Monday 7 October 2013

[] Simplicity Is The Key


When It Comes To Happiness, Simplicity Is Key


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In our ongoing quest for happiness and contentment,
we often find ourselves accumulating ever increasing piles of
stuff. However, the more stuff we accumulate, the more we
begin to realize that we dont feel happier at all; we feel
overwhelmed, crowded and scattered.


How easy it is to forget that when it comes to
happiness, simplicity is key! Even though we know on some level
that all this stuff wont make us happy, we still keep getting
pulled in by clever marketing and our own constant yearning for
something more.


But what if the something more we crave is not
more stuff but rather simplicity and order? What if, by
simplifying our lives we could finally enjoy a deeper sense of
freedom, peace and happiness?


If youre ready to stop living under the hypnotic
spell of more stuff, here are three easy ways to begin
simplifying your life
and enjoying a happier, more
peaceful way of life:

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1. Clear out your home, vehicle and


Are you surrounded by stacks of books youve already
read, DVDs or videos youve seen dozens of times and
miscellaneous clutter covering every available surface? Is your
vehicle a catch basin for trash and belongings you havent put
away? Is your workspace crowded with old paperwork? Clear it all
out! When you start clearing out your surroundings, youll
notice immediately that you feel lighter and less scattered.



2. Clear your mind.


Are you constantly burdened by worrisome or negative
thoughts? A chaotic life can increase anxiety and stress, which
can make you feel scattered and forgetful. Begin a daily
practice of clearing your mind through meditation. Set aside 10
minutes once or twice a day to let go of anxious thoughts and
focus on nothing. Sit in silence or listen to soothing music,
but focus only on your breathing and being in the moment. Doing
this on a regular basis will help you feel more centered, calm
and focused.


3. Achieve closure.


Do you have a lot of unresolved issues, unpaid bills
or otherwise unfinished projects? When did you last file away
old paperwork or kiss a bad habit goodbye? When we leave things
unfinished in our lives, we tend to carry them with us mentally
and emotionally until we officially release them. Over time,
youll feel the weight of these situations if you dont resolve
them once and for all. Start by thinking about your old
relationships. Have you left things unsaid? Have you refused to
let go of someone emotionally even if you have moved on
physically? Write a letter and tell those people everything you
want them to know. You dont have to mail the letter so you can
easily use the process for people you no longer see or even
those who are deceased. Simply write out your thoughts and
feelings on the matter, then either burn the paper or rip it
into shreds and throw it away. As you do so, affirm that you are
releasing the situation once and for all, and you are now free
from any lingering emotional or mental burdens regarding it.


Also be sure to achieve closure on everything else

that you can, like canceling old memberships or subscriptions
you no longer need, filing away paperwork that is no longer
needed, and completing projects youve started. With closure
comes peace, and with peace usually comes greater happiness!

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