Wednesday, 11 July 2012







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Father Help Us Not To Judge



Forgive Us Father

As  we  walk by the man in the gutter,

with a  tear in his eye!



Did we offer a prayer

for that helpless man,

Or pass him by , Not lending a hand!



Do we pray for the teenager lost in drugs,

Or Judge and Condemn and act so smug!



Do we sit in our pews,

To worship You , or look around,

and Condemn a few!



Where is our heart

Oh Lord Most High,That we can just pass,

Our Brother/Sister by?



Do we pray for those who are bound for,

divorce? ,Or ignore all signs,

and follow our course.



Do we Intercede For those in despair,

Ruined lives, Lord do we truly care?


Where did we learn to Hurt and Condemn?

When Jesus taught us

To Love All of them!


Help us Oh God to hear the cries,

of  the broken souls, Open our blind eyes.


Judge not, Says God

Nor be filled with Hate,

Or my Kingdom child you will,

you will never see the Gate!



God forgive Us for Judging so,

When we have not walked In,

in their shoes or know.


What life they have lived,

That only You see their broken spirit,

Crying out to Thee.


Open our eyes that we can feel,

What Your eyes behold

Oh Lord, to us reveal!



Let your Spirit descend on Each of us,

Fill us with pure devotion And in You,

place our trust!


How else can we reach the down and out?

If we walk in Judgment

Will they ever turn about?



We could be that one empty and bare,

lying on the street With no one to Care!


Let us be Your helping hand,

Ministering God's Love

In this dry, barren Land!


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