If the cow is healthy giving milk, then it should not be slaughtered. In the earth everything is for human beings. If it is fit for slaughter, a certificate in this regard to be obtained to slaughter. It is good for getting good meat and good for health.
Best Regards
PS. Koya
From: "Pramod Agrawal pka_ur@yahoo.com [Keralites]"
To: Keralites@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2015 8:33 PM
Subject: [www.keralites.net] Explained: No-Beef Nation
Explained: No-Beef Nation

Andhra Pradesh TelanganaSlaughter of cows, calves prohibited. Bulls, bullocks can be killed against "fit-for-slaughter" certificate, issued if animals can no longer be used for breeding; draught/agricultural operations. Violators face 6 months jail and/or Rs 1,000 fine.
AssamCow slaughter banned except on issue of 'fit-for-slaughter' certificate, at designated places.
BiharSlaughter of cows, calves banned; of bulls, bullocks older than 15 years allowed. Violators face 6 months' jail and/or Rs 1,000 fine.
ChandigarhKilling a cow, storing/serving/eating beef banned; eating meat of buffalo, bullock, ox also banned.
ChhattisgarhSlaughter of cow, buffalo, bull, bullock, calf, and possession of their meat banned. Transport, export to other states for slaughter also banned; attracts same punishment of 7 years' jail, fine up to Rs 50,000.
DelhiSlaughter of "agricultural cattle" — cow, calf, bull, bullock — and "possession of flesh", even if they are killed outside Delhi, banned. Buffaloes are not covered.
GujaratSlaughter of cow, calf, bull and bullock; transport, sale of their meat banned. Punishment: Rs 50,000 fine, up to 7 years' jail. Ban does not include buffaloes.
HaryanaAs per a 2015 law, "cow", which includes bull, bullock, ox, heifer, calf, and disabled/diseased/barren cows, can't be killed. Punishment: 3-10 years jail, fine up to Rs 1 lakh. Sale of canned beef and beef products, and export of cows for slaughter banned.
Himachal PradeshSlaughter of all bovines punishable by 5 years' jail. Killing allowed in the interest of research, or if animal has contagious disease.
Jammu KashmirSlaughter of cow and its progeny punishable by up to 10 years' jail. Possession of "flesh of any slaughtered animal(s)" punishable by a year; killing of "he or she buffalo" punishable with fine five times the animal's price.
JharkhandSlaughter of cows and oxen; possession, consumption of their meat, banned. Violators face up to 10 years' jail and/or Rs 10,000 fine.
KarnatakaCows can be slaughtered if old or diseased. Possession not a crime. Bill proposed by BJP in 2010 made slaughter punishable by 7 years' jail and Rs 1 lakh fine, but it did not become law.
KeralaNo restrictions.
Madhya PradeshSlaughter of cow, progeny banned. Penalty raised to 7 years' jail in 2012, burden of proof on accused. Buffaloes can be killed.
MaharashtraSlaughter, consumption of meat of cow, bull, bullock banned since March 2015 after revision of existing law. 5 years' jail and/or Rs 10,000 fine. Slaughter of buffaloes allowed.
MizoramNo restrictions.
Odisha2 years' jail, Rs 1,000 fine for cow slaughter. Old bulls, bullocks can be killed on fit-for-slaughter certificate; cow if it suffers from contagious disease.
Other NortheastNo ban in Arunachal, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim. In Manipur, Maharaja in 1939 decreed prosecution for cow slaughter, but beef consumed widely.
Punjab"Beef" doesn't include imported beef; "cow" includes bulls, bullocks, oxen, heifer, calves. Slaughter allowed for export, with government permit.
RajasthanSlaughter of "cow, calf, heifer, bull or bullock" prohibited; possession, transport of their flesh prohibited. 10 years' imprisonment and/or Rs 10,000 fine.
Tamil NaduCow, calf slaughter banned; up to 3 years' jail and/or Rs 1,000 fine. Beef consumption and slaughter of economically worthless animals allowed.
Uttar PradeshSlaughter of cow, bullock, ox banned. Can't store or eat beef. 7 years' jail and/or Rs 10,000 fine. Can import in sealed containers, to be served to foreigners. Buffaloes can be killed.
West BengalNo restrictions.
NO RESTRICTIONSKerala, Bengal and Northeastern states of Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Tripura, Nagaland. Beef consumed widely.
Jail terms 10 yrs for cow slaughter in Haryana, Jammu and Kashmir, Jharkhand and Rajasthan. Punishment up to varying terms in jail in other states.Hefty fine 1 lakh in Haryana, and Rs 50,000 in Chhattisgarh and Gujarat. Range of smaller fines for slaughter and related crimes in other states.