Thursday, 6 February 2020

[] Re: [TheBecoming] मनूवाद की आतंकवाद / Terrorism of MANUvaad and also why CAA is UNCONSTITUTIONAL (explained by former Chief Justice of Delhi High Court)


Trying to unify all Hindus under one roof is like trying to bring all carnivore and herbivore under one roof and make them live in peace.
Religion has never united people.
Christianity was reasonably united when it was a mere cult in the pagan Roman empire. But once they became a political fore under Emperor Constantine in the 4th century the problems started as a result of which it split into two in 1084. Ever since it has splintered into 40000 or more denominations who do not see eye to eye.
It was the same with Islam. It was unitedd under Mohammad who was a warlord whom everyone feared. But after his death they began fighing as a result of which 3 of the 4 of his first successors as well as his graandsons were killed by other Muslims in a struggle for power.
If well defined religions like Christianity and Islam cannot keep their adherents together, how do you expect an undefinable religion like Hinduism keep their adherents united.
Right from the times of the Greek myths fathers and sons have fought each other for power though they worshiped the same gods. What make you think that it will be any different in India?
There is a social or political theory called Michel's Iron Law of Oligarchy according to which a rule by an elite, or oligarchy, is inevitable as an "iron law" within any democratic organization as part of the "tactical and technical necessities" of organization. But with the passage of time these Oligarchs will resort to undemocratic practices to capture power to suit them. This is well depicted by Orwell in his work "The Animal Farm'. It has become a reality in India where Congress came to power in the name of the people and now has deteriorated to a dynasty with scant respect for democracy.
For more on this theory of oligarchy read

On Fri, 7 Feb 2020 at 05:58, Suresh Vyas [TheBecoming] <> wrote:

The time is to create unity among all types of Hindus, and respect all for what they are.
So that with unity Bhaarat canbe made a Hindu Raashtra (Hindu State).

jaya sri krishna!

On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 4:52 PM Suresh Vyas <> wrote:
Prabhupad's disciples are Krishna Bhaktia, i.e. Vishnu Bhaktas. So, they are Bhakti Yogis.
His movement spread Krishna Bhakti (one of several Hindu ways to realize God). What they do is per Krishna's message. So, there is no reason to hate them or look down at them. Like Hindus, they do not force conversion.

jaya sri krishna!


On Mon, Feb 3, 2020 at 8:46 PM Thirumala Raya Halemane <> wrote:
yes, i read through the whole interview and the comments. looking at its history etc, my assessment is that ISKCON and other organizations (like sai baba and various others) have been like the good cop tools used by forces behind the scenes that wish to undermine and damage traditional / orthodox brahmin and hindu society cultures by affecting them in various ways, psychological and more. it is very likely that involvement of evil parts of global power structure targeting Hinduism and to use ISKCON type Hinduism in ways that will serve the strengthening of that anti-brahmin, anti-hindu, anti-india inclined global power structure in various countries of the world is very likely the goal. the interview itself is somewhat strange, also from a different era, and, mis-information, mis-understanding also there. it may have been designed to create a negative image of hindu culture and philosophy among the liberally inclined and the young, to justify anti-hindu agenda among westerners, for justifying their anti-brahmin, anti-swamijis targetings etc, to raise the west as modern and good, to put down the east as old and bad, for which they need to first create / manufacture a bad impression (justified or not), then do the real field work hit job  etc 
this email reply comment from me also unlikely to be posted to the whole group, just like various others that were not allowed in recent days, but here it is anyway. 

On Sun, Feb 2, 2020 at 9:56 AM Suresh Vyas <> wrote:
Dear Hindus,

At below link Bhaktivedant Swami Prabhupad tells how women are treated in the Vedic Culture.
Once it is understood, you will be well prepared to answer those who tell that Hindu Dharma tells to mistreat women.

jaya sri krishna!


On Sat, Feb 1, 2020 at 7:26 PM Thirumala Raya Halemane <> wrote:

my reply to the becoming group did not go through,  then I sent it to group owner
anyway, here is my reply.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Thirumala Raya Halemane <>
Date: Sat, Feb 1, 2020 at 9:01 PM
Subject: Re: [TheBecoming] मनूवाद की आतंकवाद / Terrorism of MANUvaad and also why CAA is UNCONSTITUTIONAL (explained by former Chief Justice of Delhi High Court)
To: <>
Cc: Shilpi Halemane <>, Kavi Halemane <>, Usha Halemane <>, Usha Ammankallu <>, Keshava PRASAD Halemane <>, Udaya Bhanu Halemane <>, Ravi Bhat Halemane <>, Rajendra K. Halemane <>

it is very unfortunate that inferiority complex among some hindus / Indians makes them feel afraid of what might happen if society power is entrusted to other hindus, .. poor chaps, .. paapa .. they even give example of what happened in germany with the Nazis etc .. and try to draw parallels … of course, bad things happened during the emergency rule in 1970s, during partition in 1947-48, during various Mughal expansions in the north and in the south, targeting brahmins especially …. as is well known ... . (so hindus beware of forces waiting against them )  ...
why is the currently irrelevant and unused manu smriti targeted ??? of course, to take up and try using whatever will work to induce inferiority among hindu adherents, to induce fear among lower castes, among women etc about hindu rule in order to undercut, all, psychologically, it has been, and still is, part of the anti-hindu strategy. ...

