I think this mother is beyond fantastic, what attitude, I salute her. What about you ? - A must read. : - A saint of a mother: Her husband committed suicide leaving debts of £1m, yet she raised seven children - six autistic, two with cerebral palsy. And she's still smiling
Vikie Shanks has raised her seven children alone in rural Warwickshire
Six of her children have autism, two cerebral palsy and another dyslexia
Her husband Paul committed suicide in 2007 leaving substantial debts
But against all odds, the whole family are leading happy, healthy lives
'I've got a lot of grit. I'm not the sort of person to be beaten,' she says

In 2007, her husband, Paul, committed suicide, and since then she has been lone parent to her seven adored, but demanding children: six daughters — Jamie, now 23, Kacie, 20, 19-year-old twins Lorie and Mirie, Nikita, 17, Pippa, 13 — and only son Osborn, 15, all of whom live with their mother in a ramshackle house set in 13 acres of rural Warwickshire.
Motherhood on such an epic scale is challenge enough, but Vikie's parenting task is gargantuan, for six of her seven offspring have autism.
Two also have cerebral palsy, while Kacie — the only one not affected by autism — is severely dyslexic.
You might imagine that Vikie, a former model, would be crushed by the weight of her responsibilities, but, in fact, she is resourceful and cheerful and presides over her chaotic household with remarkable serenity.
Her children, too, have been instilled with her maxim that life's problems are there to be surmounted.
Each one of them has learned to circumvent, or deal with, the difficulties their autism has presented them with. All are leading happy, productive lives.
Nikita, Lorie, Osborn and Pippa were diagnosed as autistic when they were four. Osborn and Pippa also have cerebral palsy, which has affected their balance, ability to walk and manual skills.
Jamie and Mirie have milder symptoms of autism, but psychologists have confirmed that they are on the spectrum.
Nikita had the most intractable behavioural problems, with violent meltdowns — but the 17-year-old has graduated from special school to a mainstream college, where she is studying drama.
Vikie is delighted by her transformation. 'There were times when Nikita's behaviour was quite horrific,' she says.
'She'd trash the house, and thump and slap me. I was covered in bruises. She was so full of anger; like a little wild animal.
'I remember feeling exhausted, completely wrung-out. I felt like running into the middle of the field behind our house, throwing my arms in the air and screaming.
'But there was only me, so I just had to soldier on. When there's no one else to field a ball to, there isn't an alternative.
'Everyone says "You must be strong", and I think I probably am quite tough mentally. I've got a lot of grit. I'm not the sort of person to be beaten.
'I try to deal with life by focusing on solutions rather than problems. And, of course, a bit of laughter helps as well.'
Indeed, Vikie has often had to summon up every vestige of her strength, humour and resolve to deal with the many curve balls life has thrown at her.
Full article in the link below : Share this if you liked it.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2660611/A-saint-mother-Her-husband-committed-suicide-leaving-debts-1m-raised-seven-children-six-autistic-two-cerebral-palsy-And-shes-smiling.html#ixzz34xutYqqh
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