Saturday, 15 September 2012

[] 18 Ways to Make Your Parents Feel Great


Starting from our birth they have taken care of our food (22years * 365 days * 3 times = 24000 times!), our clothes (daily washing, ironing, new purchasing), our education (daily home works, uniform, school/tution fee), religious & moral teaching every day (THE REAL GREAT JOB), computer & toys purchasing and God knows how many other countless efforts they have put in to make us a complete human beingto survive in this world. Indeed, all those effortscannot be covered in this article but the overall emphesis is that its our moral andreligious mandatory responsibility to take care of them now.
Below are some smallacts of kindness which I request you to consider to show your affection with them and to take care of them:
  1. Give them enough money so that they don't have to ask you. According to a Hadith of Prohet (PBUH), you and your money belongs to your father.
  2. Share funny and entertaining things with them to make them laugh or smile.
  3. Don't speak loudly. Speak slowly, nicelyand softly.
  4. Do not walk in front of them in market or anywhere. They might walk slow being old; stay behind them. Give them respect.
  5. Ask for small tasks again and again. For example, "Abou Jee, do you need water? Should i bring tea for you? Are you hungry, baba" etc
  6. Closely monitor thier health. visit doctor if required. Have them thorougly checked time to time.
  7. Take care of their medicines. Set reminders on your phone for their medicines andserve them on time.
  8. Take them to the mosque. Walk slowly. Follow their pace.
  9. Take them to the parkfor walk. If not possible daily, then take them on weekend.
  10. Do not call them by their name. Call them with respect.
  11. Open the door for them with respect
  12. Adapt yourself according totheirschedule not vise versa.
  13. Do shopping for them (buy their clothes, shoes, small items like tooth paste). Buy your mother a nice coffee cup. Take them to market and buy them according to their likings. Buy your parents some nice books; usually people love to read books in old age.
  14. When you come back to home, visit them first in their room.
  15. Respect thier social circle and let them enjoy with their friends. Article written by Junaid.Tahir
  16. In case of conflict on any issue, try to follow them as much as possible. Remember, they have been sacrificing their money and time in raising you for years and years. Its time to pay back. They have been showing all the patience during your childhood. Its time for you to be patient.
  17. Keep them with you instead of sending themto old houses etc. This will be a big act of ignorance if you do.
  18. When starting the food, serve them first.
In the end, I would recommendmaking a check list of this email and and paste it on any wall in your room or kitchen and read it often to remember
Please do share if you are doing any other good thing in making your parents feel great :)

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[] Quote by Mahatma Gandhi

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[] The honest Dubai taxi driver returns 123000 Siyals and Gold


DUBAI // In the 18 months Omar Hayah Ajmal Khan has driven a Dubai taxi, passengers have left many things behind from mobile phones to shopping bags.

On Tuesday afternoon, the 26-year-old Pakistani drivers character was put to the test when he found a briefcase full of money and jewellery.

I was very surprised to see all that cash, I can truly say that Ive never seen that much money before in my life, said Mr Khan.

He had completed his last fare of the day when he decided to pick up a Saudi man from Al Rigga Street in Deira and dropped him off in the Rola district of Sharjah.

I thought my day was over. It was 3:20pm and I get off at 4pm. I was just going to refuel my taxi and go home, said Mr Khan, who works for Metro Taxi.

At the petrol station, while cleaning his cab, he noticed a case tucked behind the drivers seat. When he checked to see what was inside, he found 123,700 Saudi Riyals and gold jewellery.

I immediately called my company to say a customer had left his bag of valuables in my car and that I was going to the police station to drop it off.

Mr Khan took the bag and its contents to Al Qusais Police Station.

The officers at the station also seemed surprised by what was inside the briefcase. They told me that they would call me when they located the owner of the bag and Id have to return to verify his identity.

Less than an hour later, Mr Khan received the call from the station.

He returned to find a very relieved Hatem Awad Al Anassi, a 30-year-old businessman from Saudi Arabia.

When I got to the station I saw the Saudi gentleman and he was overjoyed to have his property returned to him. He thanked me profusely and gave me Dh500 for my trouble.

Mr Al Anassi said he always carried cash with him while on business in the UAE, but had never misplaced it before.

A call to his mobile phone distracted him as he was leaving the taxi, and he panicked when he realised hed left it behind.

I was very afraid that I had lost the money, he said. But at the same time I had hope that it would be returned. After all, the UAE is a very peaceful place.

Mr Al Anassi contacted the police and they began searching through security camera footage from the hotel he was dropped off at.

