Friday, 4 May 2012

[] First Step to Change


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The first step to changing your situation or to change your life 
to something better is to take that first step. 
And that will be in a direction that is out of your comfort zone, 
it will be exciting and scary at once. 

You know that it will mean change, and it will be a change for the better.

There will be some worry, but its time that worry was put 
in the back seat and courage sat in your heart in the front seat. 

Worrying about things that have not happened and are more than 
likely never to happen is a sure way to kill happiness and dreams. 

After taking that first step you will feel so encouraged, because 
you did it on your own. It is always a surprise to realise how much easier 
a walk can get after the first step and we get a rhythm going, then it becomes 
exciting and interesting, and wonder fills our mind, and the want for adventure 
fills our soul. 

And we always will love ourself more when courage takes control 
and leads us to where our heart desires and where God wills us to go.       

- James M Sandbrook~

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