Friday, 6 September 2019

[] : The purple sweet potato:


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Hands that serve are Holier than Lips that Pray

The purple sweet potato:
The latest in a long line of potential'Superfoods
The purple sweet potato, the latest food item presented to the general public as 
a potential superfood. The potato's coloring contained the chemical anthocyanin, 
which is known to lower the risk of cancer and could even possibly slow down 
certain types of the disease. The color is the important part because the 
purple color is responsible for the amount of anthocyanin in the potato.

Scientists have already used two strands of anthocyanin to treat colon 
cancer and found that the pigment slowed down the growth of cancerous cells. 
Anthocyanin, which produces red, blue or purple colours in different types of food, 
can also be found in blueberries, red grapes and red cabbage, however the 
specially grown purple sweet potato has a higher concentration of the chemical 
than any other species of potato. Dr Weiqun Wang, who was also involved in 
testing the potato, has said that the new purple sweet potato tasted sweeter 
than other potatoes but was still perfectly edible. According to Wang, 
"It's good not only for cancer prevention but 
other benefits like antioxidants as well."
Purple Satsuma imo

SWEET POTATO (Kamote) far exceeds the nutrition and health values 
of rice. Here are the benefits of substituting rice with kamote:
1. Sweet potato is more filling and suppresses hunger
 pangs longer. It is also cheaper than rice.
2. Unlike rice, it is easy to grow. It grows in backyards with or without 
fertilizers. Local government executives can provide their poor communities
 with idle government land for planting kamote which 
the entire community can share.
3. Unlike rice which needs to be eaten with a dish, Sweet Potato tastes good 
and can be eaten by itself. Thus, substituting rice with sweet potato 
saves money for other needs.
4. Rice cannot match the nutritional values of potato. Because rice converts 
to sugar in the body, the Philippines registers as a top producer of diabetics 
in the world. The poor tends to load up on rice and less on the dish which are 
more expensive. That makes them vulnerable to diabetes, an ailment known 
in developed countries as a rich man's disease.
5. The nutritional values of a 3 oz. baked sweet potato are: calories 90, 
fat 0 g, saturated fat 0 g, cholesterol 0 mg, carbohydrate 21 g, 
protein 2 g, dietary fiber 3 g, sodium 36 mg
6. Too much rice consumption can make you sick, but sweet potato (kamote) 
can bring you to health and keep away some health problems. 
These have been proved medically.
Sweet Potato (kamote) lowers hypertension, bad cholesterol and 
even blood sugar when eaten as a substitute to rice!
(Wonder if they mean white rice or brown rice as well....)
The purple sweet potato (kamote) is particularly effective 
for lowering hypertension.
The Korean medical documentary credits the sweet potato (kamote) as 
high fiber and is one of the best foods that one can eat to prevent cancer!


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Urinating Frequently at Night (Nocturia)?
Here's What You Should Do

by: Junji Takano
Getting up to the toilet in the middle of the night to urinate is quite common especially among the elderly. Many people consider this as part of normal aging. One episode of night urination is considered within normal limits. But if you are urinating more frequently than this, then you may be suffering from nocturia, and it could be a sign of a more serious problem or disease.
Frequent Night Urination

What Causes Frequent Urination?

First, let's talk about frequent urination that affects you both day and night.
There are many different causes of urinary frequency. More often this is caused by a problem in the bladder and urethra.
1. Overactive bladder – frequency is more than 8 times a day due to sudden urge to urinate even when the bladder is not full.
2. Enlarged prostate – caused by the prostate pressing on the urethra, which prevents the bladder from emptying completely.
However, if you urinate frequently during night time only, then it can be caused by other problems. One of these is problem in the heart.

Frequent Urination at Night is a Sign of Heart Disease!

