Monday, 17 June 2019




Whatsapp Group+91 98450 81888

Hands that serve are Holier than Lips that Pray

One early morning some time back, on reaching Central Station, I engaged an Auto to go home.
The Auto driver ( forgot the name) appeared to be a well informed person. I struck a conversation with him enquiring about competition that he faced from call taxis. He admitted that it was tough but was confident that autos would survive. While he pointed out the short life of call taxi companies like Bharathi, NTL, Friends etc. he was confident that Autos would survive. 
Suddenly he asked me whether I knew the meaning of " Auto". I said "No".
He surprised me with his explanation.
" During the British Rule, medicines were transported to hospitals from the Central medical Depots initially by hand pulled rickshaws, then by peddaled tri cycle rickshaws.
At that time an enterprising Sardar from Jallandar fixed a motor to the cycle rickshaw which was used to draw water. After making innovative alterations to the vehicle,it was faster & could carry heavier loads. 
So, the British Government Invested in more such motorised vehicles to transport urgent life saving medicines to hospitals.
These were called "An Urgent Transport Option".
The AUTO became very popular and slowly they were used for various other purposes including transporting passengers. 
Over the period, this was modified technically and in appearance."

I realised that to gain knowledge, one has to keep one's Eyes and Ears open always because we never know from where it comes to us.
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[] Many Benefits Of Olive Leaves


The Many Benefits of Olive Leaves
The olive leaf has been a sign of peace and prosperity for many generations. In Genesis, a dove returns to Noah's arc with a fresh olive leaf in its mouth pronouncing the end of the flood. Today the olive branch has become a symbol of peace and even appears on the flag of the United Nations.
We have heard plenty of the health benefits of olive oil, but very little of the health benefits of olive leaves. Recent research shows that the extract made from olive leaves can cure and protect from various diseases and symptoms.
It all begins with Pythochemicals ("plant chemicals") whose main purpose is to protect the plant from parasites and maladies. By consuming the plants, our bodies absorb the paythochemicals that protect us from the same hazards. One of those pythochemicals is called Oleuropein, which can be found in olive leaves.
Here are 10 health benefits of olive leaves:
1. They help prevent or slow down the development of cancer:
Findings from a study conducted in 2010-2011 show that the active ingredient in olive leaves can slow down the development of cancer cells in women who suffer from breast cancer, as well as slow down the development of Melanoma in cells that were taken from mice.
2. They encourage bone formation
In a study conducted in Spain in 2011, researchers discovered that the Oleuropein found in olive oils encourages the production of osteroblasts - large cells responsible for the development of the bone - which prevent osteoporosis and a decrease in bone mass.
3. They fight against bacterial and viral infections
Oleuropein is especially useful in fighting against micro-organisms such as viruses and bacteria. It transforms into elenolic acid in the body, which stops the reproduction of amino acids in viruses and bacteria, thus preventing them from replicating and spreading.
4. They prevent aging
Free radicals can damage the skin by disrupting the process of DNA formation. Olive leaves are rich in phenols, antioxidants that neutralize free radicals and help revitalize our skin.
5. They reduce inflammation
Oleuropein's ability to fight against germs can cure infections and relieve inflammation.
6. The lower blood pressure
Researchers found that oleuropein can also improve blood circulation and prevent blood clotting. Olive leaves can also balance your blood sugar levels by improving the activity of liver insulin receptors.
7. They Fight against cholesterol
Olive leaves are also known for their ability to stop the formation of LDL ("bad cholesterol") by preventing oxidation.
8. They Reinforce the immune system
The phytochemicals found in olive leaves support the activity of Vitamin C, which is essential to our immune system.
9. They cure infections
As part of its antiviral activity, olive leaf extract can also cure viral infections such as herpes and influenza.
10. And the list goes on and on...
Since olive leaves have anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties, they can also help in cases of malaria, allergies, psoriasis, CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) and more.
Convinced? Go to the nearest health nature shop and ask for olive leaf extract.
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Whatsapp Group+91 98450 81888

