Saturday, 2 March 2013

Re: [] ബജറ്റിനു പിന്നാലെ .....

It is very difficult to pull on the days.
This Government is NOT for 'Am Admi'.  They are looting.
In the Rail Budget, they have given nothing to Kerala, although we have 8 Ministers in Cabinet. 
In the Union Budget, nothing new (except Bank for Women-Nirbhai etc.).  For what this Bank, nobody understand.
Through existing Banks, Govt can not give loan etc to women?
Govt is 'looting' .  Latest is 'Helicopter'.  Mr. Antony is helpless.  Culprits are above him?
Very difficult with this Govt.

--- On Fri, 1/3/13, പ്രസൂണ്‍ ( പ്രസൂ ) <> wrote:

From: പ്രസൂണ്‍ ( പ്രസൂ ) <>
Subject: [] ബജറ്റിനു പിന്നാലെ .....
Date: Friday, 1 March, 2013, 5:47 PM