Subject: A whole lot of Clever Household Hints
Some are old but some really smart stuff
The simplest way to slice a bunch of cherry tomatoes is to sandwich them between two plastic lids and run a long knife through all of them at once!
Water straight from the tap becomes cloudy when frozen. To make ice cubes crystal clear, allow a kettle of boiled water to cool slightly and use this to fill your ice cube trays.
Add half a teaspoon of baking soda to the water when hard-boiling eggs to make the shells incredibly easy to peel off.
When hanging a picture frame, put a dab of toothpaste on the frame where you need the nails to be. Then simply press against the wall to leave marks (which can later be wiped) as guides for hammering in.
Put a dry towel in with a wet load to reduce the drying time (this really works, I've been doing it for years!)
To tell if eggs are fresh, immerse them in a bowl of water. Fresh eggs will lie on the bottom, while stale eggs will float to the surface.
Sprinkle salt in the spaces between patio slabs and at the bottom of walls to get rid of pesky weeds(but be careful NOT to get salt near plants you want to keep as salt will kill them!)
To clean a wooden chopping board, sprinkle on a handful of Kosher salt and rub with half a lemon. Rinse with clean water and dry to ensure it is clean and germ-free.
Prevent soil from escaping through the holes in the base of flowerpots by lining with large coffee filters
To stop the annoying sound of a dripping tap, tie a piece of string around the faucet which is long enough to reach down to the sink.
Use rubber bands to help open a jar easily: place one around the jar lid and another around the middle of the glass. The rubber provides friction to prevent your hands from slipping.
To prevent your eyes watering while chopping onions, wipe the chopping board with white vinegar (which won't affect the taste of the onions)
Drop a couple of denture cleaning tablets into the toilet bowl at night to clean off stubborn stains.
Another way to clean a chopping board is to cover liberally with Kosher salt and leave overnight. Scrape off with a cloth in the morning to find the salt has absorbed all moisture to leave your board clean and dry.
Use chalk to remove grease stains from clothes. Simply rub white chalk on the affected area and wash as normal - the chalk will absorb the grease and be washed away in the cycle.
Yet another use for drinks can ringpulls! Use to create a hanging loop for picture frames by screwing into the back.
Posted by: =?UTF-8?Q?=E2=99=A3_=E2=99=A3_=E2=99=A3M=2ED=2E_?= =?UTF-8?Q?HEGDE=E2=99=A3_=E2=99=A3_=E2=99=A3?= <hegde_csl@yahoo.co.in>
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