Friday, 4 January 2013

Re: [] Treating People Fairly


Very nice Mr.Junaid tahir.Really very well said.Let me add my experience.I am working as an associate law officer with a reputed based solicitors firm.As a part of the work we are working for various banks.Even being an office incharge and authorized signatory of one of the branch I faced so many difficulties and still facing from some banks.My main work is to give legal opinions for mortgage loans, commercial loans etc., If the requirements are not fulfilled as per legal means i will not give opinion to any of the bank.For doing like that I am facing negative comments and criticism.Recently one credit manager appointed for a bank (very famous Bank in India) he is not satisfied with my work even though I am going strictly as per norms of the bank, but he is in a thought I am young and not enough experienced as per the age. In his thought legal advisers need more than 10 years experience.But atleast he is not thinking that I am authorized signatory for a firm which has more than 45 years background and the firm will not appoint any person with out talent .Some banks managers behave in such a way that some times I will think that they are educated or not because education should enable a person to deal appropriately with the various situations he/she faces in life. Thus, the primary difference between an educated person and someone who lacks education, is in manners. After facing some of the bank employers I am in no doubt that some so-called educated people have forgotten the true meaning of education. Regarding ethical manners only some people will value and if we follows it means some people will call it as over action/over expressing.My intention is not to judge here any one.I am just sharing my own experience.

On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 7:36 PM, Junaid Tahir> wrote:

A friend of mine is CEO of a medium size company, he says that in order to have deep understanding of the work at all levels of the company he tries to work in all domains in the company. This gives him insight of the tasks being done, associated complications, challenges and wisdom to resolve issues and optimize processes. He was telling that the job of their receptionist is tough as it involves a lot of patience. Some weeks back he sat at the reception and received the calls from their clients. Assuming that their call is being attended by the receptionist the customers talked as if they were talking to their servant. They were using harsh, rude or indecent words because of the faults related to the company products. However as soon as he introduced that he is the CEO of the company, the tone of the caller changed immediately.

While I listened to this story, I ponder that we all do the same thing in life. Our speaking tone is based on the social, professional or economical status of the person we are talking to. Which simply means that we dont treat people fairly and equally. We have a different way of talking to our personal driver, a different style of communication with our kids, an unusual way when talking to a cleaner at work and rough way of conversation at a waiter in a local restaurant. I visited a restaurant in a remote country area and I noticed that such unethical behaviors were more prominent.


This reminds me of another story: Once a protocol officer asked a lady on how she would greet the Queen of Holland when the Queen visits their city; she said that she has only one set of manner and she uses it all the time and does not want to learn a special protocol to meet and greet the Queen.


So the bottom line is that we should have one set of ethical manners for all. We should be equally kind, humble and loving regardless of the social and educational background, regardless of the current economical and professional post. Humanity deserves equality and we should all endeavor for the same.


I wrote a similar article earlier about judging people fairly. I believe that if we avoid being judgmental, we will start behaving fairly with all people. Remember, Judging people is the theoretical thing and wont make an external effect until you start showing this to others by treating them unfairly. That means Judging is more of an observatory and thought process stuff whereas treating people is the behavioral and practical thing. Judging wrongly pollutes your brains and Treating wrongly pollutes the society hence both should be avoided.


Treat the rich and the poor, the attractive and the unattractive all the same, because each one is the creation of God Himself. Each soul is unique and requires fairness. How you treat them, is a reflection of what kind of a person you are !

Aano bhadra krtavo yantu vishwatah.(- RIG VEDA)
"Let noble thoughts come to me from all directions"

Miss.Shaija Vallikatri Bhaskaran

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