Friday, 30 August 2019

[] 4 natural cold and flu remedies


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Instead of going to the drugstore when you are coming down with a cold or the flu – why not try your local natural food store?

According to The Medicine Hunter, Chris Kilham, these remedies will help you feel better quickly.
1. Eucalyptus Oil
"Eucalyptus oil is the ultimate cold season decongestant," Kilham said. "Eucalyptus, it's a tree that originates in Australia, and grows all over the world now.  The oil is inexpensive and very effective.  Fill a bathroom sink full of hot water, drop about five drops of this into the water, drape a towel over your head -- breathe the vapors, and this helps to open up clogged up sinuses."
2. Ginger
"Ginger is just about the best thing for relieving a sore throat, and it makes you feel better almost instantly," Kilham said.  "And it also contains ingredients that kill rhinoviruses, which are the viruses that cause colds."
How do you use ginger root for a cold? Kilham said to break off a piece and chop it up very finely or grate it. Put it in a cup and pour boiling water over it, then you let it sit for about five minutes.  Strain it and drink it – you can always add honey for extra flavor.
3. Mint
"For decongesting, this is one of my favorite remedies," Kilham said. "And I like this because it's safe for children. Mint contains menthol, and menthol is a compound that helps to open up your sinuses. Chop it up finely, and put it in a cup, then pour boiling water over it. Let it sit for about five minutes. Strain it; you can add a little honey.  It will help to decongest, and open up your breathing passages."
4. Umcka
If you don't have time to make a cold tea at home – try umcka.
Umcka is the san tribal name for the African herb perigonian serdoties, according to Kilham.  
"What you need to know about this stuff is it reduces the symptoms of a cold quickly, especially congestion. So at the first sign of a cold, you take about a half a teaspoon of this syrup and it starts to work immediately."
These remedies don't have the awful side effects of drugs, Kilham said, and they work quickly and efficiently. He also recommends getting lots of rest, drinking plenty of fluids and eating chicken soup.

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[] : Vitamin C and Lysine Powder Help Prevent Heart Attack


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Hands that serve are Holier than Lips that Pray



Vitamin C and Lysine Powder Help Prevent Heart Attack

October 20th, 2012

Why is heart attack the number one killer in this country? 99 percent of doctors say it's due to atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries) and that cholesterol lowering drugs are the primary way to treat it. But I say it's because cardiologists have closed minds and are ignoring facts that could save thousands of North Americans from coronary attack.

History shows mankind is not kind to new ideas. In 1847 one maternity patient in six who entered the University Hospital in Vienna left in a coffin. Why? Because esteemed professors ridiculed Dr. Semmelweiss, a colleague, for showing that by simply washing hands after doing an autopsy, deaths were prevented.

Years later Dr. Linus Pauling, two-time Noble Prize winner, is ignored for reporting that large amounts of vitamin C and lysine are needed to prevent coronary attacks. 25 years ago Pauling reported that animals make vitamin C and humans do not. That's why sailors died of scurvy during long sea voyages, but the ship's cat survived.

Vitamin C is required to manufacture healthy collagen, the glue that holds coronary cells together, just like mortar is needed for bricks. Lysine, like steel rods in cement, makes collagen stronger. Pauling claimed it takes a mere 10 milligrams to prevent scurvy, but several thousand to prevent heart attack.

Williams Stehbens, Professor of Anatomy at Wellington University in New Zealand, proved Pauling was right. Stebhens' research showed that coronary arteries closest to the heart are under the greatest pressure. This causes collagen to fracture resulting in the formation of a blood clot and death.

Dr. Sydney Bush, an English researcher, has now proved that vitamin C can reverse atherosclerosis. Bush took retinal photographs, then started his patients on high doses of vitamin C and lysine. One year later additional pictures showed atherosclerosis had regressed in retinal arteries. This also occurs in coronary arteries.

So what has happened to these monumental findings? Bush, like Semmelweiss, has been ridiculed by cardiologists. One has to ask whether cardiologists, by ignoring his results, are condemning thousands of people to an early needless coronary heart attack.

Fourteen years ago following my own coronary attack, cardiologists claimed it was sheer madness for me to refuse cholesterol-lowering drugs. Instead, I decided to take high doses of vitamin C plus lysine with breakfast and the evening meal, for several reasons.

I knew that Dr. Graveline, a physician and NASA astronaut, had twice developed transient global amnesia from taking Lipitor. I was also aware that patients have died from CLDs. Others have developed kidney, liver and muscle complications. I also believed the research of Pauling and Stehbens irrefutable. Now, the work of Dr. Bush has convinced me my decision was prudent.

But to take large doses of vitamin C and lysine requires swallowing many pills daily. It's a tall order for those who dislike swallowing one pill. So for several years I've been trying to find a company that would manufacture a combination of vitamin C and lysine powder. Now Medi-C Plus is available at health food stores. Its sales will help support The Gifford-Jones Professorship in Pain Control and Palliative Care at the University of Toronto.

The dosage for the Medi -C Plus combination is one flat scoop with breakfast and the evening meal with either water or orange juice. Those at greater risk should take one flat scoop three times a day. If high doses cause diarrhea, the dose should be decreased.

This column does not recommend that those taking CLDs should stop them. This is a decision that can only be made by patients and doctors.

Most of today's cardiologists are impervious to persuasion. They continue to believe that cholesterol-lowering drugs are the be-all-and-end-all to prevent heart attack. They've been brain-washed by millions of dollars worth of promotion by pharmaceutical companies. It reminds me of the saying that cautions "It's not what you don't know what gets you into trouble, it's the things you know for sure that ain't so!"

It's time for cardiologists to have an open mind and stop ignoring this research. As for me, I bet my life on it.


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[] THEY DON'T HAVE BIRTHDAYS - Yemen. Most don't know their age.


THEY DON'T HAVE BIRTHDAYS - Yemen. Most don't know their age.

video 3 minutes and 15 seconds
I have been shocked to find out that the vast majority of Yemeni people I've met on the streets over the last 5 days do not know their age or birthday.

In the Western World, it's second nature to celebrate our birthdays and keep a close eye on our age... but none of these things matter in Yemen, and it's unbelievable to witness! What I've come to realize (and my reason for making this video), is that life in Yemen is simple. They don't have (or need) materialistic goods like fancy houses, cars, TVs and phones. They are perfectly happy with minimal things and spending their days with family and friends. This video represents a bigger lesson that I've picked up from my travels in general -- that the less money someone has, the happier they are. Yemen is a perfect case study to prove my point. I am loving it here.
visited over 150 nations in the world


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