Saturday, 12 January 2013



And in the end, it's not the years in your life
that count, it's the life in your years.
~ Unknown

In all ranks of life the human heart
yearns for the beautiful; and the beautiful
things that God makes are
his gift to all alike.
~ Harriet Beecher Stowe

Stretch out your hand and take the
world's wide gift of joy and beauty.
~ Corinne Roosevelt Robinson

In the darkest of nights cling to the assurance that
God loves you, that He always has advice for you, a path
that you can tread and a solution to your problem--
and you will experience that which you believe. God
never disappoints anyone who places his trust in Him.
~ Basilea Schlink

Kind words smooth all the paths of life,
and smiles make burdens light,
and uncomplaining friends can make
a daytime out of night.
~ Carrie Jacobs Bond

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