Tuesday, 5 March 2013

[www.keralites.net] Khatte-mitten khabhrain from around the world for 5/2/13


US man accuses girlfriend of 'stealing' sperm!
A man in the US is suing a fertility clinic and an ex-girlfriend for selling his sperm and then conceiving a child without his permission.  His lawyer accuses the woman of having 'bluffed her way into getting the sperm".
Symbolic burial of bankrupt Bosnian town…
If a town is dying, doesn't it at least deserve a decent funeral?   With candles, speeches and an obituary plastered on walls reading "Town of Drvar 1883-2013," residents symbolically laid this west Bosnian town to rest on Monday.  2 months ago, the last company in Drvar closed down, sending the town's unemployment rate skyrocketing to 80 per cent – doubles Bosnia's average.  What Bosnia's 1992-95 war had not destroyed in Drvar, the global financial crisis seems to be finishing off…
One woman to another: "Aside from the people, the hours, the work, the pay, the stress and the migraines, this is the best job I ever had".
(Me: how could anything else be worse..)
Health info..
How much ear protection can I expect from ear-plugs?
Earplugs can offer a maximum of about 30 decibels of protection from loud noises.   If you are in a club where music is blaring at 120 db, you're still getting 90 db of noise, which travels through your skull via bone conduction and assaults your inner ear, possibly with damaging effects.
(Me: besides the fact that earplugs aren't of much use, the news comes as a revelation…)
Coriander (malli/dhania) is rich in vitamin A, vitamin B-complex, vitamin C, iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, copper, zinc, magnesium and diary fibre.

Teacher: Mike, you're always asking your father to do your homework instead of doing it yourself.
Mike: Pardon, Sir, this time at first I would not let him do it, but mother was too busy.
Those who wish to sing, always find a song.
(Me:  absolutely true!)
Tongue very much in cheek…
Don't steal.  The government hates competition.
Think it over…
"An election is a moral horror, as bad as batter except for the blood; a mud bath for every soul concerned in it" – George Bernard Shaw

(Me: One would beg to differ with the majority view that democracy is the form of government: in a monarchy or dictatorship, only one person and his family would be thoroughly corrupt and there would be a limit for their amassing wealth via dubious means.  However,  practically  countless number of politicians would be raking in the dough and vying one another to share the national pie and in collusion with bureaucracy, making the country bankrupt…)
This India…
TN NGOs use dead to get AIDS funds…
Chennai: At least 100 sex workers who died over two years ago are listed by NGOs beneficiaries of the TN Govt's AIDS control programmes.  A report by the TN State AIDS Control Society (Tansacs) In November 2012 has showed that several NGOs working with high-risk populations are fudging documents and names.
(hmmm. Many people in the country already are aware that not all NGOs are worthy of their causes and some have their own agendas to serve sectarian interests..)
This India..
"Blame coaching classes for physics mess'
Mumbai: Coaching classes were responsible for misguiding students in the HSC physics paper , the state board has said.  "The physics papers was entirely based on the textbook, but a majority of students relied on 'important questions' or special notes from coaching classes, which did not look at the new syllabus," said the state board chairman.
(Since the past very many years, students rarely attend their regular schools/colleges or still less, attentively listen to what's being taught; they rely exclusively on coaching classes that have mushroomed all over the country and have become a multi-billion rupee money-making business.  All these coaching classes do is to make the students to solve question papers of the past 10 years…)
A class 6 English teacher asked her students to write an essay on what they'd do if they had Rs.1 crores (say, a million dollars).  Sunny handed in a blank sheet of papers.
"Sunny!" yelled the teacher, "you've done nothing.  Why?"
"Because if I had Rs.1 crore, that's exactly what I would do!"


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