Thursday, 16 May 2013

[] Khatte-mitten khabhrain from around the world for 16/5/13


"Remember? We too had a Sharif guy at the top?" – Bachi Karkaria in TOI
Plain as daylight statement of fact…
"Nothing is illegal until you get caught" – Anonymous
Weird world…
Mourners run in horror as 'dead' man wakes up…
London: Mourners got the fright of their lives and ran in horror, after a man who was pronounced dead woke up at his funeral. Brighton Dama Z., 34, had 'died' afer suffering for long from an illness at his home in Zimbabwe. But his boss Lot Gaka saw him move his legs as he paid his last respects at the funeral. Mourners were seen running in horror, thinking that Zanthe had come back from the dead to haunt them.
Yet-to-be-born baby enrolled in beauty pageant.
London: A seven-month pregnant mother from Lancashire is so obsessed with child pageans that she has already entered her unborn baby Ella's name into a competition.
From the world of science..
Standing while working aids health…
Melbourne: Employees who spend half of an eight-hour working day standing use 13% more energy than colleagues who are seated, a new study has found.
LED lights can damage your eyes: study.
The so-called eco-friendly LED lights may cause permanent damaged to your eyes, a new research as claimed. The study found that exposure to LED lights can cause irreparable harm to the retina of the human eye. Once the cells are destroyed by prolonged and continuous exposure to LED rays, they cannot be replaced and will not regrow. The best way to prevent damage is to close your eyes often to soften the impact. Using good sunglasses with UV filter rays, and a diet rich in Vitamin A will protect the eyes.
(Me: Those who are exposed to light emission from TV/PC screen are also advised to close their eyes often to soft the impact)
Think it over..
"The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants" – Albert Camus
(Me: Why only tyrants? This is THE alibi of all political class)
News of the day…
Reportedly, 146 MPs have appointed relatives including 60 sons and 36 wives as their personal staff…
(Me: maybe in the belief their family members will not betray their cause or desert them, like the proverbial rats, in a crisis situation when you need them most)
Q: How many Real men does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None. Real Men aren't afraid of the dark.
Q: How many Real Women does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None. A Real Woman would have plenty of Real Men around to do it.

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