Tips to assess the health of your dog
In every case the best thing to do is find a trusted veterinarian, for only he can evaluate which is the best treatment for your furry.
If you talked to the vet, but still does not feel safe, seek a second opinion. This is very normal and is even healthy when we are talking about the health of those we love.
Although veterinarians are trained and study hard to detect signs of disease in our amiges, you can help a lot, and have a key role in the detection of the problem and the chance of recovery of their furry if you know what to look for and what should be taken to knowledge of your veterinarian as soon as possible.
For those who want to be aware of the major signs of health problems in our amiges, here are our tips:

Contrary to what many people believe, it is not normal for your furry always be getting sick of the ration. Dogs love to eat healthy and are always interested in their food dishes. Puppies get a little queasy to eat when you are exchanging teeth-nurse. In these cases use a smaller grain feed, break the grain that you are currently using, or put a little warm water on the dry food should be enough to make life easier for little ones.
Very hot days can also let the dogs (puppies or not) means without hunger, but if your animal has eaten very little, if anything, for more than 3 days in a row, it's time to go find the doctor.
There are many diseases that leave our furry no appetite and need proper treatment so that the animals do not become worse. Some common examples that often go unnoticed owners are when our furry are not eating because they are tick-borne diseases, infestation by vermin, or even that they're with some foreign body in the digestive tract (dogs swallow pieces of cloths , toys, sponges, fruit pits, etc.).
Stay tuned with the amount of water your dog walks consuming. Drinking too much water, or water of less, may also indicate a health problem. Of course it is necessary to take into account the temperature of the day (hottest day, more water - very cold day, less water), and also the change in the habits of hairy (you started to take him to a series of daily exercises ? There was change in the brand of food?), but if the hairy has changed the amount of water intake for a week then it is good to talk to your veterinarian.
Dogs can develop diseases such as diabetes, which is one of the possible symptoms (but not only), the excessive consumption of water.
A tip to control the amount of water consumed your buddy is renewing his saucer of water every day at the same time and with the same volume. Never let lack of water for your furry.
Repeated vomiting and diarrhea also should be reported immediately, as well as the change in the frequency with which their furry has peed.
Who has not heard that bright eyes are sign of health? And this is also true for our furry. Stay tuned in the eyes of your buddy and find the veterinarian if they are constantly watering, with greenish or yellowish discharge, if the eye seems blurry, if the cornea has little spots or is not fully transparent.
While it is relatively common for dogs old people present eye problems such as cataracts, for example, there are some breeds that are genetically more prone to have eye problems as dogs or puppies are still very young. A visit to the veterinarian as soon as the first signs are detected, can save the sight of his hairy. And for those who do not know, today there are veterinarians specialized in diseases and fixes problems of the eyes of our animals.
I've seen many dogs with otitis, but when I had my first otitis is, truly, I could understand why the furry can get so grumpy when they are in pain in the ear. I believe that anyone who has ever had an earache intense would take courage to take your animal to the vet, just to realize that the dog is not well. The pain is very intense and continuous, truly unbearable.
Of their furry ears should always be clean, without wax buildup without strong smell, and his big monster must carry head evenly. If you clean the ears of your critter and after 3 or 4 days they are already with dark wax, with a strong smell, or if your dog is constantly scratching the pay phone, you can call the doctor. Likewise, it is not normal for your dog to stay with one of the floppy ears, or head lolling to one side. Stay tuned also to caress the ears hairy rubbing it very head against their hands if they get moaning, or if he growl or show discomfort.

