Wednesday, 20 January 2016

[] 10 Tell-Tale Symptoms of Hypothyroidism


Symptoms of Hypothyroidism

If you're constantly sleepy and can't lose weight, then it's possible you have hypothyroidism, a condition that affects millions of people around the world.In the human body, thethyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland at the base of the neck that secretes two very important hormones – thyroxine and thyroid stimulating hormone. When hypothyroidism is present in an individual, levels of thyroxine are normal to low, whereas levels of thyroid stimulating hormone are elevated.

In turn, these hormone imbalances cause the pituitary gland to work harder than it normally should, as it tries to bring hormone levels back into balance. Thyroxine and thyroid-stimulating hormones are highly important because they regulate energy, body temperature, food digestion, and many major organs, such as the heart, brain liver, kidneys and skin.

In addition to sleepiness and the inability to lose weight, other symptoms of hypothyroidism include feeling foggy and sluggish. It is an incredibly prevalent condition, with about 10 million people in the USA alone being afflicted by it.

Hypothyroidism can be caused by a number of things, such as genetic predisposition to an autoimmune disorder called Hashimoto's thyroiditis. It can be diagnosed by a simple blood test, and can often be fixed with the right prescription. Here are 10 signs that you might have hypothyroidism:

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1. Constant Tiredness

While there are many causes for tiredness and fatigue, the symptoms are strongly linked to hypothyroidism. Ifhypothyroidismis the cause of these symptoms, they can be countered by exercising and increasing physical activity. 2. Weight Gain

If you've gained quite a bit of weight recently, but you're at a loss as to why, then the cause might be hypothyroidism. The condition causes metabolic function to slow down. Even if you happen to be dieting and exercising regularly, you will not be able to lose any extra pounds, because your body accumulates water and salt when your thyroid is sluggish.

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3. Forgetfulness

Cognitive function takes a hit when your thyroid isn't working properly. Hormone imbalances as a result of this malfunctioning, can cause forgetfulness and poor memory. Seeing as this hormone deficiency or imbalance slows everything down, your neurological function could be affected after some time. 4. High Cholesterol Levels

Although it isn't typical for a doctor to look for thyroid problems during a check-up, they're likely to measure cholesterol levels. If they are elevated, they could also point to a thyroid problem. This is because hypothyroidismcan reduce clearance of cholesterol particles in the body. If you're looking to lower these levels, a good food to try is overnight oats.

5. Little Interest in Sex

Having little to no interest in sex can also point to a thyroid disorder. This is because of the relationship between thyroid function and adrenal glands, which are the organs that control sexual hormones, like testosterone. In a nutshell, low levels of thyroid hormones can also result in low levels of sex hormones. 6. Feeling Gloomy or Depressed

One of the more debilitating side-effects of hypothyroidism is feeling down in the dumps or depressed. While depression can, of course, be related to other things, it can be a sign of hypothyroidism, especially when it is experienced in conjunction with one or more of the other symptoms that are mentioned in this list.

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7. Dry Skin

If you've desperately been trying to add moisture to your skin seemingly to no avail, it could also be a sign of a thyroid problem. Changes in texture and appearance could be as a result of low thyroid function. You should especially be concerned if your dry skin is compounded with brittle nails, poor wound healing and hair loss. Make it a priority to see a doctor if you're experiencing these things in combination.

8. Constipation

Being unable to go can be caused by an under-active thyroid. Seeing as the thyroid gland regulates metabolism, under activity can slow down digestive tract action. This can also weaken the contraction of the muscles that line the digestive tract. This causes your stools to move through your intestine far too slowly. Eating fiber-rich foods can help with constipation, but if symptoms persist, then it's time to head to your doctor. 9. Sore Muscles

If you exercise regularly, then it's normal to experience muscle fatigue, however if the fatigue feels constant, it could be linked to a thyroid problem. The hormones that regulate metabolism can affect how your muscles feel if they are at low levels. To counter these symptoms, do low-impact exercises like elliptical stepping or swimming. Also, consider increasing the amount of fish in your diet.

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10. Feeling Cold

Wearing many different layers in the middle of summer obviously isn't normal, and if you're doing so, you might be suffering from hypothyroidism. The thyroid gland regulates body temperature, and its function is affected if it is producing too little thyroid hormone. Body temperature tends to decrease as a result of this, because less energy is being burned by downstream cell targets. Less energy together with a slow metabolism means less heat.

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