Monday, 2 September 2013

[] Think Your Best


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Right now, you have the opportunity to choose your thoughts. And the thoughts you choose will have a direct impact on the life you live.

Your thoughts focus your awareness. The direction of your awareness determines which of life's possibilities you see, explore, and fulfill.

The things you think about over and over again become crucial components of your reality. Take positive, purposeful, persistent control of your thoughts, and you can point your life in whatever direction you choose.

Your mind has great power. Use that power to bring more meaningful goodness into your life and your world.

Choose not to waste your valuable thoughts on meaningless and negative things. Instead, invest your thoughts each day so that they will lift life higher.

It's amazing what you can think, and even more amazing where your thoughts can lead. Think of life at its very best, and you're on your way to making it so.
Ralph Marston - The Daily Motivator


Junaid Tahir

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