All breeds of dogs loose hair. Taking the Poodles, the Bichons, which pretty much just loose hairs in the brushes, and Naked Mexican, who has virtually no by no. Although the appearance of the hair is an important indication of the overall health of the big monster, it is very difficult to determine the amount of fur that is "normal" a dog loose, and what is the texture of the hair healthy.
The truth is that there is a very large variety between the races. There are long-haired dogs, short-haired, with undercoat (a second layer of hair, smaller and skinny that serve to give extra protection to the races that originate from cold countries (like the Siberian Husky, for example), without undercoat , fur hard and rough, soft fur, and so on.
In countries with the seasons well defined is virtually certain that the dogs have a great change of hair in the late fall and late spring. That's because they need to be ready for the drastic changes in temperature. In Brazil, especially in cities where the climate is more regular throughout the year, we end up having to change hair all year round, which makes it even harder to realize subtle changes in the health of our big monster.
But even with so many differences between the various races, and with our weather being less defined, it is certain that a dog will have healthy shiny hair, never resected without "caspinhas" without very strong odor, and a fall almost stable throughout the year. The females may have a greater variation than males, losing more hair after leaving the heat, or after nursing the pups, for hormonal reasons.
Morninho a bath and a good brushing when hair is already dry is a good test for you to check the health of the hair of his big monster. After a bath and brushed take a good look at your dog's hair, including hair turning in the opposite direction of growth. They should be shiny, the skin should be spick and span without bruises or scabs, and you should be able to see the new hairs that are growing. If instead you continue with a dog whose coat is opaque, "stuck" in the skin, dandruff, or failures (areas where the hair is not born), do not waste time and take the big monster for a consultation.

There are dogs that are more likely to become chubby, others seem they are always in fashion and they will never get fat. There are dogs that can eat up to fall hard and others who eat only what they need to stay fed. Knowing the habits of your dog and control his weight is a good indicator of health.
Like us, the furry should not present a very rapid increase in weight or a decrease. The consensus is that no healthy dog should have a layer of fat that hinders us feel the ribs when we hand on the side of his body, and not so skinny that we can see the ribs through the skin. Dogs can also suffer from malnutrition and morbid obesity and in both cases the health of hairy is at serious risk.
Talk to your vet to find out what is the best diet to keep your friend healthy and well fed. Save on food is not a good idea. Try to always provide the best food that your budget will allow and inform yourself, because today there are diets for weight loss for dogs who are allergic to dogs that are already more old people, and many other specific help to have some furry disease.
The pee their furry should be pale, transparent and moderate odor. Signs of blood in the urine, a pee staining cloudy or strong should be brought to the attention of your veterinarian. We must not forget that the kidneys are large filters, which help our animals to be free of toxins. Kidney problems become a serious threat to the lives of our friends if they are not treated.
As the pee, poop should also be "observed". Okay, you do not need to pay mico being in the middle of the street trying to make a clinical analysis of your dog's poop, but if you keep your eye will notice when something is wrong. The color of their furry poop can vary greatly, especially if he eats a diet that possessed dyes.
Any shade of brown, more pale to dark is ok, but the poop of your animal should not be black, it can be an indication of some gastrointestinal bleeding. Usually the poop should be well formed and easy to clean. A soft poop here and there is normal, but if your animal has watery diarrhea or poop too soft for more than a day's time to call the vet.
Keep an eye also has her hairy poop difficulties, or if he is not doing any poop. If so you already know who to call.

If there was only one thing I could admire the dogs would be the ability that they have to sleep the sleep hotter world, anytime, anywhere, and at almost the same moment be ready to get up, look at the face of us as if to say:
"Okay, I'm ready! What we do now, huh, huh, huh? "
A hairy healthy is always ready for an adventure, with bright eyes, tail wagging happy with the muscles ready for action. If your dog takes to stand up, do not seem to be in order to go with you to the end of the world, or walk very quietly in the corner, it's time to make an appointment with the doctor.
Even puppies and dogs oldsters who like and need plenty of sleep, must demonstrate willingness when called for a lovely walk, to throw a ball, for a spin drive! A dog without this desire to live intensely things may have health problems that cause pain, discomfort, or apathy.
Stay tuned also change the beast mood "overnight". Behavioral problems does not appear suddenly. What usually happens is the animal to be in pain, or sick, and so he becomes intolerant or changes in behavior, looking aggressive, scared, afraid or "neurotic."
These are not the only ways to know (or suspect) that your furry is 100% in the category physical health. Whenever you suspect that something is not quite right to talk to the second best friend your dog's veterinarian.
A query, even for the sake of conscience, may save your dog's life and a lot of money with complicated treatments and remedies later.
In the end what we really want is that you develop a program of weekly check up on peludo and you can devote to it, at least half horinha to know how it has gone and how he is feeling. Knowing well your friend makes their relationship with it strengthens further.
If you anticipate a possible illness can make us gain many years of life with our great partners, and this is invaluable.
(Claudia Pizzolatto)
God be with you, kisses sweet and loving