Monday 23 January 2012

[] When we feel lonely


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When we feel lonely
by Christiane Silva

There are moments in the life of people who feel totally alone in the middle of a large crowd .... Everything seems so distant and so stupid, do not feel ready to talk or see anyone, feel nostalgia for a time that is gone and imprison us in our own pain.
If you are feeling at this moment, let's reflect on together.
This feeling of total abandonment and sadness has to do with a specific situation, she came out of nowhere, the first step is to detect the root of the problem.
If it was a great disappointment in love, think about it, the separation occurred and the only thing you can do now is to review their attitudes, change them, check how much you want to fight for this love, that first of all require a sense of deep love for yourself. When we love, we respect and will never feel alone. When we love, we feel happy to be with ourselves.
Our hearts are very big and has room for many people, things and places ... however, when we fall in love, just giving a very large space of our hearts for the person in question, and we do not even realize it ... This person takes a long time most of our time, we do everything for her, we talk and share more of our friends, we devote less time for our family and our personal needs because of the other ... And so, the space for other things in our hearts will become increasingly tight.
When this person leaves our life, we have left a huge void to be filled, that's where we begin to feel alone, do not know what to do with the emptiness inside us, we forget ourselves for so long that we feel lost ... That is why it is very important that we review our attitudes and how we enjoy ourselves.
How can we love someone we love not enough? How can we give someone what we do not have to even to ourselves?
How about rolling up our sleeves and look at the positive side of the situation? Maybe life is just trying to learn something and that person can still return to our midst? Or even doing a very deep reflection, is it that this person was the right person for life?
Have you ever wondered how truly want to be happy? This is a matter of choice, you know that? We must choose to be happy! Independent of each other or from outside, we choose to feel happy from the inside out! The only external changes when I change my internal!
The example of a situation is just a loving, there are many reasons why we often feel alone, the example which only served to illustrate the true importance we give to ourselves ... that's the point, the crux of the problem!
We must learn to put ourselves first in everything we do, we put ourselves in another's place on our attitude of some, and we wonder: Would I want someone to act like me? Almost never do that ... always put ourselves in the position of victims of the situation and we're asking ourselves why this happened to me, I do not deserve this addiction and victimization will take care of our being, and with time, this feeling of sadness is increasing and we are feeling increasingly more lonely and abandoned.
Review your concepts, fall in love with yourself again! Look at yourself in the mirror and feel proud of the image you see. If you do not like this and that into you, look better, understand each other better, accept yourself, forgive yourself! Count your blessings not your sorrows, more thankful for what you already have, instead of crying over spilled milk, roll up your sleeves and go after your own happiness! Forget the past, you can not change what has already spent more, yes we can, is to turn our gift to our future is increasingly bright and happy!
Live now, reborn in yourself and be happy!

Peace & Light!
Dora Saunier

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