Usually at night while you sleep, your brain produces antidiuretic hormones to limit the formation of urine by the kidneys so you can get a good night's sleep.
However, for some people, this is not the case, and the amount of urine still increases at night. Why exactly would this happen?
Heart disease can cause Nighttime urination
The answer has something to do with the pumping function of the heart. In essence, urine comes from the blood that has been filtered by the kidneys. If you have a heart problem, the blood pumping will be much weaker.
Now to explain it further, here's what actually happens—if the heart pumps blood at a weaker rate due to heart disease, then the blood will fail or will have difficulties to return to the heart. Swelling of the lower limbs (legs and ankles) will most likely occur as the blood pools in the extremities during the day.
At night, as the patient lies down, the blood or fluid that accumulated in the lower limbs will return to the heart. This time, the heart will need to work harder. This in turn forces the kidneys to produce more urine to decrease pressure in the heart. The result is nocturia or frequent urination at night!

Sleep Apnea Syndrome Can Trigger Nighttime Urination

Sleep Apnea Syndrome can cause Nocturia
Recently, a new study found that people suffering from sleep apnea syndrome (interruption of breathing during sleep) may experience nocturia.
Here's what happens during a sleep apnea episode:
  1. Oxygen decreases due to obstruction of the upper airway.
  2. Carbon dioxide increases.
  3. Blood becomes very acidic.
During this time, the body is alarmed that something is wrong and forces the sleeper to wake up. The heart will begin to race and receive false signal that there is fluid overload and tell the body to urinate. This process repeats every time sleep apnea occurs.
Individuals suffering from sleep apnea rarely know that they are having difficulty breathing during sleep. So if you are urinating frequently at night, it can also be a sign that you have sleep apnea syndrome.
Treating the underlying cause of sleep apnea will help stop nocturia.

4 Things You Can Do to Cope With Nocturia

1. Avoid drinking too much liquid before bedtime, especially coffee, tea, and beer, as these beverages have diuretic effect.
2. Focus on lower leg exercise like walking or squatting 3-4 hours before you go to bed. This will help relieve swelling of the legs.
Elevate Your Feet to Prevent Nocturia
3. Lie or sit down and put your feet up 3-4 hours before bedtime so that some of the fluid in lower extremities will pass as urine before you sleep. Do this for at least 30 minutes. Stretch and bend your ankles at the same time for about 20 times while at this position.
Wear compression stockings to prevent feet swelling
4. Wear compression stockings during the day. This will prevent swelling of legs and feet. Just make sure it is the correct size and remove the stockings once you go to bed.

Important Things to Consider if You Have Nocturia

Consult Your Doctor if you are experiencing frequent urination at night
  1. If you have heart or kidney problems, make sure to follow the advice of your doctor.
  2. Elderly people should also watch their water intake and make sure that they remain hydrated. Remember that the body's thirst sensation diminishes with age.
  3. There are many other possible causes of nocturia, so consult a urologist for an in-depth examination.
  4. Consult a pulmonologist or an ENT specialist if you suspect that you have sleep apnea syndrome.

Please feel free to share any thoughts you have about nighttime urination. Post your feedback in our comments section at the bottom of this page.



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[] Dealing with cholesterol levels


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Subject:  Dealing with cholesterol levels



Cholesterol: What Your Level Means

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a waxy substance your body uses to protect nerves, make cell tissues and produce certain hormones. Your liver makes all the cholesterol your body needs. Your body also gets cholesterol directly from the food you eat (such as eggs, meats and dairy products). Too much cholesterol can have negative impacts on your health.

Why is a high cholesterol level unhealthy?

While some cholesterol is needed for good health, too much cholesterol in your blood can increase your risk for heart disease, including heart attack or stroke. 

If you have high cholesterol, your body may store the extra cholesterol in your arteries. Your arteries are blood vessels that carry blood from your heart to the rest of your body. Buildup of cholesterol in your arteries is known as plaque. Over time, plaque can become hard and make your arteries narrow. Large deposits of plaque can completely block an artery. Cholesterol plaques can also split open, leading to formation of a blood clot that blocks the flow of blood.

