Saturday, 25 May 2013

Re: [] Objection to Lula Mall


The politicians simply DO NOT WANT ANY PROGRESS in the country unless they get their share of the project. 
The primary reason why they became politicians was no make money by hook or crook,WITHOUT DOING A HONEST DAYS WORK.

 It is the original nookkucooli, only in a much larger scale than collected by the vadaapodaa set. And that is the reason why the politicians while condemning the nookkucooli publicly do not take firm action to stop it. How can they?

To make it look like they are opposing a given project to protect the people and the country, some kind of vague reason will be projected.
What these political jokers do not realize is that the people are much more aware of these manipulations and only the so called "party workers" will be vehemently supportive, since they want their cut.

We have scores and scores of instances where profit making companies and ventures closed down by unreasonable agitations and demands reducing thousands of people to penury. Now Lulu Maal, they will go to Tamil Naadu or Andhra or elsewhere and what ever they produce there the fools in Kerala will buy. We in Kerala do not want to work while in Kerala; but will work their asses off in other places, come back home and buy things from Tamil Naadu or Andhra.  

 If we are told by any scientist, there is diamond or gold or such precious deposits in abundance in Kerala, you can bet your life,  the politicians will oppose it with tooth and nail which they have in plenty (!)-that is- till they get their nookkucooli.

It is like the priests, they want money, money and money why?! "it is to to build/rebuild/beautify churches,temples and what not....... they are more insistent than the politicians and the the vaadapoodas; give us money seems to be their new mantra.  

Though people are finding it very hard to make both ends meet, the priests are not bothered, if you do not pay it is as if they have got the power to block people going to the Heaven-what a sick joke- Goonda pirivu in the name of God.

From: Thomas Mathew <>
Sent: Saturday, 25 May 2013 8:05 PM
Subject: [] Objection to Lula Mall

sIm¨n: t_mÄKm«n ]²Xnbn \n¶v Fw.F. bqk^en ]n·mdp¶Xv kzmKXmÀlsa¶v kn]nFw FdWmIpfw PnÃm sk{I«dn kn.Fw. Znt\iv aWn. IcmÀ d±m¡n `qan t]mÀ«v {Skväns\ XncnsI GÂ]n¡Ww. epep amÄ tXmSv Itbdnsb¶ hmZ¯n Dd¨p \n¡p¶psh¶pw Znt\iv aWn ]dªp

Some time back there was agitation by CPM against Reliance Super markets, and when the Reliance people met the party leaders in the right way, the agitation faded away. Here pressure is being put on Yousuf Ali to meet the Party people in the right way. Once he meets them all these protests will fade away. Though the sanction for Lulu Mall was given by LDF, it appears that Yousaf Ali did not meet the local party leaders the right way. From top to bottom this is happening in the party. In the villages it is filling of the paddy fields. If you do not see the party leaders the right way, there will be a red flag there obstructing the filling. Once you see the local party leaders the right way, the flag will disappear and the party will give you protection for the land filling.

This is the reason, the local party leaders are prospering with out doing any work and without any known sources of income. Do
any right thinking person believe that Dinsh Mani saw the land grab by Lulu only now, though it took five years for them the build it.

T. Mathew

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