Dear Mr. Mathew
I feel you could have avoided such harsh comments. We ourselves are facing problems in our own state. It is my feeling that people of other States are behaving comparatively better than people of our state as I already spent more than 40 years outside our State. Anyway such things happen everywhere.
From: shine kumar <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 4:12 PM
Subject: Re: [] Harthaal
Dear all
I have been to Delhi many times.
I would like to say that everybody in Delhi
is 100% fraud! Shop keepers, Hotelwalas ,
auto riksha peoples etc etc all are fraud.
Everybody try to cheat. The only and one
honest is Cycle Riksha pulling poor peoples.
If the capital of the country is like this
what about others. I am sure Kerala is much
less than Delhi.
Thanks & Regards
From: Thomas Mathew <>
Sent: Friday, 5 October 2012 6:40 AM
Subject: RE: [] Harthaal
Dear Keralites/ Mr. Aggarwal
I am a little surprised that the Keralites group has not given a proper reply to this Aggarwal who have called all Keralites as Idiots on the basis of his experience of Kerala for 15 days and having interacted with some touts at some tourist centers. I do not know to which State this person belongs but I am definite he is from one of the "BIMARU" (Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh), which are the most backward states of the country.
I would like to ask this Aggarwal whether he would appreciate if I say that Baniyas are semi-literate, uncultured and rude persons on the basis of his posting. I am definite other civilised Banias will take exception to it. So I advise him to be more careful when passing derogatory comments about people as a whole from a state or community.
About language, I would like to say that we Keralites prefer to communicate with people from other countries/states in English, which is the universal language. From your posting it is clear that your knowledge of English is poor and you might have been treated as a illiterate person by the people in Kerala, since you could not speak in English. So before coming to Kerala next time learn a little more English and speak in English
Before I conclude I wish to say that I reached the Delhi 40 years back and I was not foolish enough to speak in Malayalam and make people laugh at me and then say that Delhi people are allergic to Malayalam
Mr. Aggarwal, if any statement in my posting has hurt you, I do not care you asked for it by abusing all the Keralites
Thomas Mathew
Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2012 12:06:27 +0800
Subject: Re: [] Harthaal
Dear Shri Agrawal,
UNDOUBTEDLY !! Kerala is not a very hospitable State, but North is also no Better !!
Keralites, atleast "try" to speak Hindi, but how about any North Indian.
In Delhi, an outsider is taken for, not a "free" ride but a "paid" ride !!!
so this goondaism is there almost everywhere !
so please donot single out Kerala !!
From: Pramod Agrawal <>
To: Keralites <>
Sent: Wednesday, 3 October 2012 12:16 PM
Subject: Re: [] Harthaal
To: Keralites <>
Sent: Wednesday, 3 October 2012 12:16 PM
Subject: Re: [] Harthaal
Mr. Mini Sekher,
From which angle you see KERALA is a "GOD own country," I had been to kerala tour for 15 days and what I could find "Kerala is a Goonda own country" People are most idiot, arrogant and most uncortious, very intolerant, hot tempered, use to use foul language, don't have respect to other state's citizen specially to "North" Very much allergic to Hindi. In fact it is RACHAS on country , accommodating most anti social elements..
p.k. agrawal
--- On Sun, 9/30/12, mini sekhar <> wrote:
From: mini sekhar <>
Subject: Re: [] Harthaal
To: "Keralites" <>
Date: Sunday, September 30, 2012, 6:06 PMdear friends,when will our state improve? we must stand unitedly against such evils of society. it is not enough to voice our concern on net alone .how many read such mails ?have more such forums like anna hazare did / a crusader against corruption....iam sure lot of people will support thats the only way to save this so called gods own landregards miniOn Sat, Sep 29, 2012 at 11:45 AM, Saraschandra Bose <> wrote:
Dear Friends,Like bhand, hartal also is to be banned for assuring a peaceful life of the common public. Hartal is a terrorist activity, because it is force on the unorganised public by creating a terrifiing atmosphere deploying goondas by the parties declaring the hartal. It would be worth remembering that all of us including political parties were in full agreement with the idea of banning bhand. The ban essentially has to be extented on to the present day hartal, which obviously has all the evils and anti social elements of a bhand.Onrganisations and political parties have every right to protest; but that should not be an illegal intrusion into the privacy or rights of a citizens assured by the constitution. Unless the word 'hartal' is removed from the modes of protest, the general public will continue to suffer from the evils of hartal. Let us resort to other peaseful means of protest to make our social life a safe and peaseful experience in our country.With love and regardsBose--- On Fri, 9/28/12, M. Nandakumar <> wrote:From: M. Nandakumar <>
Subject: [] Harthaal
To: "Keralites" <>
Date: Friday, September 28, 2012, 2:20 PM
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