Re-sending from the ARCHIVES for my readers of yester years and the new readers since the world situation so warrants before the Lord's return in the MID-AIR above the Clouds (Rapture)... and after 7 years of Tribulation HE Physically, literally and visually coming to earth take over the world government after destroying the entire world structures and most of the human species, animals, birds and even see animal etc; except 1/3rd of ISRAEL and those gentiles who supported them in their final diasporah that is coming...
The EARTH will remain in completely CRUSHED fashion (except east Jerusalem) just like Indian Fried PAPPAD or American potatoe Chips having CRUSHED in our hands adding the color of the burning oil smoke throughout the world. I gave the definition of the "EARTH and the WORLD" separately before. Pls. check Webster's or any good dictionary.
Why I wrote this again?... Some of the greatest Prophecy teachers whom I respect and love and pray for and even learn from them are misguiding people that "WORLD will NEVER END". They are quoting some OBSCURE passages to prove that. Very many great theologians have expressed displeasure at the above misguided teaching!! I can quote couple of hundred clear cut passages to prove that 'This WORLD with it's SYSTEM will end like NOAH's time..... Nothing will remain as it is and my God is NOT going to keep3 BILLION Christ rejecting rebellious people on earth to start with His 1000 year (millennium reign) on this earth... He is going tore_ populate the entire re-conditioned earth with minimal number of HOLY people (Israel and limited number of gentiles who supported Israel... His brotheren).... I studied this ESCHATOLOGY9 solid times from every angle... I too know some Greek and Hebrew. Because I have NO business in misguiding any one or print some books to make some money!! I have also written a simple article explaining the "MILLENNIUM REIGN of CHRIST on EARTH". If anyone wants I can re-send it. Ok. The correct usage is "END of the AGE"..... Billy Graham uses both. End of the WORLD (system) and 'End of the Age... That is the correct way......So, let us get ready for the RAPTURE of the HOLY CHURCH....!!
Dear Friends in Christ: HOW to be BORN AGAIN : What does it mean??
"I tell you the TRUTH, NO ONE can see the kingdom of God unless he/or she is BORN AGAIN" John 3:3. The quoted passage is right from the lips of the Lord Jesus Christ when He was on earth as a PERFECT man. He was talking to Nicodemus, a theological Professor, a member of the ruling council among Pharisees, a very devoted Old Testament believer of JEHOVAH God who observed the LAWS of the Old Testament to the best of his knowledge and ability. If he was alive today and living in a good Bible based Church he would have been selected as a Presiding Bishop! Jesus knew all his qualifications and GOOD DEEDS.
Yet Jesus said like this again in vs.5-8 "Unless a person is BORN of WATER and the SPIRIT he/or she CANNOT enter the kingdom of GOD". Pls. read the full text from vs.3 to 21. Water here represents the WORD of God.... Not water Baptism..... That is elsewhere all over we find in the Book of Acts. The Spirit here represents The HOLY SPIRIT.... not human spirit. In short our Lord was teaching this great man of God in the Old Testament that none of his or our qualifications or GOOD WORKS makes us eligible to inherit the Kingdom of God. Our major parent churches forgot this very TRUTH for 1800/1900 years and went in their own ways that DISPLEASED God of the Bible completely. Let me make it very simple for most of you. Gospel is simple....
WE all know that we have NATURAL BIRTH. Here He is talking about 2nd birth which means Spiritual Birth. Natural birth alone is NOT enough by being born in a Christian family or other religions in order to get to heaven where God resides... Or being baptized in a Church (water Baptism) .Christ is talking here about the SPIRIT BAPTISM (H.SP). The Holy Spirit convicts a person through the WORD of God and the person's heart becomes TENDER and then some tears come outand that moment God knows He is ready to get in and then Christ takes permanent residence in that person's heart in the person of the HOLY SPIRIT. Then He becomes a true Christian......... Not a nominal one. Even some good preachers do not explain the full meaning of being BORN AGAIN.
They just say like this "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved. And go to church/or Bible based Church and get baptised. You are born again now" Many non-Christians believe on the Lord through their heads or intellectually. Even the DEVIL believes in Jesus..... But he never obeys Him!!! So, all preachers MUST explain thoroughly about what are the things involved in becoming a "TRUE CHRISTIAN or BORN AGAIN BELIEVER "who will inherit the Kingdom of God. So, I am going to put few factors requiring or involved in becoming a TRUE FOLLOWER of CHRIST, being the ALMIGHTY GOD who said "I AM the WAY, TRUTH and the LIFE and NO ONE COMES to the FATHER except THROUGH ME". FACTORS INVOLVED:
1. By Faith you have to recognize that JESUS CHRIST is GOD, the ALMIGHTY and NO OTHER GOD.
2. You have to recognise that you are a SINNER by birth and practice and you are UNWORTHY in every fashion before a HOLY and RIGHTEOUS GOD. Through our ORIGINAL PARENTS' sin which is passed on to you through your parents.