i have not read manu smriti. but anyway, even in the manu smriti design for society, I would guess that it is not raw manly power working against women to subdue them and keep them suppressed. it would be along the lines of dharma where fathers, husbands and sons serve, fulfill the needs, and protect the women.. same with the lower castes, who are also integrated into society according to their skills, abilities, contributions etc. perhaps, deviations are harshly treated to make the system strong, secure, robust. as in maintaining strict discipline that is more like in the military or in fighting wars, or similar in Islam. .. basically means deviations from mainstream not well tolerated. very strict. 

it does not mean there is psychological suppression of women by fathers, husbands, sons, many of whom would probably consult the woman / women in the house before taking decisions, in other words doing what they desire or is good for them, while under their care. perhaps most societies have operated this way, being respectful of their women. 

it is love, not discrimination.  modern technology, industrialization and high technology globalization has changed the way people live, and societies are transforming, women roles also changing somewhat, but not entirely of course.

so, these people who are doing this type of criticism have to understand better, and love to understand hindu sanatana dharma culture / civilization by throwing away their bias and hatred against it, and bias / hatred against hindus in power, if any, and by shedding off the inferiority complex that has seeped into hindu society for decades and centuries because of various reasons. inferiority complex is basically, at its core, comes because of negativity towards one's own self. the solution is to mentally replace it with positivity / LOVE..  

On Sat, Feb 1, 2020 at 4:31 PM Suresh Vyas [TheBecoming] <> wrote:

Hindus have no interest to learn Dharma from you.
They will learn Dharma from a bonafide Dharma aacharya in guru shishya paramparaa.

Additionally, Manu Smrit was never a book used in any Hindu Court.
We have many Dharma Shaastra, so do not depend solely on Manu Smriti.
You are an anti-Hindu hiding behind a Hindu name.
You please take me out of the email distribution.

jaya sri krishna!

On Sat, Feb 1, 2020 at 2:00 PM Viswa Ghosh [TheBecoming] <> wrote:


After dictating the rules for various castes, in Chapter 5 of MANUSMRITI, what did MANU recommend for women? 

  • एषां शौचविधिः कृत्स्नो द्रव्यशुद्धीस तथा-एव च।  उक्तो वः सर्ववर्णांनां स्त्रीणां धर्मान निबोधत।। (5. 146 )
Thus the rules of personal purification for men of all castes (varna / jaati), and those of cleaning (inanimate) things, have been fully declared to you: hear now the duties (dharma) of women.

  • बालया वा युवत्या वा वृध्दया वा-अपि योषिता। न स्वतन्त्रयेणं कर्त्तव्य किं चिद कार्यं गृहेष्व अपि।। (5 . 147 )
For a girl, for a young woman, or even for an aged one, nothing must be done independently (by her), even in her own house.

  • बाल्ये पितुर वशे तिष्ठेत पांणीग्राहस्य यौवने। पुत्राणां भर्तरि प्रेते न भजेत स्त्री स्वतंत्रताम।। (5 . 148 )
In childhood a female must be subject to her father, in youth to her husband, when her husband (lord) is dead, to her sons; a woman must never be independent.

If you are already horrified with what is recommended in the GREAT books of hindutva FASCISM, you may want to check out why CAA is unconstitutional as explained by former Chief Justice of Delhi High Court and former Chairman of the Law Commission (Ajit Prakash Shah)....

  Next, we will cover why an unconstitutional CAA will impact crores of non-Muslims and Muslims...  


First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

(Martin Niemöller - a German Theologian, 14 January 1892 – 6 March 1984)

Jaya Sri KrishNa!

Suresh Vyas

Jaya Sri KrishNa!

Suresh Vyas

Jaya Sri KrishNa!

Suresh Vyas

Jaya Sri KrishNa!

Suresh Vyas


"All new ideas good or bad, great or small start with a one-man minority" - anonymous

A man without god is a man. A God without man is nothing!!

The greatest knowledge is the knowledge that there is so much more to know and the greatest discovery is the discovery that there is so much more to discover


Posted by: Xavier William <>
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