Who Is God?

'Supreme Soul' (Paramãtmã) means that He is the supreme among all souls. It implies that He also is 'a soul', and that He is the Highest of all. People say that God is Light, a Jyoti (Effulgence personified) or Noor (a self-luminous object). But they do not know what form that Light has. Just as a soul is a point-of-light (Jyoti Bindu), even so the Father of souls i.e., the Supreme Soul also is a point-of- Light (Jyoti Bindu).
He, whom we call 'our Father', has certainly a form. Qualities have no form, but the thing that possesses these qualities has a form. Sweetness has no form, but sugar has. Similarly, peace, bliss, purity, etc., are formless but He, who is the inexhaustible source of these, surely has a form. He bears a name; He has His abode and has His actions to perform.
There is difference between Him and the other souls in respect of qualities.
God is changeless, being the Ocean of Purity, Ocean of Peace, the Ocean of Happiness, the Ocean of Love, the Ocean of Knowledge and the Ocean of Bliss... that is why people ask for their welfare, i.e., for the boons of happiness, peace and bliss from Him. He is above birth and death and is immune to pleasure and pain, whereas the other souls are in the vortex of birth and death and pleasure and pain. God is not formless but is like the souls, a point-of-Light. God has no earthly form; He is not a model made of Matter. He is incorporeal, that is why it is said that He has no ears but He hears, He has no physical eyes but He can see and He has no feet and yet He moves or walks.
Please watch the attached ppt for an in depth explanation.
Positive Thoughts
To start the day with positivity is to ensure success throughout the day.
When I am a journey, I choose and decide my way - where I have to go. My choice leads me on further in that way. In the same way, the first thought that I have as soon as I wake up decides the quality of my day. If I start the day with a positive thought, I will be able to pick out the best from all that the day has to offer and move ahead towards success. Today I will check what the first thought was that I had when I woke up from bed. I will then take an aim to start the day with a positive thought. Instead of thinking "Oh God, I am late", let me think "I am going to have a great day". I will also create a positive thought before starting any new task.
Love in Action
I should feel love when people don't love me because love heals and
brings happiness. When I feel love towards others, there is benefit all
around. To be loving is a natural way to live. If I make effort to
become more loving, my own happiness increases immediately and soon the attitudes of others will soften. Many people are burdened with
negativity as a result of a shortage of love. It shows up in cycles of
critical thoughts and negative feelings, sometimes directed against the
self, and sometimes blaming others. Such thoughts and feelings run down
energy and deplete everybody's well being. If I recognize this and
become more determined to stay positive, I can end the negative cycles
and reveal the power of love in action.
Meditation And Physical Health
The state of the body is a result of the state of the soul not only because of past karmas (actions performed in this and previous births) but because of its present state also.
For example, when the emotion of fear passes through the mind, the endocrine system starts pumping adrenalin through the body to prepare it for a surge of energy. It is easy to note the cause-effect relationship between fear (cause) and adrenalin (effect). In the same way all of the mental ups and downs cause resulting secretions throughout the body. Internal rage is accompanied by heavy breathing, fast heart-beats, red face and so on. This relationship between body and soul is the reason most physical diseases arise from a psychological or mental origin. There is no doubt that any lessening of harmful secretions by reducing the emotional causes will bring about sound and lasting health. Health and order in the soul (mind) bring health and order in the body.
Of course there are other factors which give rise to health problems - pollution, unhealthy life-style, lack of exercise, wrong diet etc. Through meditation and its connected positive lifestyle and through a pure vegetarian diet, ill-health can be minimized. The removal of stress and tension has to be one of the most important advantages for a person who practices meditation.