Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.
Line Maro
You must be tired because you've been running through my mind all day.
(Me: But look at the positive side: That's an exercise, too, for your otherwise rusting mind)
This India! My India!!
M.J. Akbar, the seasoned columnist in his piece "The habit of bending over backwards" in Sunday Times…
"After Mumbai, Pakistan's army feels it can get away with everything". "Their generals have measured the Singh government's girth, and discovered a circumference bloated by hot air. They know that only reaction from hot air can be flatulence. They've the evidence they need. There were 57 cross-border violations by Pakistan in 2010, 60 in 2011 and 117 in 2012. Delhi's response has been a private, and sometimes public, campaign to reduce our forces on the border. If it takes two sides to go to war, it also takes a partnership for peace. Manmohan Singh has the look of a lonely man abandoned by the partner of his dreams."
This India! My India!!
India wastes 40% of food produced..
As much as half of all the food produced in the world 2 billion tonnes ends up being thrown away. In India's case, it is 40%. The waste is caused by poor infrastructure and storage facilities, over-strict sell-by dates and consumer fussiness. In India itself, 40% of all fruits, vegetables and food grains never make it to the market. The country wastes more grain each year than Australia produces, and more fruits and vegetables than the UK consumes.
(Me: hmmm. Yet a politician like Oomman Chandy, from a food deficit state like Kerala wouldn't touch a Wallmart with deep pockets that can help increase storage/refrigeration facilities and avoid such wastages..)..
Truly horrifying news… (source: TOI, 14/4/13)
Freed from jail, man rapes and kills 9-year-old. HC acquitted him in similar case last year.
Pune/Nashik: A 32-year-old man, who was acquitted last year by the high court of all charges in the rape and murder of a nine-year-old girl in Sinnar, Nashk district, in 2003, was arrested by the police on Friday for allegedly committing a similar crime the rape and murder of another nine-year-old girl in Shirdi in Ahmednagar district.
Police say that in the earlier, Sinnar case, Salve, the accused, who hails from Nashik, was given the death sentence by the Nashik district. However, the high court subsequently acquitted him.
(Two points come to mind: (1) Since the lower court judgments are routinely overturned in appeals in higher court/s, it follows the lower court judges are not good enough or not equal to the task they are put in charge of. If such be the case, why have the lower courts at all and why not have only a Supreme Court with adequate judicial officers and support staff? (2) Looks like, as someone commented in a newspaper recently, the judges should use their common sense and apply their fair mind and not purely rely on a technical or legal point (as if to flaunt their legal acumen!) hammered home by a defense lawyer or the incompetency of law-enforcement agency/prosecution lawyer).
Health news…
Fenugreek (methi) helps reduce cholesterol, insulin levels and triglycerides.
Weird world…
A man drives his car into pizza shop, orders pizza.
Customers eating at a Lincoln, Nebraska pizza place got the shock of a lifetime when a man drove his car through the front door of the restaurant and proceeded to order pizza…
Think it over
"I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice" Abraham Lincoln
(Me: Simply because a great man says something more often idle talk or claptraps doesn't make it true or right. Using his logic, then every country should abolish all criminal and civil laws and show the proverbial olive branch to all criminals and accused in every case).
Deft definition: Diet cop A person who monitors another person's weight-loss programme
PM: The 'green' clearance before grant of mega projects is "licence-permit-quota raj" in another garb.
(Me: For once, he has hit the nail on the head. In the name of 'green', every project is objected to and stopped. How could we progress without being prepared to pay a price? We Indians truly lack a scientific temper)
Health tip..
Are there are exercises I can do to counter my sitting all day?
Stand up repeatedly throughout the day. The simple act of standing as tall as you can for a minute or two will counter the pattern of sitting, as long as you do it frequently through the day. Take deep breaths throughout the day.
(Me: Not a tall order…)