Friday 12 July 2013

[] Khatte-mitten khabhrain from around the world for 12/7/13


"Now SBI too gets a lady MD. Clearly, India banks on women" – Bachi Karkaria.
True colours of an Indian politician..
"Booted NCP minister cleans out his official home before leaving"
Former water supply and sanitation minister stripped his official residence of furniture and appliances worth Rs.7 lakhs before moving out.
From the world of science…
It's love, just after first date..
Nearly 50% of men and women get convinced that they have found love even before the end of their first date..
Rice husk key to making longer-lasting batteries.
London: The silica-rich husks – mostly turned into fertilizer additives – can be converted into electrodes that have the ability to extend the life of the new generation of batteries.
Sushi is low in saturated fats and cholesterol, making it a heart-healthy food choice.
Lack of sleep can turn lovers into fighters.
Washington: People are much more likely to lash out at their romantic partners over relationship conflicts after a bad night's sleep: new study.
(Me: Another reason why you should sleep 7 hrs a day and maintain regularity going to bed..)
Summer may be the best time to make a baby: new London study.
(Me: It's applicable only to colder weather countries in Europe or elsewhere. On the other hand, the monsoons – the rainy season June-August – and the light winter in N the November-February are better suited in our part – for obvious reasons that need not be spelled out!)
A new 'smart' diaper that can detect possible urinary tract infections, kidney dysfunctions and dehydration in babies has been developed in the US.
Are lemon seeds poisonous?
Lemon seeds are not related to stone fruits like apricots and cherries. The seeds from these fruits, as well as from apples, contain minute amounts of cyanide which can be deadly if eaten in larger quantities. Lemon seeds are safe to consume. To eat them, you must remove the kernel from the seed.
Bitter gourd helps relieve constipation and improves blood circulation.

Tomatoes are powerful blood purifiers and terrific at clearing urinary tract infections.
Man, watching TV news, to wife" "The nightly news is heavy and gives you a sinking feeling. That's why the host is called an "anchor."
A mother was preparing pancakes for her sons when they began to argue over who would get the first pancake. Their mother saw the opportunity for a moral lesson. "If Jesus were sitting here, he would say, 'Let my brother have the first pancake, I can wait."
Kevin turned to his younger brother and said, "Ryan, you be Jesus!"
Weird world…
One-year-old US girl buys car using her dad's smartphone!
New York: Born shopaholic! A one-year-old girl in the US has bought a car through online trading while playing on the mobile phone of her dad, who has decided to keep the 'purchase'.
Naked woman distracts man as aide robs home…
Crossville: A man watched a woman swimming naked in his pool while her partner stole valuables and a gun from inside his home. The pair called on the 540year-old in Tennesse, US, to ask if they could use his pool to cool off on a hot day. Her partner left to get cigarettes and the woman, in her thirties, asked if she could swim naked, to which Stephen A. agreed. But while he sat in his garden watching the woman swimming for 20 minutes, her partner robbed his home.
Only in India…
Bihar official gifted wife gold every time he took a fat bribe…
A Bihar official would measure his love for his wife in gold ornaments, which he would gift her whenever received a fat bribe.
2 Indians leave tour group to stay in US…
Two Indian teenage brothers on a school trip disappeared from the group as they wanted to stay in the US.
(Me: Not isolated case. No wonder, UK considers South-east Asians high-risk group in illegal immigration… For them, an Iyer, a Nair, a Singh, a Chatterjee, all are Indians, though some of us may protest vehemently that we shouldn't be clubbed…)
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect" – Mark Twain.
(Me: If this proposition be true, then democracy has no leg to stand on!)
The cartoon quip in Mumbai Mirror, 12/7/13, that bares the naked truth…
FOOD SECURITY BILL: victory for congress.
More Taxes for the groaning middle-class..
(Me: This is what this writer has been hammering home for long. The measure would subsidize food for two-thirds – the poor - of the population of the country. Of the remaining, most pay only indirect taxes like sales tax and survey tax and only about 1 or 2% comprising middle-class and affluent pay income-tax in India. What it means is, you middle-class be prepared to shell out larger taxes to feed the hungry. In a democracy, rights and duties/responsibilities should go hand in hand. While the poor keep demanding their rights e.g. free food and education, loan waiver etc. and exercising it through the ballot and the elected representatives cater to whims and caprices, they seldom bother about their duties/responsibilities e.g. to limit their family sizes)
Line Maro
Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?
(Me: keep walking the street….!)
A truism not many understand…
Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at mathematics.

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