Paul further tell us, 1 Tim 5:13 And withal they learn to be Idle wandering, about from house to house and not only, But tattlers also and busybodies speaking things which they ought not.
It is written, Pv 6:16-19 These six things doth the Lord hate, yea seven are an Abomination unto him, A Proud look, A Lying Tongue and Hands that, shed Innocent Blood an Heart that Deviseth, Wicked Imaginations, Feet that be Swift, In Running to Mischief a False Wittness, that Speaketh Lies and he that Soweth, Discord among Brethern.
The reason that people gossip
(1) Pride
(2) Bitterness, hostility,anger, resentment, thus find someone to vent their inner feelings, on
(3) Low self-esteem, desire to pull othres, around them down to their level
(4) Purposeful attempt to destroy or malign, someone motivated by jealousy
(5) Influence of peers , joining the crowd, for acceptance
Consequences of Gossip (1) The one who is spoken against can receive hurt or pain, embarrassment, damage to their character or reputation it is, destructive and causes divsion...
(2) The one who gossips reveals the true nature of their heart.
As it is written Mt 12: 34 -O Generation Of Vipers , How Can Ye Being Evil Speak Good Things? For Out The Abundance of the heart the, Mouth Speaketh .
(the mouth speaks out of that which fills the,) (heart- revealing that sin is in control)
The apostle Paul warms in Gal 6: 7,8- Be not deceived, God is not mocked for, Whatsoever A man soweth, that shall he, also reap , For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap Corruption, but he that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reap life everlasting,
(we may reap more what we have sown,) (like a boomerang it comes back to us)
It is written in Pv 19-9
A false witness shall not be unpunishes, and he that speaketh lies shall perish.
Pv 12-18
There is that speaketh like the piercings of, a sword but the tongue of the wise is health, (reckless words pierce like a sword (KJV) (Which drives godly people away)
Pv12-22- Lying lips are abomination to the, Lord but they that deal truly are His delight.
(3) The third party or the persons hearing the gossip can become, confused and influenced in the wrong manner. They may repeat the error and get caugth up,
in it.
Three Cautions
(1) Do not associate with a person who gossip As it is written in Pv 20-19 he that goeth, about as a talebearer revealeth secrets, therefore meddle not with that flatterth, with his lips.
(2) Conceal the matter, keep it to yourself As it is written in,Pv 11:13 A Talebearer revealeth secrets: But he that is of a faithful spirit concealeth matter.
(3) Let no unwholesome words proceed out, of your mouth.
As it is written, Eph 4-29
Let no corrupt communication proceed out, of your mouth but that which is good to the, use of edifying that it may minster grace, unto the hearers.
Our words should promote healing and, minister grace to build up and edify the hearers, word such as I love you, Iam praying for you, I will stand by you.
What to do if you gossip
(1) Genuine repentance- ask for forgiveness
(2) Commitment- seal on my lips- guard on my mouth (Think before you speak)
(3) Memorize these verses, say them to God when you get out of bed
Ps 19-14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation, of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, My Strength, and My Redeemer
Eph 4-29 Let no corrupt communication proceed out, of your mouth but that which is good to use, pf edifying, that it may minister grace unto, the hearts
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