes a sip before him.
Its love when a mother gives her son the best piece of chicken.
Its love when your friend holds your hand tightly on a slippery road.
Love is not just holding a girl and going around the city!
Pun fun…
Q: Why is it that the athlete could not listen to her music?
A: It was only because she broke the record!
Man to wife: "If you die first, do I Have your permission to start dating the women of Fox News?"
Blonde strikes again!
A blonde went to a flight school insisting she wanted to learn to fly. As all the planes were in use, the owner agreed to instruct her by radio on how to pilot the solo helicopter. He showed the basics, and sent her on her way. After she climbed 1,000 ft, she radioed in. "I'm doing great! I love it!". After 2,000 ft, she radioed again, saying how easy it was to fly. The instructor watched her climb over 3,000 ft. and was beginning to worry that she hadn't radioed in.
A few minutes later, he watched in horror as she crashed about half a mile away. He ran over and pulled her from the wreckage. When he asked what happened, she said, "Everything was going fine, but as I got higher, I was starting to get gold. I only remember turning off the big fan!"
Time makes men more converts than reason.
(Me: V. true, because you get tired of the waiting game..).
Line Maro
You look cold. What to use me as blanket?
(Me: hahaha. S/he is a great blanket indeed – everyone should know this from 'practical experience'…!)
Weird world…
YS couple lets coffee drinkers choose baby name.
West Haven: A Connecticut coup-le has named its baby with help from customers at a Starbucks coffee shop. Jennifer J and Mark D of West Haven had been struggling between two names for the boy they are expect in September, so they decided to put into a vote…