Hands that serve are Holier than Lips that Pray


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[] Importance Of 108 Number


 ---- Importance of
108 number!
When we see number of beads in vara mala/vrata mala, number of names of God and Goddess, I always wondered there should be some prominence for 108 which I do not know. Why do we give so much importance to 108 in Hinduism? Why 108 is so sacred for Hindus? Here is a brief explanation of the use and importance of this number:
The diameter of the Sun is 108 times the diameter of the Earth.
The distance from the Sun to the Earth is 108 times the diameter of the Sun.
The average distance of the Moon from the Earth is 108 times the diameter of the Moon.
In Ayurveda, there are 108 "Marma" points that are vital for giving life to living beings.
The powerful Sri Chakra yantra intersects in 54 points each with a masculine and feminine quality, totalling to 108
In Indian astrology we have 12 houses and 9 plants. 12 times 9 equals to 108.
In Tantra, it is estimated that every day we breathe 21,600 times out of which 10,800 are solar energy and 10, 800 are lunar energy. Multiplying 108 X 100 is 10,800.
The famous saint Bharata wrote "The Natya Shastra" which has 108 karanas (Movement of hand and feet)
There are 54 letters in Sanskrit each can be mentioned as masculine (Shiva) and feminine (Shakti) aspect, totalling to 108.
There are 108 Puranas and 108 Upanishads.
9 times 12: Both of these numbers have been said to have spiritual significance in many traditions. 9 times 12 is 108. Also, 1 plus 8 equals 9. That 9 times 12 equals 108.
Powers of 1, 2, and 3 in math: 1 to 1st power=1; 2 to 2nd power=4 (2×2); 3 to 3rd power=27 (3x3x3). 1x4x27=108
Harshad number: 108 is a Harshad number, which is an integer divisible by the sum of its digits (Harshad is from Sanskrit, and means "great joy")
There are said to be 108 earthly desires in mortals.
There are said to be 108 lies that humans tell.
Delusions: There are said to be 108 human delusions or forms of ignorance.
Heart Chakra:
The chakras are the intersections of energy lines, and there are said to be a total of 108 energy lines converging to form the heart chakra. One of them, sushumna leads to the crown chakra, and is said to be the path to Self-realization.
If one is able to be so calm in meditation as to have only 108 breaths in a day, enlightenment will come.
Sri Yantra:
On the Sri Yantra there are marmas where three lines intersect, and there are 54 such intersections. Each intersection has masculine and feminine, shiva and shakti qualities. 54 times 2 equal 108. Thus, there are 108 points that define the Sri Yantra as well as the human body.
The angle formed by two adjacent lines in a pentagon equals 108 degrees.
Some say there are 108 feelings, with 36 related to the past, 36 related to the present, and 36 related to the future.
There are 12 constellations, and 9 arc segments called namshas or chandrakalas. 9 times 12 equal 108. Chandra is moon, and kalas are the divisions within a whole.
River Ganga:
The sacred River Ganga spans a longitude of 12 degrees (79 to 91), and latitude of 9 degrees (22 to 31). 12 times 9 equal 108.
Gopis of Krishna:
There were said to be 108 gopis or maid servants of Krishna.
1, 0, and 8:
Some say that 1 stands for God or higher Truth, 0 stands for emptiness or completeness in spiritual practice, and 8 stands for infinity or eternity.
Silver and the moon:
In astrology, the metal silver is said to represent the moon. The atomic weight of silver is 108.
Numerical scale:
The 1 of 108, and the 8 of 108, when added together equals 9, which is the number of the numerical scale, i.e. 1, 2, 3 … 10, etc., where 0 is not a number.
Some say there are 108 styles of meditation.
Paths to God: Some suggest that there are 108 paths to God.
In the Jain religion, 108 are the combined virtues of five categories of holy ones, including 12, 8, 36, 25, and 27 virtues respectively.
The Sikh tradition has a mala of 108 knots tied in a string of wool, rather than beads.
Some Buddhists carve 108 small Buddhas on a walnut for good luck. Some ring a bell 108 times to celebrate a new year. There are said to be 108 virtues to cultivate and 108 defilements to avoid.
The Chinese Buddhists and Taoists use a 108 bead mala, which is called su-chu, and has three dividing beads, so the mala is divided into three parts of 36 each. Chinese astrology says that there are 108 sacred stars.
Stages of the soul:
Said that Atman, the human soul or center goes through 108 stages on the journey.
This is a larger bead, not part of the 108. It is not tied in the sequence of the other beads. It is the guiding bead, the one that marks the beginning and end of the mala.
Praiseworthy souls:
There are 108 qualities of praiseworthy souls.
In Japan, at the end of the year, a bell is chimed 108 times to finish the old year and welcome the new one. Each ring represents one of 108 earthly temptations a person must overcome to achieve nirvana..
108 signifies the wholeness of the divinity, perfect totality.
So, let us follow what our ancestors told us to do.
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Whatsapp Group+91 98450 81888

Hands that serve are Holier than Lips that Pray


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