A cheap, best and most delicious aphrodisiac…!
The Mexican chief Montezuma considered chocolate a 'love drug' and drank 50 cups of chocolate a day before visiting his harem of 600 women. Some individuals who claim never to have felt romantic love suffer from hypopituitarism, a rare disease that doesn't allow a person to feel the rapture of love.
(Me: Efficacy uncertain, but try it out with pleasure…)
Line Maro
People call me John but you can call me tonight!
(Me: OK, Mr. Tonight..)
The secret to humour is surprise.
Tongue in cheek…
WE are born naked, wet and hungry. Then things get worse…
Health tip…
If you have a family history of diabetes, eating curry leaves in the morning can help.
For peaceful sleep, grind a few coriander leaves, mix its juice in hot water and have it before hitting the bed.
Weird world…
Man poses as Pink Floyd star to get free medical care.
St. Cloud: A man is accused of pretending to be a member of rock band Pink Floyd at a Minnesota hospital – and racking up as much as $100,000 in unpaid medical bills. Police say the 53-year-old Monticello man went to St. Cloud Hospital for treatment April 20. He claimed he was Pink Floyd singer-guitarist David G. and that he didn't have health insurance. He was treated and released, but not before signing an autograph. He was arrested after he returned for more treatment.
Jeweller buried alive in search of hidden treasure.
Jaipur: Excessive greed and blind belief claimed the life of a 35-year-old jeweler from Rajasthan on Tuesday. The man, identified as Bharat (not very surprisingly!), was buried alive while digging in search of 'hidden treasure' beneath his house in Jhotwara area of the Jaipur. Bharat was reportedly told by a tantric that some treasure was hidden beneath his house, which could make him rich if he managed to dig them out after performing a set of rituals. At the time of the incident, his family members doing some puja in another room.
(Me: Friends, the bottomline is, Gods or pujas seldom help or work miracles).
An old couple is sitting in their living room, when the old woman leans over and says to the old man, "Remember when we were younger and you used to hold my hand?'
The old man grabs the old woman's hand. Then she says, "Remember, you used to put your arm around me?'
The old man puts his arm around her. Then she says, "Remember, you used to nibble on my ear?"
To the woman's surprise, he gets off the couch and starts walking.
"Honey, where are you going?" she says.
The old man replies, "Just going to get my dentures."
Think it over..
"The people will save their government, if the government itself will allow them" – Abraham Lincoln.
Hitting the nail on the head…
"The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall" – Che Guevara
(Comment: The discerning agree we need a bloody revolution, as nothing seems to work here – reeking corruption, incompetency, high-handedness and anything you name, we have it…)..
News of the day…
Supreme Court allows 5 months' reprieve to the Campa Cola compound residence to vacate their place.
The noted lawyer, Fali Nariman, argues the builders should be held responsible for the illegal construction and asked to pay compensation.
(Me: in one's humble opinion, the then BMC ward office staff – the officials in the building proposals and inspection dept, etc – are also guilty for the illegalities, for, the builders were emboldened to raise so many floors – as many as 15 in a buildings – and flats, only because they were confident that the officials could be easily compromised with fat bribes. The government employees are paid fat pension, purportedly for their exemplary service during their tenure to the citizens and for making sure that all follow the rules and regulations to the letter and spirit. Since they have singularly failed in their duty expected of them, first their pension – all of them would have retired by now – should be stopped forthwith and they should also be made to fork out the compensation from their own pockets to the residents whose flats are going to be demolished in October this year.)