If an artery that supplies blood to the muscles in your heart becomes blocked, a heart attack can occur. If an artery that supplies blood to your brain becomes blocked, a stroke can occur.

Risk factors for heart disease

  • Already had a heart attack
  • A man, 45 years of age or older
  • A woman, 55 years of age or older
  • A woman who is going through menopause or has completed menopause
  • Have an immediate family member (parent or sibling) who has had heart disease
  • Cigarette smoking
  • High blood pressure or diabetes
  • Overweight or obese
  • Inactive
Normal artery vs. blocked artery

When should I start having my cholesterol level checked?

You can't tell if you have high cholesterol without having it checked. All adults 20 years of age and older should have their cholesterol checked every 5 years. If your cholesterol level is high or you have other risk factors for heart disease (see the box above), you may need to have it checked sooner and more often.

A blood test known as a lipid panel is usually the way cholesterol is checked.

Are there different types of cholesterol?

Yes. Cholesterol travels through the blood in different types of bundles, called lipoproteins. 

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) delivers cholesterol to the body. 
High-density lipoprotein (HDL) removes cholesterol from the bloodstream.

This explains why too much LDL cholesterol is bad for the body, and why a high level of HDL is good. The balance between the types of cholesterol tells you what your cholesterol level means (see the box below).

For example, if your total cholesterol level is high because of a high LDL level, you may be at higher risk of heart disease or stroke. If your total level is high only because of a high HDL level, you're probably not at higher risk.

Total cholesterol level

  • Less than 200 is best.
  • 200 to 239 is borderline high.
  • 240 or more means you're at increased risk for heart disease.

LDL cholesterol levels

  • Below 100 is ideal for people who have a higher risk of heart disease.
  • 100 to 129 is near optimal.
  • 130 to 159 is borderline high.
  • 160 or more means you're at a higher risk for heart disease.

HDL cholesterol levels

  • Less than 40 means you're at higher risk for heart disease.
  • 60 or higher greatly reduces your risk of heart disease.

What can I do to improve my cholesterol level?

If you have high cholesterol, it may be necessary for you to make some lifestyle changes. 
If you smoke, quit. 
Exercise regularly.
If you're overweight, losing just 5 to 10 pounds can help improve your cholesterol levels. 
Make sure to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fish- all of which promote heart health. 
Avoid saturated and trans fats, which can raise cholesterol levels. 
Also limit your overall cholesterol intake to less than 300 milligrams per day and 200 milligrams if you have heart disease. 

Do your test reports reveal a high cholesterol level? Here's how to get it under control... 

Eat more beans 
You cannot rule out carbohydrates completely from your diet because they are important sources of energy for the body. However, some sources of energy are better than the others. For example, beans and whole grains have more fibre and less sugar. Hence, they play an important role in bringing down the risk of diabetes while simultaneously controlling the body's cholesterol level. White bread, potatoes, etc do just the opposite. 

Get moving 
Half an hour of physical activity on a regular basis goes a long way in lowering your cholesterol levels. If you indulge in a vigorous exercise, such as jogging, experts suggest that even 20 minutes thrice a week is enough. A tip for starters is not to carry on for 30 minutes at a stretch. You may break down the exercise to three intervals of 10 minutes each. If you hate exercising, or feel that gyming is too boring, go for a walk. 

Eat out wisely 
When you are eating out, it becomes all the more imperative to stay cautious. Restaurants have a habit of supersizing everything. Stay clear of fried food as much as possible. Go for boiled, baked or steamed food. Also, ask for the sauces to be served at the side and not mixed with your food. Most of these sauces are high in sodium and calories. 

Don't stress 
Stress directly affects your cholesterol levels and can also lead to high blood pressure. Try and reduce your stress levels with relaxation techniques such as meditation and yoga. A simple way out to reduce stress levels is to exercise deep breathing. 

What about medicine to lower cholesterol?
Depending on your risk factors, if healthy eating and exercise don't work to lower your cholesterol level, your doctor may suggest medicine.


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