Nothing beats fresh, home-grown fruits and vegetables – no pesticides, non-GMO, nothing but organic goodness. However, not all of us have a garden in which to grow them, which is a shame. Not all is lost though – you can grow many vegetables and fruits in your own home. All you're going to need is patience, a few pots, and a window that lets in some sunshine. Here are some fruits and vegetables you can grow inside the home, and how to do so: Grapes |
You may find it hard to believe, but grapes are perfectly suitable for indoor cultivation. All you need is a warm room with a south-facing window that lets in plenty of sunshine.- The varieties most suitable for indoor cultivation are Muscat of Alexandria and any other close members of that variety.
- Grapevines have long roots, so you will need a deep pot.
- Grapevines need soil with proper drainage, so use a pot with drainage holes and line the bottom with small rocks before adding the soil and planting the vine.
- Grapevines are creeper plants, so place the pot next to a wall or a shelf that will allow the plant to climb up and support it.
- Planting time is early spring. Water the plant once a week. Use potassium-rich fertilizer.
Celery |
Planting celery doesn't require seeds or seedlings – all you'll need is the ends of the celery.- Save the bottom inch and a half of the celery stalk.
- Place the stalk in a small water bowl, root side down, next to a sunny window.
- Within 3 days the celery will start sending out roots, when that occurs you can transfer it into a medium-sized pot while making sure that the top is above ground.
- Place the pot next to a window with plenty of sunshine. As long as you water the celery, it will keep growing. If you harvest smaller stalks each time, you'll enjoy an endless supply.
Green Onions |
the celery, green onions can be grown indoors indefinitely. Every time you want some, just harvest a couple of stems.- Cut off the bottoms of a few green onions.
- Place the bottoms in little containers (shot glasses are perfect) with water.
- Change the water daily and leave the onions next to a well-lit window.
- The stems will sprout within days. Cut off as much as you need while leaving the bottoms in the water containers.
Basil |
Nothing beats fresh basil when cooking, plus – the scent of basil is an effective mosquito repellant.- Basil can grow and become a huge bush, but if kept in a medium-sized pot it can be perfect for indoor cultivation.
- It is best to start with a seedling, but you can also use seeds.
- Basil needs good drainage and a lot of sunshine. In addition, basil doesn't cope well with cold temperatures.
- Water the plant every 2-3 days.
- It is recommended that you use high-quality soil, and use fertilizer once every 2-3 weeks.
Tomatoes |
Surprisingly, tomatoes are quite suitable for indoor cultivation. If you do not have a lot of space, a cherry tomato plant will be best.- Choose your preferred variety of tomato – regular tomatoes need deep pots, while cherry tomatoes can handle smaller pots.
- Place the pot near a south-facing window, as they need a lot of sunshine.
- When the plants bloom, they will need help with pollination. Open the window to allow for insects to pollinate it, or use a fan on a low setting to blow the pollen around.
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Eggplants |
tomatoes, eggplants are well-suited for home growing. It is advisable that you use the smaller varieties to save space.- Eggplants require deep pots to grow well. Proper drainage is also highly recommended.
- The plant requires a lot of sunlight, so place it by as south-facing window.
- Once the first inch of soil feels dry, water the plant.
- Eggplants require fertilization every 3-4 weeks.
Onions |
Save up the bottom ends of the onion to enjoy a new onion in weeks.- When cutting an onion, save about an inch of the bottom part with the dried-up roots. If you save more of the onion – it'll grow faster.
- Let the cut end of the onion dry out for a few hours. Once it is dry, you can plant the onion in soil.
- Use a medium-sized pot and place it by a south-facing window. Form a small crater in the pot and place the onion in it. Cover the onion with about an inch of soil.
- Water the pot regularly. Once some stems appear, the onion can be split into several individual plants, each of which will become a whole new onion.
- Cut the leaves to about a third of their full size to cause the onion to grow bigger.