Thursday, 26 September 2013

[] Mumbai is the second-most honest city in world: Reader's Digest


Mumbai is the second-most honest city in world: Reader's Digest survey
Mumbai is the world's second-most honest city, a survey conducted by Reader's Digest magazine has found. A test was carried out wherein 'lost' wallets stuffed with 50 dollars in cash were dropped in cities around the world.

It found that Helsinki is the best place in the world to lose your wallet and Lisbon is the worst.

According to, Readers Digest tested the honesty of hundreds of people in 16 countries by dropping wallets and recording how many were returned.
It discovered that people in Helsinki are the most likely to return a found wallet, and Lisbon residents are the most likely to pocket the cash.

Around 200 wallets with a cell phone number, family photographs, coupons, business cards and local currency worth around 50 dollars were dropped in parks, shopping malls and on the pavement in 16 cities: New York, Amsterdam, Berlin, Bucharest, Budapest, Helsinki, Lisbon, Ljubljana, London, Madrid, Moscow, Mumbai, Prague, Rio De Janeiro, Warsaw and Zurich.

Ninety of the wallets, almost 50 per cent, were returned. Age, sex or wealth seemed to be no predictor of honesty. In Helsinki, 11 of the 12 wallets dropped around the city were returned, the best result.

Mumbai residents were the second-most-honest people, returning nine of the 12 'lost' wallets.

New York City and Budapest came next in the honesty stakes, with eight of the 12 wallets returned. Less honest were residents in Amsterdam and Moscow, who handed in seven of 12 lost wallets.

Berlin and Ljubljana residents handed in six wallets and in London and Warsaw just five wallets were handed in. Residents in Lisbon were the least honest, with only one person handing in the wallet.

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