Tuesday, 13 March 2012

[www.keralites.net] Making love is to step into eternity


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Making love is to step into eternity

Making love is something too serious ...
Not just one body and another body, mixed in a bland desire, do they give these hungry trivial, born of reckless greed, appeased without zeal, 
without shame, without respect, 
given exclusively to the voracious appetite.
Making love is walking the trails of the soul, a soul groping another soul, revealing veils, uncovering deep, penetrating the hidden, unhurried, gently ...
Because the soul has a textured crystal, should be played in lightness, probed lightly ... Until the body discover each of their functions.
When the discovery happens is that the act of love begins. The hands slide over the curves, as touching the clouds, the mouth goes waking up and taking tastes, tasting the flavors, drinking the sap that flows from the springs flowing in the gifts, is the concave and convex in loving conjunction. 
Making love is Resurrection!
It is born again: the embrace that tightens without choking in the silent kiss that seat screaming, climbing the stairs that lead to heavenly joy.
You can cry, you can moan ... 
You can scream, because there has already been reached to heaven, and every sound is melodic and tune out, is low, high, low ...
Must always be missing when the chord lovers begin the miracle of the meeting.
Bodies set up, tinted souls ... There was ecstasy! It is the moment of peace .. It is the deed of serenity! And the lovers tread assumption eternities!

(author unknown)

with all my love,
Dora Saunier



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