Tuesday, 18 December 2012

[www.keralites.net] Khatte-mitten khabhrain from around the world for 19/12/12


Can humans swallow and breathe at the same time?
Human are the only mammals that can't perform this task. Human babies can until they re 9 months old. Then the voice box drops low in the neck allowing for a wide range of sounds for speech that other mammals don't have. But it takes away our ability to swallow, eat and drink at the same time.
Man to wife: "You paid a lot of money for your wedding dress. It seems like such a waste that you don't wear it more often."
I think it's all a matter of love. The more you love a memory, the stronger and stranger it is.
Tongue very much in cheek…
To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steel from many is research.
Line Maro
Good evening. May a thorn sit down among the roses?
(Me: Pray, how "many" do you want to deflower?)
Health tip
Massing your heels and soles with ghee can lead to a good night's sleep.
(Me: Any alternative to sleeping pills and getting addicted is well worth a try).
This India, My India!
India lost $123 billion in black money in the past 10 years: report.
(Me: Looks, Indians among the biggest god-believers are also the most dishonest, too).
80-year-old litigant dies in court…
An 80-year-old litigant – a retired Indian Army captain – died of a cardiac arrest in the Bombay high court on Tuesday while waiting for his case to be heard.
(So what – his son can follow up the case and then his grandson…)
FIR against 2 KDMT employees in engine scam..
The Kalyan Dombivli Municipal Transport on Tuesday lodged an FIR against its chief mechanic Ananta Kandam and former depot manager, Vishwanath Borchate for their alleged role in the engine scam. The employees were involved in selling brand engines from buses and replacing them with used ones.
(Me: A brand new modus operandi to milk the state's coffers..)
Raja asks his wife what gift she would covet for their 40th wedding anniversary.
"How about a diamond necklace," he asks. \"Not really," she replies.
"A trendy sports car?"
"No," she responds.
"What about a vacation home in Kerala?"
She again rejects his offer.
Exasperated, he asks her: "What do you lime, honey?"
"Raja, I'd like a divorce," she demands.
"Sorry dear. I wasn't planning to spend so much!"
An immortal truism..
"As long as there is rape… there is not going to be any peace or justice or equality or freedom" – Andrea Dworkin
"You are not only responsible for what you say, but also for what you do not say" – Martin Luther
Tongue in cheek
"A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere" – Groucho Marx.


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