10. Arachnophobia – dread of spiders
According to the survey, fifty percentage of feminine and ten percentage of masculine have a dread of spiders. Generally, the populace with Arachnophobia feels uncomfortable to dwell in the area where they address the presence of spiders such as webs. In some severe cases, the movies and realistic picture of spider can stir up fear.
9. Social phobia – panic of social events
It is evaluated that social phobia occupies nearly fifteen million inhabits of America. Both, women and men are similar to promote this kind of disorder and it basically starts in childhood or premature adolescence. A person has a fear of communicating or speaking uncomfortable in informal and formal events. In addition, they have a fear of drinking or eating before others.

8. Aerophobia – dread of flying
The dread of flying is projected to affect nearly twenty five percent of the populace. It is an irregular and constant fear of flying.
7. Agoraphobia – alarm of crowds, open grounds and uncontrolled social events
Agoraphobia occupies severe fear and it intends to avoid the place or circumstance where help unavailable and escape is questionable. It is generally occupies the majority adults who stayed in the age group of 18 and 35 than others.
6. Claustrophobia – panic of being wrapped up in tiny curbed spaces
Claustrophobia is normally related with the suffocation and the fear occupies the person while under the suffocated area and lack of air.
5. Acrophobia – dread of Heights
Acrophobia is an irrational panic of heights which can be hazardous, as patients can feel a panic attack in an elevated point and become extreme nervous to step down themselves safely.
4. Nyctophobia – Panic of the dark
This kind of fear is usual and it common and temporarily occupy the children. If it sustains for more than six months and it reported extend stress and it is minimal in adults.
3. Brontophobia – Fear of lightening/thunder
Brontophobia is an unusual and relentless panic of thunder which causes nervousness although patients address that thunder creates any harm to them owing to the safer dwelling. They may react and cause extreme anxiety while they are outdoors in a thunderstorm. They can react indoors in various actions such as hide themselves beneath desks/beds, behind closets or sofas and so forth.

2. Necrophobia – Dread of dead related things or death
It is a panic of dead related things or death occurrences not only their relatives but also they view the dead bodies or ceremonies related to the death. They have an extreme fear while crosses the cemetery or burial grounds. They have a dreadful dream related to the death, if they address any kind of death related things in the day.
1. Aquarphobia – Dread of water
Acrophobia is an irrational panic and sustains dread of water which is uncontrolled or disturbs the routine life. They may keep away from the actions such as swimming, boating and even visiting the beaches.
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