3. You have to believe in the miraculous VIRGIN BIRTH of Jesus Christ who came in the Flesh from heaven and He was born SINLESSLY.
4. You have to believe in your heart/mind that Jesus suffered for you, shed BLOOD for you and went to the CROSS, took your place and died for your sins as your SUBSTITUTE (you were the one supposed to be on the CROSS, but He took your place) and He ROSE on the 3rd day according to the predictions of the Scriptures. The Father RAISED Him and He is still LIVING forever and ever.
5. Now believing all these things in your head intellectually you come to Him by FAITH with real tears REPENTENCE and CONFESSION (repentance means turning your life around 180 degrees) and ask Him to come inside of your heart (means RECEIVING Him in the heart ) John 1:12 which says "Yet to all who RECEIVED Him, to those who BELIEVED in His name He (CHRIST) gave the RIGHT to become "CHILDREN of GOD") vs.13 says about the 'NATURAL BORN of NATURAL DESCENT and BORN of GOD"or Spiritually Born Children..... Pls. read the whole text John1:9-13.
6. The moment you do the above the HOLY SPIRIT comes inside. You are washed thoroughly by the precious BLOOD of JESUS; your name is written in the LAMB's book of Life in heaven. You will become a BORN AGAIN Believer, but as a little child in the spiritual family in the Kingdom of God who needs nurturing and Spiritual growth by AVOIDING all bad habits which includes all IMPURITIES and IMMORAL life Style like fornication, adultery, porn's and paramedical services of that kind of Filthy lifestyle....... Walk in fullOBEDIENCE, DEDICATION, COMMITMENT and SERVICE to your MASTER/HUSBAND with whom you have been UNITED in Holy Matrimony (union with Christ/Oneness with Christ... that inseparable Union)/or Betrothed)
7. You MUST be FAITHFUL to Him as a good wife is always faithful to her husband.... If you stray HE will spank you, Warn you, Hit you and Hit you Hard to get your attention back to Him....... Otherwise He will even take your life away from this world in order to prevent putting black spot on Christ's face (read 1st Corinthians). And if you are a Born again believer (the genuine one) walking in any kind of SIN or Filthy life or Luke Warm life or careless life HE will let you go through this coming horrible '7 YEAR TRIBULATION' or the earthly final 'BAPTISM of FIRE' as a purification process for your FINAL entry in to Heaven if you DO NOT accept the number ''666' (of Revelation 13).. OK my friends.
8. Now after you become a BORN AGAIN believer you have to open your MOUTH make CONFESSION of your Faith publicly when ever and where ever possible. You cannot HIDE your Christianity.....True Christianity is NOT a RELIGION at all. IT is a "PERSONAL and INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP with the RISEN LORD, JESUS CHRIST who alone is the TRUE GOD" according to BIBLE, the only True Book in the World.
So, Dear Pastors / Achans / and Bishops: Please explain these things clearly when you present the Gospel and teach the word of God. Otherwise multiplied millions of youngsters (boys and girls and even adults) in the western world will perish in their Sinfulness and go through the TRIBULATION. What about the other parts of the World? What about Kerala Christians? What about name sake Christians who are brain washed by their clergy and Hierarchy?.
If these Instructions are NOT enough for you I urge you to get this Book written by Dr. Billy Graham : "HOW to be BORN AGAIN".......
This is Not a Pentecostal, Evangelical or Baptist concept the word "BORN AGAIN". This is the BIBLICAL CONCEPT!! This is the Idea of Christ, our Lord. May the Holy Spirit of God minister to all preachers, even the T.V. Evangelists to teach every one the RIGHT way to become BORN AGAIN believers..... There is nothing like born again Christian...... There is ONLY ONE kind in the Christiandom .... That is "A CHRISTIAN" who is a SPIRITUALLY BORN BELIEVER.
God Bless. Hope to see all of you in the RAPTURE!!!!!!!
In Christ's love. Prince.
General Director Prince Thankachan's Internet/Evangelistic/and Prophetic Ministries,
Intl. (INDIA and USA)
NOTE: Permission granted for FORWARDING all my articles to any one you may prefer to send and get saved....
Be a Blessing to someone who needs your help in these END TIMES. Regards. Prince. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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