Monday 20 May 2013

[] Animal captions by E.George Strasser

Mother Nature used all her leftover paint on this guy

.....And I only have eyes for you dear

Mom, I'm getting a stiff neck

What do you mean dad died in the wool?

The tower said this runway was clear to land...

That electric fence does that to my tail every time.

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No, you can't have a pencil ....... those are feathers on my head.

I'm the steed for the headless horseman

Heading to the zoo to open some cages

Is this thing on, or did that Gecko short it out again?

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Cuban Ferry boat.

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Hey, Can you guys keep the noise down

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Now what pocket did I put my keys in?

Yuk the water is freezing today.

I always wanted a dog, and he wanted a Teddy bear

Now where the heck is that kid again? Come on old man, I'll help you cross the street.

GOTCHA............. Where'd he go ?

Man, this is harder to lift than that rubber tree plant in high hopes .

Back in the day we called this "necking"

MY imitation of a politician.

You don't have to use the bathroom every time you fly over

I said Yes to this dress for my wedding

Halt WHOOOO goes there?

The tongue is faster than the fly.

Like my new shoes?

What do you mean my outfit looks cheap ? Oh, you said sheep.

Like my new collar? Its "Van Neptune"

Want to hear a sad story? I just to kicked out of the Audubon Club.

Hey, didn't you see the sign? NO HITCH HIKERS.

No, go back to sleep you don't need another glass of water

Soccer moms talking to the coach

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