Saturday, 22 June 2013

[] These Baby Ducks wish you be Happy Today

After a long, hard-fought battle between baby seals, the results are in! Ducklings are officially the cutest unique animals on the internet! They are fuzzy, they are happy and they are here to make you grin from ear to ear.

If you don't believe us, check out all of the adorable ducklings below! These pictures will give you enough reasons to love fuzzy ducklings. WARNING: these baby ducks are cute enough to make you squeal, no matter where you are. If your boss minds, just show them a picture of a baby duck.

Ducklings are constantly happy

They have Corgis as friends

They will fall asleep in your hand

Baby ducks know they are adorable, but they are humble

Did we mention they love hanging out in your hand?

Ducklings also skateboard

If you let them, ducklings will swim for you

Ducklings have the most perfect Facebook profile photos

You can carry ducklings around in your pocket

Ducklings are the fuzziest creatures on the planet

From time to time, baby ducks will take a nap on your cheek

They will also nap in mugs

Or wine glasses

Sometimes, baby ducks sit like people

They love hanging out with other cute ducklings

Ducklings are ALWAYS happy to see you

They know you're happy to see them

Also… QUACK!

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