Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Re: [www.keralites.net] Why only Modi targeted ??


Mr. Abraham,

The supporters of the 1984 riots in Delhi were ministers thereafter. The incident led to the riot in Gujrat should also not be ignored.   You should also not forget that thousands of Kashmiri Pandits had to run away from Kashmir leaving all their property.  You should also not undermine the fact that hindus remained in Pakistan have been forcefully converted or forced to leave Pakistan.  What would you do if you are forced to ran away from your place.  Inspite of all these, govt. is appeasing the minority to get vote.

Thank you.


From: "Abraham P.c." <pc_abraham1944@yahoo.in>
Sent: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 13:52:16
To: "Keralites@yahoogroups.com" <Keralites@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: Re: [www.keralites.net] Why only Modi targeted ??

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