The first photo they showed me was of a different taxi driver. I was starting to lose hope when I got a call saying that the bag had been handed to the officers at Al Qusais Police Station.

He said he was blown away when he heard the taxi driver had handed it in.

This guy is on a limited income, he must really have a clean soul to do such a deed.

Mr Khans friends were equally impressed he returned the loot.

Many of them said they would have been tempted to keep it. But that never even crossed my mind, said Mr Khan. This is just the way I was brought up, you know?

Dubai Police were so moved by Mr Khans honesty, they held a ceremony in his honour on Wednesday and presented him with a certificate of appreciation for his honesty and integrity.

Ive never taken a dirham I didnt earn, Mr Khan said. Even if no one else was a round to see me, God sees all. Besides, if I had taken it, I dont think I could ever have look my 2-year-old daughter in the eye

Im a much happier person with Dh500 that I earned than Dh120,000 that I didnt because it is Haram to have even a single penny by illegal way

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[] സൈബര്‍തട്ടിപ്പ് - ഒരുവര്‍ഷം നഷ്ടമായത് നാല്പ്പതീരായിരം കോടി രൂപ



ssk_ÀX«n¸v: Hcp hÀjw \jvSambXv 42,000 tImSn! 


Fun & Info @ Keralites.netapwss_: Ignª HcphÀj¯n\pÅn ssk_À IpähmfnIÄ C´ybn \n¶p IS¯ns¡mWvSpt]mbXv 42,000 tImSnbpsS hcpam\w. 4.2 tImSn BfpIfmWv CXn\v CcIfmbXv. tkm^vSvthÀ skIyqcnän tkh\ ZmXm¡fmb t\mÀ«¬ ]pd¯phn« hmÀjnIdnt¸mÀ«nemWv C¡mcyw. sXm«pap³hÀjt¯¡mÄ 18% hÀ[\bpWvSv. ssk_À IpähmfnIÄ BtKmfXe¯n IhÀ¶Xv 6,05,000 tImSnbmWv.

C´ybn {]mb]qÀ¯nbmb 66 iXam\w t]À ssk_À IpähmfnIfpsS CcIfmIp¶pWvSv. HcpZnhkw 1,15,000 t]À Asæn an\nän 80 t]À AXpasæn sk¡³Un HcmÄ hoXw I_fn¸n¡s¸Sp¶p. icmicn 10,560 cq] HcmÄ¡v Znhkhpw \jvSs¸Sp¶p. tkmjy s\ävhÀ¡pIfneqsSbpw samss_Ât^mWpIfneqsSbpapÅ ssk_À X«n¸pIÄ hÀ[n¨phcnIbmWv. 

BtKmfXe¯n Hmtcm sk¡³Unepw 18 t]À X«n¸n\v CcIfmIp¶p. HcpZnhkw sam¯w 150 e£w ssk_À X«n¸pIfmWp \S¡p¶Xv. IgnªhÀjt¯ At]£n¨v ssk_À X«n¸p cwK¯v ]p¯³ amÀK§Ä kzoIcn¡p¶pWvSv. tkmjyÂs\ävhÀ¡v, samss_Ât^m¬ t]mse Gähpw P\{]nb Xe§Ä hsc CXn\v D]tbmKn¡m³ XpS§n. X«n¸n\ncIfmIp¶ aq¶nsem¶p t]À ChbntesX¦nepw H¶neqsSbmbncn¡pw. tkmjy s\ävhÀ¡pIfn 22 iXam\w t]cpsS s{]mss^epIÄ lm¡v sN¿pItbm hymP s{]mss^ DWvSm¡s¸SpItbm sN¿p¶p. 15 iXam\w t]À bYmÀY km¼¯nIX«n¸n\v CcIfmIp¶p. 

D]tbmIvXm¡Ä thWvS{X kpc£mt_m[anÃmsX s]cpamdp¶Xn\m ssk_À IpähmfnIÄ AhcpsS X{´§Ä amäns¡mWvSncn¡pw. 



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A ream of respect,
A run of romance,
A pail full of passion,
And maybe a dance.

A huge helping of honesty,
A truckload of trust,
A handful of humor
A lacing of lust.

A quart of kindness
A dash of daring,
A half bucket of blindness
A couple cups full of caring.

A declaration of admiration
A liberal liter of loyalty,
A can full of contemplation
A realization of royalty.

A hint of humility
Four feet of fun
Five fists full of friendship,
And faith by the ton. 

Fun & Info @ 

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