Ladies pls be careful.A woman was takenby 5 men,who according tohospital and police report was raped by agang beforebeing dumped at abusstation!Though she was unableto rememberthe events of the previous evening,tests conductedrevealed that she hadbeen raped repeatedly.There was atrace of*Rohypnol* in her blood.*Rohypnol*,is presently beingused as a rape drug.It is actuallya small sterilizationpill which is now beingused byrapists to drug theirtargets atparties.The drug makes themind of thetarget (would be victim)go blankso that she does not rememberanything that transpired and worse still,the drug sterilizes the victim so thatshe doesn't conceivefrom the rapeand the rapist need not worry abouthaving his identityrevealedlater by a paternitytest.The real bad news isthat the drug'sside effectsARE NOT TEMPORARY,they arePERMANENT.Any female thattakes itWILL NEVER BE ABLETO CONCEIVE.The drug isadministered bydropping it into thetarget's drink.The girl wouldn'tremember a thing thenext morning,nothing at all that hadtaken place thenight beforewill she remember.Rohypnol, dissolvesrapidly andeasily in drinks, leavingno taste andno change in colorwhich makes itimpossible to detect.These weasels canget this drugfrom anyone who is inthe vet school orany medical university.It's that easy andRohypnol is about tobreak out bigon campuses everywhere.Believe it or not,there areeven sites on theinternet tellingpeoplehow to use it.Girls,please be careful when you're out,especially in a party,don't leave yourdrink unattended.(Buy your own drinks, ensure bottlesor cans received are unopened or sealed;don't even tastesomeone else's drink).For guys -Please inform all your female family members, relatives and friends.Remember you alsohave sisters ormight one day havea daughter(s).Important News aremeant to bepassed on,please don't keep orignore.Please share toprotect and save lives.Visit the website http://www. prescription/rohypnol.htmlPLEASE Share If you really care for your daughter/ sister / mother / wife / girlfriend
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