Monday 21 January 2013

[] Excellent SMS s


Heated gold becomes ornament!

Beaten copper becomes wire!

Compressed carbon becomes diamond!

Heated, Beaten Compressed person is called 'Husband'!

Personality is who we are and what we do when someone is watching. Character is who we are and what we do when nobody is watching

Opinions are like hand watches

Everyone's watch shows different time

But everyone believes that their time is correct

Who spoils man wine or women! Both. Especially when wine is old woman is bold

Very Effective Lines: Adjustment is always better than Argument. A meaningful silence is better than meaningless words

However bad the traffic may be, we will eventually reach home! It is the same thing with life. However bad the situation, we will get over it.

Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again. But, this time more intelligently

The temperature at home is maintained by warm hearts cool heads. Not by good ventilation, fans or air-conditioners!

Teacher to Student: Which book has helped you most in your Life?

Student: My father�s cheque book!

Don't read success stories. You will get only messages. But, read failure stories. You will get some ideas to become successful � Edison

Lovely relations are like a ring. If we wear it, it will hold our finger tightly If we remove it, it will surely make us feel its absence!

When you are happy, you will enjoy the music. When you are sad, you will understand the lyrics!

Failure is not because of missing of talents. It is only because of missing of interest!

God has four gifts for you

A Key for every problem.

A Light for every shadow.

A Plan for every tomorrow.

A Joy for every sorrow.

Believe Him always!

In order to have a comfortable journey of life, reduce the luggage of expectations!

Night is longer than day for those who dream. Day is longer than night for those who make their dreams come true.

Relationships never die a natural death. They are always murdered by Ego, Attitude and Ignorance!

Love your parents, We are so busy growing up.

We also forget they are also growing old!

It is a very short quote. But, can change one's attitude towards life if understood properly - Pain is unavoidable but suffering is optional!

There is no royal road to go to success. But, after success, Every road becomes royal!

You can be happy in your life at all times, if you avoid two things, viz., Comparing Expecting!

Learn to Keep Quiet! Someday, that might make you the Prime Minister of our country!

Life is so Unfair - First, gives us so much time together to know each other. When we know each other, we have no time to be together!

Two best secrets to keep relationships strong - Whenever you are wrong, always accept it. Whenever you are right, just keep quiet!

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