Monday, 23 July 2012

[] EPF Member can bow generate Member/Employee Passbook online


EPF Member can bow generate Member/Employee Passbook online

Facility to generate Member Passbook, Employee Passbook and On-request Passbook through Employees' Portal on EPFO website – HO No. WSU/5(1)2003/11146 dated 20/07/2012

A facility of E-Passbook to EPF Members has been devised by the IS Division, Head Office through Member Portal on EPFO website. The EPF Members can directly approach the EPFO website and after entering certain necessary details, they can get themselves registered. The registered EPF Members can obtain E-Passbook after entering Establishment Code/Extn. (if any) / Employee Number and Name as per PF slip.

2. The E-Passbook shall be available subject to following conditions:

(i) Reconciliation of Challan Data alongwith ECR with Bank Statement

(ii) For active members only;

(iii) No Passbook shall be available for Settled Members/Inoperative Members/Negative Balances/Exempted Establishments.

3. A new function i.e. ADMIN » Master » GENERATE MEMBER PASSBOOK FOR EMPLOYER E-SEWA under SUPER ADMIN-EDP Role has been introduced having following four Radio Button options:

(i) GENERATION OF MEMBER PASSBOOK: The generated PDF file would be uploaded to the Employer's Portal on EPFO website. The PDF would be generated against TRRN. It contains all the transaction of the members against the establishment in a single PDF. Further, the transactions would be available since last approved accounting year onwards

(ii) REGENERATION OF MEMBER PASSBOOK: The PDF file may be regenerated (if required).

(iii) EMPLOYEE WISE PASSBOOK: The ge00nerated PDF file would be uploaded on the Member Portal on EPFO website. The PDF would be generated for all the members individually containing all the transactions since opening of his/her account or data available in the new System.

(iv) EMPLOYEE WISE PASSBOOK (ON-REQUEST): These employees who could not obtain their respective passbook through Member Portal, may send their request. All such requests would be curtailed into a txt file, for uploading & accepting into Application Software. If requisite data relating to the member is available in the System, the same would be furnished to requesting member

Best Regards

Prakash Nair

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